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营业税(Business tax),是对在中国境内提供应税劳务、转让 无形资产或销售不动产的单位和个人,就其所取得的营业额征收的一种税。营业税属于 流转税制中的一个主要税种。2011年11月17日,财政部、国家税务总局正式公布营业税改征增值税试点方案。
增值税(value-added tax)是以商品(含应税劳务)在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的一种流转税。从计税原理上说,增值税是对销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务以及进口货物的单位和个人就其实现的增值额征收的一个税种。
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4-0 rout after the Utah jazz and the Los Angeles lakers into the western conference finals for the third year in a row, they will have a very familiar with rivals the phoenix SUNS. Although the western conference finals next week to curtain to, but kobe Bryant has finally, because he is eager to revenge, he should at this time of the western conference finals to avenge the SUNS.
In 2006 and 2007, the lakers twice in the playoffs are the phoenix SUNS, Lamar odom in the team after swept the jazz had filed this sad experience. "They took us two consecutive years out," odom said, "yes, I'm sure I won't forget this."
When told reporters Lamar odom and kobe Bryant to ask him, Bryant said: "what do you think? Do you have apparently know."
Yes, kobe Bryant and Lamar odom, he also want revenge SUNS, even if the lakers last in the playoffs with the SUNS back in three years ago. The lakers now have five players experienced by the phoenix SUNS in the game, but Bryant and Lamar odom, and Andrew bynum, Luke Walton and sasha vujacic. After a day of rest on Wednesday, the lakers returned to training on Thursday, they want to pay the SUNS.
"I don't want to say." Odom said with a smile.
When the lakers playoff series in 2006, when they encounter the SUNS made a more embarrassing record, because they make the SUNS become history in 1-3 eighth team behind the circumstances of the team winning series reversal. 2007 first two teams, again the lakers in five games were the phoenix SUNS. The two series loss really touched the lakers have the nerve, they traded strengthened the team, the lakers for two years after the NBA finals,NHL Jersey, and beat the Orlando magic in 2009.
In 2007 after a playoff elimination, Bryant on the radio and newspaper frequently reveals the feeling of depression, he asked the manager mitch kupchak, like adjustment of squad kwame brown and smush parker such players must be traded, shortly after his trade request, he also said they would go to any team, he was also asked the lakers to trade 19 center Andrew bynum.
Finally, kobe Bryant left. In the summer of 2007 the lakers to sign back veteran Derek fisher,wholesale MLB jerseys, he left the jazz in after a free agent. The 2007-08 season, bynum, but he finally erupted midway through injury, but the lakers on February 2, 2008, from the Memphis grizzlies for pau gasol, they also finally completed the reconstruction plan.
Now the SUNS again kobe Bryant and the lakers stood in the way of the regular season, the lakers in four games with a 3-1 lead. The comments from the lakers, they will not allow the SUNS stop their third consecutive NBA finals.
"They played very well," odom said. ",The lakers jerseys would destroy rivals;they have many power, it will be a very interesting series."
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For three years later, Bryant finally got the chance to take his revenge, he has to do is to stay with the humiliation to rival.
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说明: 指提供总部管理、投资与资产管理、市场管理、物回业管理、日常综合答管理等服务的业务活动。
⑥ 场地费用计入什么科目
根据《企业会计准则第21号---租赁》规定中,第六章 经营租赁中出租人的会计处理:
第二十五条 出租人应当按资产的性质,将用作经营租赁的资产包括在资产负债表中的相关项目内.
第二十六条 对于经营租赁的租金,出租人应当在租赁期内各个期间按照直线法确认为当期损益;其他方法更为系统合理的,也可以采用其他方法.
第二十七条 出租人发生的初始直接费用,应当计入当期损益.
第二十八条 对于经营租赁资产中的固定资产,出租人应当采用类似资产的折旧政策计提折旧;对于其他经营租赁资产,应当采用系统合理的方法进行摊销.
第二十九条 或有租金应当在实际发生时计入当期损益。
会展费一般通过销售费用科目核算,不计入管理费用.会计分录为:借:销售费用贷:银行存款等销售费用是指企业在销售产品、自制半成品和提供劳务等过程中发生的各项费用.(包括融资租赁费)和销售服务费,销售人员的工资,员工福利,费用等,包括包装,运输,广告,处理,保险,佣金,旅行,折旧,修理,物料消耗,低价值消耗品的摊销等费用. 与销售有关的差旅费应计入销售费用。
3、销售费用是指企业在销售产品、自制半成品和提供劳务等过程中发生的各项费用.包括由企业负担的包装费、运输费、广告费、装卸费、保险费、委托代销手续费、展览费、租赁费(不含融资租赁费)和销售服务费、销售部门人员工资、职工福利费、差旅费、折旧费、修理费、物料消耗、低值易耗品摊销以及其他经费等. 与销售有关的差旅费应计入销售费用.
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