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发布时间:2021-12-18 14:09:47

⑴ “科技成果纵横”怎么翻译成英文

View of Scientific & Technical Achievements

⑵ 科技成就未来 用英文怎么说

science conceives future

⑶ 我看到了许多现代科技的成果的英文

It is generally considered that modern technology makes our society changeful greatly. In the latest years, we have improved in technology rapidly.

⑷ ”获得科技成果转化奖”英文

be awarded for transfer of scientific and technological achievements.
恩,我觉抄的可以,transfer of scientific and technological achievements 算是科技成果转化的标准说法了,嘿嘿.

⑸ 科技成果转化的英文怎么说

Transformation of scientific and technological achievements
Transformation of scientific and technological achievements
Transformation of scientific and technological achievements

⑹ 请教如何将”科技成果完成人“翻译成英语

the accomplisher of scientific and technological achievements
those people who have accompished scientific and technological achievements

⑺ 最有影响力的科技成就 用英语怎么说

most influential science and technology achievements

⑻ 科技成果转化英文怎么写

transfer of technology

⑼ 英语翻译 一些传统的科技成果方便了我们的生活,但是他们的作用越来越小.

Some traditional technology has made our lives much easier, however, their functions are becoming less important by the day.

⑽ 获得国家科技部科技成果转化资金项目 用英文怎么说

Received the Fund Project for Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements from the Ministry of Science and Technology



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