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发布时间:2022-01-01 21:19:04

『壹』 请问高手‘游客服务中心’的日文和韩文如何翻译

韩语:방문자의 서비스 센터

『贰』 翻译: 论坛中的那个"游客登录" 怎么翻译比较好

GuestLogin. 可参考随便一个国外论坛,例如:https://camel2.usc.e/oasis/LoginGuest.aspx

『叁』 游客的的英语翻译 游客的用英语怎么说

[词典] tourist; visitor; excursionist; sightseer; [电影] The Tourist;
The Cardiff Bay project is attracting many visitors

『肆』 “游客集散服务中心” 英文怎么翻译

Tourist Terminal Service Centre

『伍』 怎么翻译这段游客须知

Notice to Visitors

1. 文明游玩,遵守秩序,设有禁止标志的地方,严禁游船驶入。
Enjoy your boat ride by observing public order. Do not enter area with a “No entrance” sign.

2. 为了您的安全,必须在工作人员的指导下,船进码头停稳后才能上、下船。上船必须穿好救生衣,每人按实载人数配齐救生衣,若有遗失或者损坏,按每件50元 赔偿。
For your safety sake, please follow instructions and only embark and disembark after the boat is securely anchored at the wharf. Everyone will be assigned one life jacket, and must be worn whenever on board;
50 Yuan shall be compensated for every jacket lost or damaged.

Protect the ecological environment of the lake; do not litter the lake, swimming in the lake is strictly prohibited. Do not set foot on the island and damage the plants and trees; do not disturb or hurt the birds. Infringement of the above by anyone shall be subject to a fine of 50 to 200 Yuan.

Do not overload the boat; Except at the wharf, embark or disembark at other places are prohibited. Any infringement shall be fined 10 to 100 Yuan.

Children must be accompanied by alts to board the boat. Do not board the boat if you are indisposed or physically handicapped; those under the influence of alcohol and liquor are not allowed on board.

Do not stand up, walk and play around when the boat is in motion; racing, towing, colliding, rocking are prohibited. Do not take pictures at both ends of the boat. Do not extend your head, arms and legs outside the boat.

Take good care of your personal belongings.

游客投诉电话: Complaint telephone:
价格投诉电话: Prices complaint telephone:
求救电话: Emergency telephone:

水上娱乐中心 Water Sports Amusement Center

『陆』 这些游客来自世界各地 ( 英语翻译下。)

1 这些游客来自世界各地
1 of these visitors from all over the world
2 来自世界各地的游客, 纷纷涌入了这个寺庙。
2 tourists from all over the world, went into the temple.
3 他哼着歌,走进了房间
3 he sang, walked into the room
5 他几乎游遍了全中国。
5 he almost traveled the whole of china.
6 你游遍整个美国用了几个月?
6 you travelled all over the United States in a few months?
He traveled throughout the United States for 8 months

『柒』 谁能帮我把游客须知事项翻译成英文


Notice for Tourists:
1. Opening time: 9:00am-5:30pm.
2. Tourists should have a ticket or a relevant certificate to enter the park.
3. Dangerous items and pets are not allowed to be taken into the park.
4. Please take care of the public facilities. Smoking is prohibited in the park.
5. Group tours need to register before entering the park.

『捌』 英语tourist visa怎么翻译

tourist visa 旅游签证
旅游签证(tourist visa)是签证的一种,一般是为了方便游客而开发旅游资源而设立的一种快速办理签证方式,相应的,受限制也大,一般来说有效期和停留期都较短,且只能够用来从事旅游相关的活动。
旅游签证是签证种类中的一种,有一些国家专门为旅游者颁发旅游签证,即:“tourist visa”。旅游签证的特点是停留期短,一般为30天,最长为90天,一般不能延期。持旅游签证者不能在当地打工或从事与旅游无关的活动。团体旅游签证是旅游签证中的一种,其特点是签证不做在护照上,旅游者须随团集体出、入国境。

『玖』 她是一名游客。翻译成英文

她是一名游客,英文可以说: She is a tourist .



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