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发布时间:2021-06-22 10:46:16



❷ 我需要一篇关于无形资产或者无形资产管理的英文文献及翻译。


❸ 无形资产 英语怎么说

无形资产: intangible assets

intangible capital 是无形资本

❹ 无形资产会计文求翻译(不要自动翻译的)

1. Intangible assets recognized too narrow. 《会计准则》规定予以确认的无形资产只包括专利权、非专利技术、商标权、著作权、土地使用权、特许权,以及购入的商誉,企业自创的商誉不能加以确认。 "Accounting Standards" to confirm the provisions of intangible assets include only patents, non-patent technology, trademarks, rights, land use rights, concessions, as well as purchased goodwill, business-generated goodwill can not be confirmed. 随着知识经济时代的到来,科学技术在经济增长中的贡献率将越来越高,知识成为经济增长的决定性因素,以知识为基础的无形资产将日益成为企业未来现金流量与市场价值的主要动力。 With the advent of the era of knowledge economy, science and technology in economic growth in the contribution rate will be higher and higher, knowledge becomes the decisive factor of economic growth, knowledge-based intangible assets will increasingly become the company's future cash flow and market value of the main power. 在高新技术企业,衡量企业价值的主要标志不再是物质资源的多少,而是无形资产的多少。 In the high-tech enterprises, the main indicator to measure corporate value is no longer the amount of material resources, but the amount of intangible assets. 比如美国微软公司,其账面价值远不及通用汽车公司一家的账面价值,但其产值和利润却超过了美国三大汽车公司的总和,这不能不归功于微软公司的自创商誉。 For example the United States, Microsoft, far less than its book value, and General Motors, one of the book value, but its output value and profit is more than the U.S. Big Three auto companies combined, which can not but thanks to Microsoft's reputation of his own creation. 同样,我国也有类似的高科技企业,但由于《会计准则》不确认白创商誉,会使得这类企业价值不能得到全面反映。 Similarly, China has a similar high-tech enterprise, but because of "accounting standards" does not recognize the white record goodwill, would make the value of such enterprises can not be fully reflected. 除此之外,在知识经济环境下,还有很多新兴的无形资产,如ISO9000质量体系认证、环境管理体系认证、绿色食品标志使用权等。 In addition, in the knowledge-based economy, there were a lot of new intangible assets, such as the ISO9000 quality system certification, environmental management system certification, green food, the right to use such marks. 最普遍、众多会计学者讨论最多的就是人力资源。 The most common, a large number of accounting academics to discuss the most is human resources. 知识经济时代,企业之间的竞争实质上是人才的竞争,企业对人力资源上的投入将会越来越多,如不及时加以确认和计量,将导致会计信息严重失真。 Era of knowledge economy, competition among enterprises is essentially a competition for talent, business investment in human resources will be more and more, if not to be identified and measured, will lead to a serious distortion of accounting information.
2.无形资产价值的计量缺乏合理性。 2. The lack of measurement of the value of intangible assets is reasonable. 对于自行开发并依法申请取得的无形资产,仅将其开发成功后为取得专利所发生的直接费用——注册费和律师费等资本化,作为无形资产的入账价值,而对于其主要的研究开发费用则作为当期费用,计入当期损益。 For the self-developed and acquired intangible assets in accordance with law to apply only after the success of its development took place in order to achieve the direct costs of the patent - the registration fee and legal fees capitalized as intangible assets recorded value, and for its main research and development fees are as current costs, included in current profit and loss. 这样处理使得企业自创无形资产成本不能得到全部确认,同时也不符合收益和费用配比的原则。 This allows businesses create their own deal with the cost of intangible assets can not get all the recognition, while not in line with the principle of matching revenue and expenses. 大多数无形资产在尚未开发成功的会计期间里可能不产生任何收益,却要负担大量的研究和开发费用,而开发成功以后的受益会计期间仅摊销少量的申请、注册费用,这显然很不合理。 Most of intangible assets in the accounting period has not yet successfully developed probably not generate any revenue and have to pay a lot of research and development costs, while the successful development of future benefit from the amortization of the accounting period was only a small number of application, registration fee, which is obviously very reasonable.
The traditional model of intangible assets allows businesses to identify and measure intangible assets on the book can not completely reflect the business owners of all intangible assets, this area is not concive to measuring the true value of business; the other hand, is not concive to investors to understand the business of intangible assets composition as well as the intangible aspects of scientific research and technical content of the high and low, thereby recing the objectivity of accounting information of enterprises and relevant.

❺ 如何翻译:无形资产 无形资产评估 重置成本法 收益现值法 现行市价法 谢谢!

无形资产Immaterial assets
无形资产评估Immaterial assets valuation
重置成本法Replacement cost method
收益现值法内Income current value method
现行容市价法Current market price method

❻ 谁知道这个怎么翻译 ~无形资产价值评估

the valuation of intangible aeests

❼ 求有关无形资产的外文翻译


无形资产(Intangible Assets)是指企业拥有或者控制的没有实物形态的可辨认非货币性资产。无形资产具有广义和狭义之分,广义的无形资产包括货币资金、应收帐款、金融资产、长期股权投资、专利权、商标权等,因为它们没有物质实体,而是表现为某种法定权利或技术。但是,会计上通常将无形资产作狭义的理解,即将专利权、商标权等称为无形资产。
Intangible Assets (Intangible Assets) is to show enterprise have or have no physical shape control of the identifiable non-monetary Assets. Intangible assets has broad and narrow the points, generalized intangible assets include the monetary funds, accounts receivable, financial assets, long-term equity investment, patent, trademark, etc., because they have no material entity, but performance is a legal right or technology. However, the intangible assets accounting will usually be special understanding, the patent right, trade mark privileges called intangible assets.

❽ 围绕无形资产的开发和利用 怎样用英文翻译

Around the development and utilization of intangible assets

❾ 无形资产用英语怎么说 是immaterial assets 还是Intangible asset

Intangible asset 这个是标准说法



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