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发布时间:2022-01-18 19:17:34

㈠ 把下面的文字翻译成英文。

(1) th, meets the list: Meets only also is the contract sign, order form acquisition.1. customers inquire the plate: Generally under customer in front of order form, all can have correlation order inquiry to give the banking department, makes in some details the understanding.2. quoted prices: The banking department replies the visitor to inquire promptly, the definite cargo commodity name, the model, the manufacturer, quantity, the date of delivery, the payment method, the packing specification and the cabinet and so on, Performa invoice makes the official quoted price to the customer.3. obtains the order form: After the discussion, receives customer official order form purchase order.
(2) th, proction base start.
1. colors weave the variety: Assists manager to inform to dye skilled worker to arrange to hit for the customer after confirmed kind
2. kind confirmations, the notice proction department arranges the dyed yarn, after leaves the qualified big goods sample
3. to come out the random one kind of sample to send for the customer confirmed the style, finally dyes the effect, the size and the weight
4. customer confirmation style, the written notification proction department arranges to proce the big goods, and the proction department confirmed when leaves the uneven complete set sample
5. in to leave in the uneven complete set sample process, also wants the key inspection size weight is whether qualified, after has the question prompt feedback manager and the proction department 6.
uneven complete set sample sends the bow type for the department to the customer (shipment sample), in order to arrange to proce goods,The bow type is generally three sets, simultaneously also picks up three sets to put the sample chamber
(3) th, proces the big goods process stage:
1. regardless of is the new flower presbyopia, must spot-check the quality, the key point is the size weight as necessary, the different cylinder next best proct also must contrast the end proct which dyes whether has the chromatic aberration, if quite obvious, as soon as passes through the discovery to inform manager and the proction department person in charge immediately;
2. communicates as necessary with the proction department, follows up to proce the progress, in order to understand whether and the anticipated delivery date match case, in the proction process does have the problem, whether affects the final delivery date, if because the accidental matter affects the delivery date, first time notice department managers, in order to prompt and the customer communication looked whether can postpone;
3. assists manager to make to order the corresponding supplementary material (for example trademark, card, plastic bag, paper box, suspension hook and so on), if has the need and the customer confirmation supplementary material, then makes the sample to confirm first to the customer, after confirmed carries on the big goods proction again, the track supplementary material whether comes back on time, in order to does not delay the packing proction to use, if sur- factory supplementary material, then alone lays aside, and the prompt notice sur- factory receives, writes a check according to receives, in order to later will use to the account.
(4) th, packing reorganization stage:
Inspects the workshop packing to reorganize is whether correct, is qualified, mainly pays attention to following several
1. Whether the trademark does use to, the position is whether correct, has the crookedness;
2. Does the corner end of a thread have the trim cleanly
3. The folding way is whether correct;
4. Card, elevator, bar code whether uses to, hits the card position is whether correct, is the suspension hook faces coordinated.
5. Has examines the needle record, if discovered breaks when the needle has makes the record, must retain breaks the needle.
(5) th, proces goods in the process:
1. Japanese order forms, each flower all is generally proces goods in turn, after each time proces goods does proces goods the statistics, until since proces goods each month of 1 unification to give manager to proce goods finished, after once each flower proces 15 days to have lately to clear out the complete cargo.
2. other customer order forms, some flower one time clears out, some need to proce goods in turn; One time clears out own make the recording to complete the time, needs in turn, completes proces goods the statistics.
3. The chartering subscribes the warehouse: If with the visitor sign contract is fob the china provision, the usual visitor can assign to transport the agent company or the boating company.Should with a goods generation of relation, the impartation deliver goods as soon as possible the intention, understood is going to arrange to export the port, situations and so on sailing time, confirmed whether the factory the delivery is earlier than sets sail before a time at least week, as well as the sailing time whether achieved the visitor requests date of delivery.Should in front of the date of delivery two weeks sends out written to the freight transportation company decides the warehouse notice, usually in sets sail in front of a week to be possible to attain decides the warehouse paper.If is pays the transport expense by the seller, should as soon as possible consults the sailing time to the freight transportation company or the boating company, the transportation charges, sets sail the port and so on.After the comparison, the choice price preferential benefit, the prestige is good, the sailing time appropriate boating company, and tells the clerk the circular to give the visitor.If the visitor did not agree when must in addition choose the boating company which the visitor approves.Sets sail previous two weeks written to decide the warehouse, the procere same.
4. request declaration: Will be towing the cabinet simultaneously to declare needs the material to give the cooperation customs broker, will entrust the export declaration and makes the commodity inspection to go through customs trades the list.Usually must keep two days time to the declaration (in front of ship truncation pass).When request declaration, should provide an attire cabinet material, the content includes installs the cargo and quantity, the port, the boating company, decides the warehouse number, the cabinet number, the ship opens the truncation pass time, the trailer company, the cabinet and quantity, this company's contact person and telephone and so on.


㈡ 只有通过辛勤的劳动才能收获丰硕的成果的英语怎么说



Only by hard work can we achieve fruitful results.


㈢ 帮我找个四字英文名,要霸气一点的,好听好看的

Salvatore, Salvador 萨尔瓦多 意大利语 救世主
Sebastian 塞巴斯蒂安 拉丁语 受尊敬的;崇高的
Sigmund 西格蒙德 古德语 胜利的防卫者
Stewart 斯图尔特 古英语 照料家畜、物业的人
Sylvester 席维斯特 拉丁语 来自森林的人,源于森林之神Silvanus
Ebenezer 艾班尼泽 希伯来语 援助之石
Elvis 埃尔维斯 古英语 精灵之友//古挪威语 才智过人
Engelbert 恩奇伯格 古德语 像天使一样聪明
Ephraim 艾弗莱姆 希伯来语 成果丰硕
Erasmus 伊拉斯莫斯 希腊语 可爱
Erskine 厄斯凯恩 盖尔语 来自断崖高处
Esteban 艾斯特班 希腊语 皇帝//Steven的西班牙语拼法
Estevan 艾斯特凡 希腊语 皇帝//Steven的西班牙语拼法
Everett 艾弗里特 古英语 像野猪一样凶猛
Ezekiel 艾兹克尔 希伯来语 神力//圣经中希伯来预言家Ezekiel

㈣ 简短毕业赠言(英文)

I'm not your best student, but you're my most admirable teacher. On this special holiday, I, a student of yours, wish you youth forever.

㈤ 小学的毕业赠言,要英文的。

Dear Mr./Miss xx

At this time of saying goodbye, I am full of gratitude towards you. Your hardwork and patience accompanied me all these years. I have grown up with more wrinkles around your eyes. No words can express our thanks. We will live on with that gratitude. May your teaching life be long and fruitful and may your family be sweet and peaceful.


㈥ 今天我收获很多 用英语怎么说啊

今天我收获很多的英文:Today I have a lot of harvest。



英 [təˈdeɪ] 美 [təˈde]




英 [həv] 美 [hæv]




3、a lot of

英 [ə lɔt ɔv] 美 [e lɑt ʌv]



英 [ˈhɑ:vɪst] 美 [ˈhɑ:rvɪst]


vt.& vi.收割,收成。




harvest, crop在笼统地指“收获,收成”时,这两个词常可互换。其区别是:

1、crop是普通用语,可指一年、一个季节或一块地收获的各种农产品,包括谷物、果类、蔬菜以及其他经济作物; harvest是较正式用语,一般指夏初收获的农作物。

2、指生长在地里的农作物时,只能用crop; 指“收割”的具体行动或“收割季节”时,只能用harvest。

3、harvest还可引申指“努力的成果或某种行为的后果”; crop则没有这个意思。例如:

(1)Her researches have yielded a rich harvest.她的研究已取得丰硕的成果。

(2)Ade has reaped the harvest of his mistakes.艾德已经尝到自己的错误造成的苦果。

㈦ ...取得了丰硕成果 用 英语

gain/get plenty/substantial achievement

㈧ 丰硕的英语翻译 丰硕用英语怎么说

rich; plentiful and substantial 还有 abundant.等等。下面都是一些例句。可以结合看一下。

The Centre has a strong record of research in discourse analysis.

The talks have yielded fruitful results.

The research yielded a rich harvest.
A successful plan is fruitful.
The deepest and heaviest love must grow up with the time.
I am sure that all your hard work will be rewarded.
May each day of the new year bring you a full measure of success and happiness!
It is hard work that brings about fruitful results.
We are hard to get the fruitful results.
Years of concerted efforts in crime fighting have borne fruit.
The harvest of grapes was extremely good this year.
The research yielded a rich harvest.



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