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发布时间:2022-07-20 17:56:37

1. 求AHP 层次分析法 英文文献(有中文译文更好)

2.2 经营风险
2.3 财务风险
Risk management
Management of risk is commonly found in private enterprise. This is because the corporate governance structure is inadequate, the management of the loopholes and errors arising. Mainly reflected in:
(1) paternalistic. Property rights of private enterprises in general structure, the management of personal ties of loyalty to parents to manage the proction of wind prevailed, frequent changes in organization, people with emotional, just the experience of policy makers in decision-making.
(2) inadequate internal control system. Bound as a result of the relationship between property rights, private enterprises it is difficult to establish norms of scientific incentive and restraint mechanisms. Do not want to experience with stock-based compensation, there is no uniform standard incentive and other reasons, directly or indirectly, impede the establishment of an effective incentive and restraint mechanisms.
(3) short-sighted. Most private enterprises attach great importance to the tangible assets and short-term interests, and less on some intangible assets to consider, such as brand, corporate culture, this is not concive to long-term development of enterprises.
(4) the poor allocation of resources. Parents as a result of internal proction prevailing wind, and some policy makers believe in the people's friends and relatives too, resulting in no control of the blind the right to decentralize their operations, financial management, resource allocation separate, the lack of the concept of optimizing the allocation of resources, it is difficult to carry out process control evaluation and assessment, major waste of resources.
2.2 operational risks
Operational risks of private enterprises because of proction and management aspects of a variety of reasons for the profitability of enterprises brought about by uncertainty. "The people to the military" in the course of the operation of private enterprises face special risks in particular, mainly reflected in:
(1) scale. If the military one-time order quantity is too small, this will result in proction and operation of non-economic scale, and may even fall into a loss; military long lead times, inevitably there is a dedicated business equipment, idle waste of human resources, impact on the profitability of enterprises . Military proction costs are high, if the enterprises to pay the high cost of proction can not be reasonable compensation, corporate profits will inevitably be seriously affected.
(2) a dedicated and strong. Including investment-specific risks and the risk of military technology development. For military proction as a result of investment, are often "locked" in military proction, military proction so the risk of greater volatility will be transferred investment risk for enterprises. At the same time, military technology development, not only need to input huge amounts of money and a lot of manpower, material, and face the risk of very high failure rate.
(3) high threshold of entry and exit. Military proction is the high-tech, high knowledge, high capital-intensive proction, and private enterprises are relatively lack of military technology and the accumulation of knowledge, and the defense instry and the opportunity cost of the actual cost higher; long-term private sector norms and standards in accordance with the commercial operation, making it difficult to adapt to specific military standards; military security requirements, such as access to military instry, would involve a lot of dedicated investment in fixed assets, resulting from the high threshold.
(4) inequality. The unequal economic status: private enterprises may not be able to give priority to the Government's military orders, access to special funds and technology may not be as timely as the state-owned military enterprises; tax system there are also unreasonable. Unequal possession of information: as a result of the special nature of national defense science and technology instry, a lot of demand for private information should not be allowed to occupy too much. The state-owned military instrial enterprises and the Government by virtue of their special relationship between access to more information.
(5) technical imperfections. Military proction is the high-tech, high knowledge, high capital-intensive proction, and private enterprises are relatively lack of military technology and the accumulation of knowledge, resulting in a technical risk.
2.3 Financial Risk
Financial risk refers to enterprises in the proction and operation activities, as a result of a variety of internal and external uncertainties, corporate investment activities and fund-raising activities so that the financial situation of enterprises, operating results and cash flow uncertainty, so that enterprises there is the possibility of loss. For private enterprises, the financial risk mainly in the following areas:
(1) the form of uncertain funding. At present, many private enterprises of China's zero-liability management, on the one hand, because the lending banks to private enterprises are too harsh, on the other hand, China's private entrepreneurs lack the concept of enterprise financial risk management. Liabilities of enterprises in the optimal size of the financial risk is the lowest, zero at the same time also means that high-risk liabilities. Deviation from the optimal size of the extent of liability the greater the financial risk increases. Private enterprises in the form of uncertain funding, so that the actual results of financing its large deviation between the target. The obvious contradiction between the investment and financing, over-funding of liabilities faced by the risk of debt service e can not be

2. 在关于.net framework 3.5 membership问题


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5. 问有没有什么财政方面的英语词汇 麻烦知道的告诉我一下,谢谢

Brokers´ Fidelity Insurance Scheme [BFI Scheme] 经纪忠诚保险计划〔忠诚保险计划〕
broker´s firm 经纪行
broker´s representative 经纪代表
brought to credit 入帐
Brussels Stock Exchange 布鲁塞尔证券交易所
Brussels Tariff Nomenclature [BTN] 《布鲁塞尔税则分类目录》
bucketing “对敲”;利用顾客资金买空卖空
bucketing offence “对敲”罪行
budget 财政预算案;预算
budget booklet 预算案小册
Budget Committee [Securities and Futures Commission] 财政预算委员会〔证券及期货事务监察委员会〕
Budget Concluding Speech 《财政预算案总结演词》
budget cycle 财政预算案编制周期
Budget Day 财政预算案发表日
budget debate 财政预算案辩论
budget deficit 财政预算赤字
budget exercise 财政预算案编制工作
budget guideline 财政预算案准则;财政预算案指引
budget guideline ratio 财政预算案准则比率
budget proposal 财政预算案建议
budget revenue 财政预算案收入
budget revenue measure 财政预算案税收措施;财政预算案收入措施
Budget Speech 《财政预算案演词》
budget strategy 财政预算策略
budget surplus 财政预算盈余
budgetary and cost control 预算与成本管制
budgetary criterion 开支预算准则
budgetary deficit 财政预算赤字
budgetary guideline 财政预算指引
budgetary implication 财政预算的影响
budgetary innovation 财政预算新措施
budgetary management 财政预算管理
budgetary policy 财政预算政策
budgetary position 财政预算状况
budgetary strategy 财政预算策略
budgetary system 财政预算制度
budgeted cost 预算成本
budgeted for surplus 预算盈余
building cost index 建造成本指数
built-in control of the money supply 货币供应的内在调节功能
built-in stabilizer 内在稳定因素;内在稳定措施
bulk buying 大宗采购;大批购买
bulk transfer 大额股票转名
bull 看好股市者;“好友”;买空投机者
bull bond 牛债券
bull market 牛市;升市;旺市;多头市场
bull position 长仓
bullion broker 金银经纪
bullion market 金银市场
Bundesaufsichtsamt fur den Wertpapierhandel 德国联邦证券监管办事处
buoy up 上升
buoyant 活跃;蓬勃;坚挺;保持高价〔股票〕
buoyant market 市况活跃
bursary 助学金;补助金
business 商业;业务
business address 营业地址
business association 业务协会
business bank account 银行营业户口
business concession 特许经营权
business cycle 商业周期;经济周期;商业循环
business day 营业日;交易日
business expenses 营业开支;营业费用
business for profit 牟利业务
business hour 营业时间
business income 营业收入
Business Manager [Companies Registry] 业务经理〔公司注册处〕
business of exchange currencies 货币兑换业务
business of taking deposits 接受存款业务
business plan 业务计划
business record 业务记录
business recovery 业务重整
business registration application form 商业登记申请表
business registration certificate 商业登记证
business registration fee 商业登记费
business registration inspector 商业登记督察
business registration number 商业登记号码
Business Registration Office [Inland Revenue Department] 商业登记署〔税务局〕
Business Registration Officer 商业登记主任
business sector 商界
business sentiment 营商意欲
business taxation 商业课税
business turnover 营业额
business undertaking 商业经营
business-friendly 方便商界;有利营商;利于商界运作
buy 买入
buy low and sell high 低价买入而高价卖出
buy order 买盘
buyer´s market 买家市场
buyer´s price 买价;买方出价
buy-in 补进;补仓
buying rate 买入价;买入汇率

宏观经济的 macroeconomic
通货膨胀 inflation
破产 insolvency
有偿还债务能力的 solvent
合同 contract
汇率 exchange rate
紧缩信贷 tighten credit creation
私营部门 private sector
财政管理机构 fiscal authorities
宽松的财政政策 slack fiscal policy
税法 tax bill
财政 public finance
财政部 the Ministry of Finance
平衡预算 balanced budget
继承税 inheritance tax
货币主义者 monetariest
增值税 VAT (value added tax)
收入 revenue
总需求 aggregate demand
货币化 monetization
赤字 deficit
经济不景气 recession
a period when the economy of a country is not
successful, business conditions are bad, instrial
proction and trade are at a low level and there
is a lot of unemployment
经济好转 turnabout
复苏 recovery
成本推进型 cost push
货币供应 money supply
生产率 proctivity
劳动力 labor force
实际工资 real wages
成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation
需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation
双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation
极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation
长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation
治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation
最终目标 ultimate goal
坏的影响 adverse effect
担保 ensure
贴现 discount
萧条的 sluggish
认购 subscribe to
支票帐户 checking account
货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control
借据 IOUs(I owe you)
本票 promissory notes
货币总监 controller of the currency
拖收系统 collection system
支票清算或结算 check clearing
资金划拨 transfer of funds
可以相信的证明 credentials
改革 fashion
被缠住 entangled
货币联盟 Monetary Union
再购协议 repo
精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading
欧元 euro
公共债务 membership criteria
汇率机制 REM
储备货币 reserve currency
劳动密集型 labor-intensive
股票交易所 bourse
竞争领先 frontrun
牛市 bull market
非凡的牛市 a raging bull
规模经济 scale economcies
买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads
期货(股票) futures
经济商行 brokerage firm
回报率 rate of return
股票 equities
违约 default
现金外流 cash drains
经济人佣金 brokerage fee
存款单 CD(certificate of deposit)
营业额 turnover
资本市场 capital market
布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System
经常帐户 current account
套利者 arbitrager
远期汇率 forward exchange rate
即期汇率 spot rate
实际利率 real interest rates
货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy
银行倒闭 bank failures
跨国公司 MNC ( Multi-National Corporation)
商业银行 commercial bank
商业票据 comercial paper
利润 profit
本票,期票 promissory notes
监督 to monitor
佣金(经济人) commission brokers
套期保值 hedge
有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves
固定汇率 fixed exchange rate
浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate
货币选择权(期货) currency option
套利 arbitrage
合约价 exercise price
远期升水 forward premium
多头买升 buying long
空头卖跌 selling short
按市价订购股票 market order
股票经纪人 stockbroker
国际货币基金 the IMF
七国集团 the G-7
监督 surveillance
同业拆借市场 interbank market
可兑换性 convertibility
软通货 soft currency
限制 restriction
交易 transaction
充分需求 adequate demand
短期外债 short term external debt
汇率机制 exchange rate regime
直接标价 direct quotes
资本流动性 mobility of capital
赤字 deficit
本国货币 domestic currency
外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market
国际储备 international reserve
利率 interest rate
资产 assets
国际收支 balance of payments
贸易差额 balance of trade
繁荣 boom
债券 bond
资本 captial
资本支出 captial expenditures
商品 commodities
商品交易所 commodity exchange
期货合同 commodity futures contract
普通股票 common stock
联合大企业 conglomerate
货币贬值 currency devaluation
通货紧缩 deflation
折旧 depreciation
贴现率 discount rate
归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income
从业人员 employed person
汇率 exchange rate
财政年度fiscal year
自由企业 free enterprise
国民生产总值 gross antional proct
库存 inventory
劳动力人数 labor force
债务 liabilities
市场经济 market economy
合并 merger
货币收入 money income
跨国公司 Multinational Corproation
个人收入 personal income
优先股票 preferred stock
价格收益比率 price-earning ratio
优惠贷款利率 prime rate
利润 profit
回报 return on investment
使货币升值 revaluation
薪水 salary
季节性调整 seasonal adjustment
关税 tariff
失业人员 unemployed person
效用 utility
价值 value
工资 wages
工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral
收益 yield
补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal
储蓄银行 saving banks
欧洲联盟 the European Union
单一的实体 a single entity
抵押贷款 mortgage lending
业主产权 owner's equity
普通股 common stock
无形资产 intangible assets
收益表 income statement
营业开支 operating expenses
行政开支 administrative expenses
现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow
贸易中的存货 inventory
收益 proceeds
投资银行 investment bank
机构投资者 institutional investor
垄断兼并委员会 MMC
招标发行 issue by tender
定向发行 introction
代销 offer for sale
直销 placing
公开发行 public issue
信贷额度 credit line
国际债券 international bonds
利差 interest margin
以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan
权利股发行 rights issues
净收入比例结合 net income gearing

6. 国际商务 这个专业的英文,,,谢谢哦

经济好转 turnabout
复苏 recovery
成本推进型 cost push
货币供应 money supply
生产率 proctivity
劳动力 labor force
实际工资 real wages
成本推进式通货膨胀 cost-push inflation
需求拉动式通货膨胀 demand-pull inflation
双位数通货膨胀 double- digit inflation
极度通货膨胀 hyperinflation
长期通货膨胀 chronic inflation
治理通货膨胀 to fight inflation
最终目标 ultimate goal
坏的影响 adverse effect
担保 ensure
贴现 discount
萧条的 sluggish
认购 subscribe to
支票帐户 checking account
货币控制工具 instruments of monetry control
借据 IOUs(I owe you)
本票 promissory notes
货币总监 controller of the currency
拖收系统 collection system
支票清算或结算 check clearing
资金划拨 transfer of funds
可以相信的证明 credentials
改革 fashion
被缠住 entangled
货币联盟 Monetary Union
再购协议 repo
精明的讨价还价交易 horse-trading
欧元 euro
公共债务 membership criteria
汇率机制 REM
储备货币 reserve currency
劳动密集型 labor-intensive
贡交易所 bourse
竞争领先 frontrun
牛市 bull market
非凡的牛市 a raging bull
规模经济 scale economcies
买方出价与卖方要价之间的差价 bid-ask spreads
期货(贡) futures
经济商行 brokerage firm
回报率 rate of return
贡 equities
违约 default
现金外流 cash drains
经济人佣金 brokerage fee
存款单 CD(certificate of deposit
营业额 turnover
资本市场 capital market
布雷顿森林体系 The Bretton Woods System
经常帐户 current account
套利者 arbitrager
远期汇率 forward exchange rate
即期汇率 spot rate
实际利率 real interest rates
货币政策工具 tools of monetary policy
银行倒闭 bank failures
跨国公司 MNC ( Multi-National Corporation)
商业银行 commercial bank
商业票据 comercial paper
利润 profit
本票,期票 promissory notes
监督 to monitor
佣金(经济人) commission brokers
套期保值 hedge
有价证券平衡理论 portfolio balance theory
外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves
固定汇率 fixed exchange rate
浮动汇率 floating/flexible exchange rate
货币选择权(期货) currency option
套利 arbitrage
合约价 exercise price
远期升水 forward premium
多头买升 buying long
空头卖跌 selling short
按市价订购贡 market order
贡经纪人 stockbroker
国际货币基金 the IMF
七国集团 the G-7
监督 surveillance
同业拆借市场 interbank market
可兑换性 convertibility
软通货 soft currency
限制 restriction
交易 transaction
充分需求 adequate demand
短期外债 short term external debt
汇率机制 exchange rate regime
直接标价 direct quotes
资本流动性 mobility of capital
赤字 deficit
本国货币 domestic currency
外汇交易市场 foreign exchange market
国际储备 international reserve
利率 interest rate
资产 assets
国际收支 balance of payments
贸易差额 balance of trade
繁荣 boom
债券 bond
资本 captial
资本支出 captial expenditures
商品 commodities
商品交易所 commodity exchange
期货合同 commodity futures contract
普通贡 common stock
联合大企业 conglomerate
货币贬值 currency devaluation
通货紧缩 deflation
折旧 depreciation
贴现率 discount rate
归个人支配的收入 disposable personal income
从业人员 employed person
汇率 exchange rate
财政年度fiscal year
企业 free enterprise
国生产总值 gross antional proct
库存 inventory
劳动力人数 labor force
债务 liabilities
市场经济 market economy
合并 merger
货币收入 money income
跨国公司 Multinational Corproation
个人收入 personal income
优先贡 preferred stock
价格收益比率 price-earning ratio
优惠贷款利率 prime rate
利润 profit
回报 return on investment
使货币升值 revaluation
薪水 salary
季节性调整 seasonal adjustment
关税 tariff
失业人员 unemployed person
效用 utility
价值 value
工资 wages
工资价格螺旋上升 wage-price spiral
收益 yield
补偿贸易 compensatory trade, compensated deal
储蓄银行 savings banks
欧洲联盟 the European Union
单一的实体 a single entity
抵押贷款 mortgage lending
业主产权 owner''''s equity
普通股 common stock
无形资产 intangible assets
收益表 income statement
营业开支 operating expenses
行政开支 administrative expenses
现金收支一览表 statement of cash flow
贸易中的存货 inventory
收益 proceeds
投资银行 investment bank
机构投资者 institutional investor
垄断兼并委员会 MMC
招标发行 issue by tender
定向发行 introction
代销 offer for sale
直销 placing
公开发行 public issue
信贷额度 credit line
国际债券 international bonds
利差 interest margin
以所借的钱作抵押所获之贷款 leveraged loan
权利股发行 rights issues
净收入比例结合 net income gearing
1 C
2 T/T(telegraphic transfer)电汇
3 D/P(document against payment)付款交单
4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单
5 C.O (certificate of origin)一般原产地证
6 G.S.P.(generalized system of preferences)普惠制
7 CTN/CTNS(carton/cartons)纸箱
8 PCE/PCS(piece/pieces)只、个、支等
9 DL/DLS(dollar/dollars)美元
10 DOZ/DZ(dozen)一打
11 PKG(package)一包,一捆,一扎,一件等
12 WT(weight)重量
13 G.W.(gross weight)毛重
14 N.W.(net weight)净重
15 C/D (customs declaration)报关单
16 EA(each)每个,各
17 W (with)具有
18 w/o(without)没有
19 FAC(facsimile)传真
20 IMP(import)进口
21 EXP(export)出口
22 MAX (maximum)最大的、最大限度的
23 MIN (minimum)最小的,最低限度
24 M 或MED (medium)中等,中级的
25 M/V(merchant vessel)商船
26 S.S(steamship)船运
27 MT或M/T(metric ton)公吨
28 DOC (document)文件、单据
29 INT(international)国际的
30 P/L (packing list)装箱单、明细表
31 INV (invoice)发票
32 PCT (percent)百分比
33 REF (reference)参考、查价
34 EMS (express mail special)特快传递
35 STL.(style)式样、款式、类型
36 T或LTX或TX(telex)电传
37 RMB(renminbi)人币
38 S/M (shipping marks)装船标记
39 PR或PRC(price) 价格
40 PUR (purchase)购买、购货
41 S/C(sales contract)销售确认书
42 L/C (letter of credit)信用证
43 B/L (bill of lading)提单
44 FOB (free on board)离岸价
45 CIF (cost,insurance

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公共法律服务体系十八 浏览:946
美国政府购买公共服务 浏览:2
社区公共法律服务信息 浏览:617
宿州工商局网 浏览:755
工商局上门检查 浏览:298
蚌埠市工商局企业查询 浏览:977
烟台市牟平区工商局 浏览:486
马鞍山电能表 浏览:737
马鞍山到静海的火车 浏览:395
广州增城工商局 浏览:235
工商局名称注册查询系统 浏览:618
马鞍山新疆 浏览:939
淮南到马鞍山动车 浏览:370
被举报去工商局 浏览:983
重庆工商局热线电话 浏览:628
某工商局以涉嫌 浏览:838