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发布时间:2022-01-24 21:40:12

『壹』 安立佳的科研成果

1、卢宇源; *安立佳; 王十庆; 王振纲, 启动剪切下缠结高分子流体应力过冲的本质, 2014年全国高分子材料科学与工程研讨会, 2014/10/12-2014/10/16, 成都, 2014/10/12, 特邀报告.
2、*Gao, Hui-Min; Lu, Zhong-Yuan; Liu, Hong; Sun, Zhao-Yan; An, Li-Jia, Orientation and surface activity of Janus particles at fluid-fluid interfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141(13), 2014/10/7.
3、李思佳; 张万喜; 蒋放; 卢宇源; 石彤非; 安立佳, 高分子薄膜去润湿孔增长动力学, Acta Polymerica Sinica, 09期, pp 1174-1182, 2014/9/20.
4、Li, Si-jia; Zhang, Wan-xi; Jiang, Fang; *Lu, Yu-yuan; Shi, Tong-fei; An, Li-jia, Dynamics of Hole Growing in Polymer Thin Films ring Dewetting, Acta Polymerica Sinica, 9期, pp 1174-1182, 2014/9/20.
5、Duan, Xiaozheng; Zhang, Ran; Li, Yunqi; Yang, Yongbiao; *Shi, Tongfei; An, Lijia; Huang, Qingrong, Effect of polyelectrolyte adsorption on lateral distribution and dynamics of anionic lipids: a Monte Carlo study of a coarse-grain model, European Biophysics Journal, 43(8-9), pp 377-391, 2014/9.
6、*Duan, Xiaozheng; Li, Yunqi; Zhang, Ran; Shi, Tongfei; An, Lijia; Huang, Qingrong, Compositional redistribution and dynamic heterogeneity in mixed lipid membrane inced by polyelectrolyte adsorption: Effects of chain rigidity, European Physical Journal E, 37(8), 2014/8/22.
7、Cui-Liu Fu; Xue-Zhi Jia; Zhao-Yan Sun; Li-Jia An, Effect of chain composition on the mechanical response of structural gel: A molecular dynamics simulation, Polymer, 55(17), pp 4538-4545, 2014/8/18.
8、Lu, Yuyuan; *An, Lijia; Wang, Shi-Qing; Wang, Zhen-Gang, Coupled Effect of Orientation, Stretching and Retraction on the Dimension of Entangled Polymer Chains ring Startup Shear, Macromolecules, 47(15), pp 5432-5435, 2014/8/12.
9、卢宇源; 安立佳; 王十庆; 王振纲, 缠结高分子非线性流变学理论研究的机遇与挑战, 中国化学会第29届学术年会, p 1, 中国北京, 2014/8/4.
10、卢宇源; 安立佳; 王振纲, 高分子特性粘度的普适性理论, 中国化学会第29届学术年会, p 1, 中国北京, 2014/8/4.
11、Liu LiJun; *Chen JiZhong; Chen WenDuo; Li LiangYi; An LiJia, Diffusion behavior of polyelectrolytes in dilute solution: coupling effects of hydrodynamic and Coulomb interactions, Science China Chemistry, 57(7), pp 1048-1052, 2014/7.
12、Liu LiJun; *Chen JiZhong; Chen WenDuo; Li LiangYi; An LiJia, Diffusion behavior of polyelectrolytes in dilute solution: coupling effects of hydrodynamic and Coulomb interactions, Science China Chemistry, 57(7), pp 1048-1052, 2014/7.
13、Lu, Yuyuan; *An, Lijia; Wang, Shi-Qing; Wang, Zhen-Gang, Origin of Stress Overshoot ring Startup Shear of Entangled Polymer Melts, ACS Macro Letters, 3(6), pp 569-573, 2014/6.
14、Lu, Yuyuan; *An, Lijia; Wang, Shi-Qing; Wang, Zhen-Gang, Origin of Stress Overshoot ring Startup Shear of Entangled Polymer Melts, ACS Macro Letters, 3(6), pp 569-573, 2014/6.
15、李良一; 李占伟; 付翠柳; 孙昭艳; 安立佳; 孙延波, Monte Carlo模拟研究剪切对嵌段共聚物溶液溶胶-凝胶转变行为的影响, 高等学校化学学报, 05期, pp 1068-1074, 2014/5/10.
16、*Xu, Xiaolei; Chen, Jizhong; An, Lijia, Shear thinning behavior of linear polymer melts under shear flow via nonequilibrium molecular dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics, 140(17), 2014/5/7.
17、*Xu, Xiaolei; Chen, Jizhong; An, Lijia, Shear thinning behavior of linear polymer melts under shear flow via nonequilibrium molecular dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics, 140(17), 2014/5/7.
18、Li-Jun Liu; Wen-Duo Chen; Ji-Zhong Chen; Li-Jia An, Tumbling dynamics of indivial absorbed polymer chains in shear flow, Chinese Chemical Letters, 25(5), pp 670-672, 2014/5.
19、Li Liangyi; Li Zhanwei; Fu Cuiliu; *Sun Zhaoyan; An Lijia; Sun Yanbo, Monte Carlo Simulation of the Shear Effects on the Sol-gel Transition of Block Copolymers in Solution, Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities, 35(5), pp 1068-1074, 2014/5.
20、Liu, Li-Jun; Chen, Wen-Duo; *Chen, Ji-Zhong; An, Li-Jia, Tumbling dynamics of indivial absorbed polymer chains in shear flow, Chinese Chemical Letters, 25(5), pp 670-672, 2014/5.

『贰』 宣益民的科研成果

1、Yuanpei Xu; *Yimin Xuan; Lili Yang, Full-spectrum photon management of solar cell structures for photovoltaic–thermoelectric hybrid systems, Energy Conversion and Management, 103卷, pp 533-541, 2015/10.
2、Yong Chen; *Yimin Xuan, The influence of surface roughness on nanoscale radiative heat flux between two objects, Journal of Quantitative Spectros and Radiative Transfer, 158卷, pp 52-60, 2015/6.
3、Da Yun; *Xuan Yimin, Effect of temperature on performance of nanostructured silicon thin-film solar cells, Solar Energy, 115卷, pp 109-119, 2015/5.
4、Qiang Li; XinYi Zhu; YiMin Xuan, Modeling heat generation in high power density nanometer scale GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs PHEMT, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 81卷, pp 130-136, 2015/2.
5、Pengfei Xu; Qiang Li; Yimin Xuan, Enhanced boiling heat transfer on composite porous surface, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 80卷, pp 107-114, 2015/1.
6、Lili Yang; *Yimin Xuan, Broadband and multi angle enhanced antireflection ofsilicon solar cells by compound random nanostructures, Journal of Quantitative Spectros & Radiative Transfer, 151卷, pp 5-12, 2015 1月.
7、Li Qiang; Zhu Xinyi; *Xuan Yimin, Modeling heat generation in high power density nanometer scale GaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs PHEMT, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 81卷, pp 130-136, 2015.
8、*Li Qiang; Tie Peng; Xuan Yimin, Investigation on heat transfer feature of R134a spray cooling, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 60卷, pp 182-187, 2015.
9、Jin Zhang; *Yimin Xuan; Lili Yang, Performance estimation of photovoltaic–thermoelectric hybrid systems, Energy, 78卷, pp 895-903, 2014/12/15.
10、Desong Fan; Qiang Li; Yimin Xuan; Ping Dai, Variable emissivity property of magnetron sputtering thermochromic film, Thin Solid Films, 570卷, pp 123-128, 2014/11/3.
11、张玉涛; *宣益民, 宽光谱太阳能电池减反表面光谱特性研究, 2014中国工程热物理学会传热传质学学术会议, 2014/10/31-2014/11/2, 西安, 2014/10/31.
12、笪云; *宣益民, 纳米结构硅薄膜太阳电池的温度特性研究, 2014中国工程热物理学会传热传质学学术会议, 2014/10/31-2014/11/2, 西安, 2014/10/31.
13、徐元培; *宣益民; 杨理理, 纳米表面二维周期复合结构全波段光谱控制特性研究, 2014中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议, 2014/10/31-2014/11/2, 西安, 2014/10/31.
14、杨理理; *宣益民, 亚波长缓变折射率结构热辐射光谱特性研究, 2014中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议, 2014/10/31-2014/11/2, 西安, 2014/10/31.
15、Cui Tengfei; Li Qiang; *Xuan Yimin, Characterization and application of engineered regular rough surfaces in thermal contact resistance, Applied Thermal Engineering, 71(1), pp 400-409, 2014/10/5.
16、段慧玲; 宣益民, 等离激元纳米流体的光热特性研究, 中国科学:技术科学, 08期, pp 833-838, 2014/8/20.
17、Yutao Zhang; *Yimin Xuan, Bioinspired structured surface for wide-band antireflection, The 2nd International Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation, 2014/6/7-2014/6/9, Shanghai, 2014/6/7.
18、Yimin Xuan, An overview of micro/nanoscaled thermal radiation and its applications, Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 12(2), pp 93-113, 2014/4.
19、*宣益民, 纳米流体能量传递理论与应用, 中国科学:技术科学, 03期, pp 269-279, 2014/3/20.
20、Peng Tie; Qiang Li; Yimin Xuan, Heat transfer performance of Cu–water nanofluids in the jet arrays impingement cooling system, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 77卷, pp 199-205, 2014/3.

『叁』 科研之友的主要功能


『肆』 郑志明的科研成果

1、HaiyinLi; ZhikunShe,Uniqueness of periodic solutions of a nonautonomous density dependent predator-prey system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 422(2), pp 886-905, 2015.
2、孙玉文; 徐金亭; 任斐; 郭强,复杂曲面高性能多轴精密加工技术与方法, 科学出版社, 2014/12/1.
3、Hoon Hong; Xiaoxian Tang; Bican Xia,Special Algorithm for Stability Analysis of Multistable Biological Regulatory Systems, Journal of Symbolic Computation, 39卷, 2014/10/2.
4、Yuwen Sun; Yang Zhao; Jinting Xu; Dongming Guo,The feedrate scheling of parametric interpolator with geometry, process and drive constraints for multi-axis CNC machine tools, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 85卷, pp 49-57, 2014/10/1.
5、韩晓旭; 孙兰银; 朱春钢,构造多管道过渡曲面的toric曲面方法, 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报, 26卷, pp 1639-1945, 2014/10/1.
6、Shu Yan; Shaoting Tang; Sen Pei;*Zhiming Zheng,Seasonal epidemics immunization on correlated networks, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 631卷, pp 976-979, 2014/9/1.
7、Jianfeng Zhou; Yuwen Sun; Dongming Guo,Adaptive feedrate interpolation withmulticonstraints for five-axis parametric toolpath, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 71卷, pp 1873-1882, 2014/8/1.
8、Teng, Xian; Yan, Shu; Tang, Shaoting; Pei, Sen; Li, Weihua;*Zheng, Zhiming,Indivial behavior and social wealth in the spatial public goods game, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 402卷, pp 141-149, 2014/5/15.
9、Juan Chen; Chongjun Li,A quadrilateral spline element for couple stress/strain gradient elasticity, Computers and Structures, 138卷, pp 133-141, 2014/5/1.
10、Li Weihua; Tang Shaoting; Pei Sen; Yan Shu; Jiang Shijin; Teng Xian;*Zheng Zhiming,The rumor diffusion process with emergingindependent spreaders in complex networks, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications, 397卷, pp 121-128, 2014/3/1.
11、Ren-Hong Wang; Qing-Jie Guo; Chun-Gang Zhu; Chun-Jing Li,Multivariate Spline Approximation of the Signed Distance Function, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 265卷, pp 276-289, 2014/2/1.
12、Qiang Guo; Yuwen Sun; Ya Jiang; Dongming Guo,Prediction of stability limit for multi-regenerative chatter in high performance milling, International Journal of Dynamics and Control, 2卷, pp 35-45, 2014/2/1.
13、孙玉文; 赵洋; 贾振元; 郭东明,跃度约束的数控加工进给率的离线规划方法, 中国, 中华人民共和国知识产权局, 201410013031.0.
14、Linping Peng; Zhaosheng Feng; Changjian Liu,Quadratic perturbations of a quadratic reversible Lotka-Volterra system with two centers, Discrete and Continuous Differential Systems, Vol. 34, pp 4807-4826, 2014.
15、Xuhua Cheng; Zhikun She,A Note on the Existence of a SmaleHorseshoe in the Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2014卷, 2014.
16、Linping Peng; You Li,On the limit cycles bifurcating from a quadratic reversible center of genus one, Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, 11卷, pp 373-392, 2014.
17、Linping Peng; Zhaosheng Feng,Bifurcation of limit cycles from quartic isochronous centers, Electronic Journal of Differential Equations, Vol. 2014, pp 1-14, 2014.
18、Zhenghong Chen; Xiaoxian Tang; Bican Xia,Hierarchical Comprehensive Triangular Decomposition, Mathematical Software – ICMS, 1406卷, pp 434-441, 2014.
19、Linping Peng; Zhaosheng Feng,Bifurcation of critical periods from a quartic isochronous center, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 24, pp 1-16, 2014.
20、Jingjun Han; Liyun Dai; Bican Xia,Constructing Fewer Open Cells by GCD Computation in CAD Projection, Proc. ISSAC, 1401卷, pp 240-247, 2014.

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『柒』 科研之友的介绍


『捌』 谢心澄的科研成果

1、*Pan, Hui; Li, Xin; Jiang, Hua; Yao, Yugui; Yang, Shengyuan A.,Valley-polarized quantum anomalous Hall phase and disorder-inced valley-filtered chiral edge channels, Physical Review B, 91(4), 2015/1/7.
2、*Wang, Pei; Sun, Qing-feng; Xie, X. C.,Transport properties of Floquet topological superconctors at the transition from the topological phase to the Anderson localized phase, Physical Review B, 90(15), 2014/10/6.
3、Zhao, Yanfei; Liu, Haiwen; Guo, Xin; Jiang, Ying; Sun, Yi; Wang, Huichao; Wang, Yong; Li, Han-Dong; *Xie, Mao-Hai;Xie, Xin-Cheng; Wang, Jian,Crossover from 3D to 2D Quantum Transport in Bi2Se3/In2Se3 Superlattices, Nano Letters, 14(9), pp 5244-5249, 2014/9.
4、*Zhang, Yan-Yang; Shen, Man; An, Xing-Tao; Sun, Qing-Feng;Xie, Xin-Cheng; Chang, Kai; Li, Shu-Shen,Coexistence and decoupling of bulk and edge states in disordered two-dimensional topological insulators, Physical Review B, 90(5), 2014/8/18.
5、*Liu, Haiwen; Jiang, Hua; Sun, Qing-feng;Xie, X. C.,Dephasing Effect on Backscattering of Helical Surface States in 3D Topological Insulators, Physical Review Letters, 113(4), 2014/7/24.
6、Wang, Huichao; Liu, Haiwen; Chang, Cui-Zu; Zuo, Huakun; Zhao, Yanfei; Sun, Yi; Xia, Zhengcai; He, Ke; Ma, Xucun;Xie, X. C.; Xue, Qi-Kun; *Wang, Jian,Crossover between Weak Antilocalization and Weak Localization of Bulk States in Ultrathin Bi2Se3 Films, Scientific Reports, 4卷, 2014/7/24.
7、*Jiang, Hua; Liu, Haiwen; Feng, Ji; Sun, Qingfeng;Xie, X. C.,Transport Discovery of Emerging Robust Helical Surface States in Z(2)=0 Systems, Physical Review Letters, 112(17), 2014/5/2.
8、*Qi, Junjie; Liu, Haiwen;Xie, X. C.,Surface plasmon polaritons in topological insulators, Physical Review B, 89(15), 2014/4/16.
9、*Zhang, Shu-feng; Jiang, Hua;Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Effect of magnetic field on a magnetic topological insulator film with structural inversion asymmetry, Physical Review B, 89(15), 2014/4/15.
10、*Ren, Yong-Zhi; Tong, Ning-Hua;Xie, Xin-Cheng,Cluster mean-field theory study of J(1)-J(2) Heisenberg model on a square lattice, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26(11), 2014/3/19.
11、*Guo, Ai-Min;Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Delocalization and scaling properties of low-dimensional quasiperiodic systems, Physical Review B, 89(7), 2014/2/26.
12、*Yang, Zhi-Cheng; Sun, Qing-Feng;Xie, X. C.,Spin-current Seebeck effect in quantum dot systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 26(4), 2014/1/29.
13、*Wang, Zi-bo; Sun, Qing-feng;Xie, X. C.,The electric Meissner effect in spin superconctor, European Physical Journal B, 86(12), 2013/12/4.
14、Bao, Zhi-qiang;*Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Ginzburg-Landau-type theory of spin superconctivity, Nature Communications, 4卷, 2013/12.
15、*Guo, Ai-Min; Xiong, Shi-Jie;Xie, X. C.; Sun, Qing-feng,Universal scheme to generate metal-insulator transition in disordered systems, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 25(41), 2013/10/16.
16、*Xie, Xin-Cheng,Preface: Centennial Physics at Peking University, Frontiers of Physics, 8(5), pp 473-474, 2013/10.
17、Zhang, Yan-Yang; *Tsai, Wei-Feng; Chang, Kai; An, X. -T.; Zhang, G. -P.;Xie, X. -C.; Li, Shu-Shen,Electron delocalization in gate-tunable gapless silicene, Physical Review B, 88(12), 2013/9/26.
18、*Chen, Chui-Zhen; Sun, Qing-feng; Wang, Fa; Xie, X. C.,Detection of spinons via spin transport, Physical Review B, 88(4), 2013/7/18.
19、Zhao, Weiwei; Wang, Qingyan; Liu, Minhao; Zhang, Wenhao; Wang, Yilin; Chen, Mu; Guo, Yang; He, Ke; Chen, Xi; Wang, Yayu; Wang, Jian; Xie, Xincheng; Niu, Qian; *Wang, Lili; Ma, Xucun……,Evidence for Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in atomically flat two-dimensional Pb superconcting films, Solid State Communications, 165卷, pp 59-63, 2013/7.
20、*Sun, Qing-feng; Xie, X. C.,Spin-polarized nu=0 state of graphene: A spin superconctor, Physical Review B, 87(24), 2013/6/24.



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