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发布时间:2022-01-22 15:10:30

❶ 荣誉证书的英语翻译 荣誉证书用英语怎么说


[词典] [法]certificate of honor




❷ 荣誉证书怎么翻译

certificate of honor荣誉证书


Several provinces and cities received honorary certificates reliable proct quality.

❸ 荣誉证书,用英文怎么说 谁的对,你的呢,刚才写反了是吗。 如果是写****荣誉证书,还要什么修饰吗

certificate of honors

❹ 求高人翻译荣誉证书

Honorary certificate

Comrade XX:
works in 2007, the performance is outstanding, the result is prominent, is evaluated “the outstanding staff”, issues this card especially, encourages.

Honorary certificate
Comrade XX:
your work attains in 2008 the service class program first prize, issues this card especially, encourages.

❺ 荣誉证书,用英文怎么说

Honorary certificates

❻ 请问,荣誉证书中的这几项怎么翻译


** Students

Idiopathic this card, a form of encouragement

❼ 荣誉证书翻译

XXX is honored with"Excellent Postgraate Awards in 2009" for your excellent scores and outstanding performance in every aspect at university. This certificate is hereby awarded to you as an encouragement. Thank you very much!

用graate来表达“优秀毕业生”的回答都不太准确,这里回的毕业生是指答postgraate,而不是研究生,所以“优秀毕业生”最准确的译法是:Excellence Postgraate Awards,这一点你可以在国外网站里搜索验证一下是否正确。

❽ 荣誉证书的英文内容

During the year of 2009, because of the excellent performance in working, you are awarded the Star of Quarlity.
Giving you this diploma as the encouragement.

❾ 荣誉证书 英语

Honour certificate

❿ 荣誉证书英文

Honorary Certificate; Certificate of Honour





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