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❷ 关于无形资产问题的思考的参考文献有什么

“无形资产”这一术语,在不同的学科,不同应用环境中,有不同的定义。我国《企业会计准则--无形资产》中将无形资产定义为:“企业为生产商品、提供劳务、出租给他人,或为管理目的而持有的、没有实物形态的非货币性长期资产”。[1]此定义与国际会计准则第38号[2]的定义基本一致,所不同的是国际会计准则将商誉排除在外,而我国会计准则则包括商誉。但国际会计准则第22号----企业合并[3]中,对商誉的会计处理作了规定,也就是说国际会计准则实际上也认为商誉是可以确认的,美国正在修订中的无形资产准则则将商誉作为无形资产的一种。 我国《资产评估准则--无形资产》中将无形资产定义为:“特定主体控制的,不具有实物形态,对生产经营长期发挥作用且能带来经济利益的资源。”[4]并且也将商誉作为无形资产的一种。《国际评估准则--国际评估指南四--无形资产》中的无形资产定义为:“无形资产是以其经济特性而显示其存在的一种资产,无形资产无具体的物理形态,但为其拥有者获取了权益和特权,而且通常为其拥有者带来收益。”[5]它也将商誉列作无形资产的一种。



❸ 求有关无形资产流失及管理的参考文献15篇,要近3年的,其中相关的外文文献要3篇,希望好心人帮帮忙


❹ 请提供一篇关于无形资产的英文文献

无形资产投资(Intangible- assets Investment/ Investment of Intangible Assets)

What is the investment in intangible assets?
Intangible assets refer to investments of investors in order to have the patent rights, non-patent technology, trademarks, land-use rights as an investment. The two sides should agree to determine the amount of the value of intangible assets, but also the need to deal with the document as a basis. Intangible assets to invest, according to the amount of its investment in China's financial system, enterprises should not exceed 20% of registered capital; case the special needs of more than 20% by the relevant departments for examination and approval should be the maximum not more than 30%.

Business investment in intangible assets received, debit, "intangible assets" accounts, credit "paid-up capital" account.

Intangible asset investment is feature: non-investment entities, a long payback period, investment risk, higher return on investment.

What is the intangible asset?
Intangible assets: refers to the business did not have the kind of shape will enable the companies to obtain long-term over-income assets.

(1) and intangible characteristics:

1, there is no physical shape. Usually pass special rights.

2, to bring excess profits.

3, for a long time to play a role. Because it can have long-term.

(2), intangible assets, including:

1, patents

2, know-how

3, the franchise

4, the right to use the premises

5, trademark

6, goodwill

(C), the classification of intangible assets:

1, according to the validity of the points:

(1), a period of intangible assets: the law provides for a maximum validity period, not extended to protect the

(2), no period of intangible assets

2, according to whether or not there may refer to:

(1), there may be referring to the intangible assets: to identify the indivial, separate access. If the patent (business) and so on.

(2), does not refer to the intangible assets: alone can not identify, can not be achieved separately, together with the enterprise can only be purchased net assets. Such as goodwill.

3, according to whether or not protected by law:

(1), the right to assets: protection of the law, such as patents, rights and so on.

(2), the rights of non-assets: protected by law, such as goodwill, know-how.

Analysis of intangible investment:
Investment is the largest investment in intangible assets, long, multi-link, the risks of systems engineering. In a knowledge-based economy under the conditions of intangible assets represent over profitability would be to create a source of competitive advantage.

According to statistics, some of the OECD-the-art enterprise tangible assets and intangible assets ratio has reached 1:2 to 1:3. The United States in 1995, many enterprises intangible assets ratio of 50% to 60%. An enterprise has a number of intangible assets of how much value is high or low technical level and competitiveness of the mark. In our country, not only in the corporate intangible assets in the proportion of the total assets on the low side, but also in the composition of intangible assets, technology assets, in particular low.

❺ 无形资产会计问题研究论文,要真实案例

在知识经济条件下,无形资产贸易增长更为迅速,地位更加突出。与此同时,无形资产价值在企业中所占比重,正在不断上升,有的已占绝大部分。在20世纪70年代,西方发达国家中企业无形资产所占比重约为20%,90年代则上升到30%以上,依靠科技进步所提高的劳动生产率的比重,已从20世纪初的5%~20%增加到目前的70%~90%。 近几年国际贸易中,以技术贸易为代表的无形资产贸易迅速增长,年平均增长速度大大超过其它商品贸易的增长速度。各国技术贸易总额1964年为27亿美元,1974年为110亿美元,80年代中期为400亿美元,1993年则高达1500亿美元,这就是一个明显的例子。而在我国,如北京爱特信互联网技术公司(搜狐网页)无形资产含量就占80%以上。由此可见,在知识经济时代,无形资产的地位比以往任何时候都显得更为重要。无形资产既能为企业带来巨大的经济效益,又是对外投资的重要方式,也是增强企业技术经济实力的重要途径之一。
1. 无形资产信息在资产负债表中的披露。现行的资产负债表,在资产方设置“无形资产”项目,以价值形式反映企业无形资产的总存量。但这只是其净值,从中看不出企业对无形资产的投资和在成本费用中所占的份额,其披露是残缺不全的,不充分的,不能满足知识经济时代企业管理及外界有关部门与人士对无形资产信息的要求,应该进行改进和采取必要的措施,使之能全面反映无形资产原始价值、累计摊销价值和净值。这可以通过增设“无形资产摊销”科目并改革现行资产负债表有关无形资产的编制方法来实现。在报表中以三种价值形态分别列出,其关系如下:
2. 无形资产信息在损益表中的披露。目前通过损益表来反映无形资产所创造的效益,并不是直接而是间接反映的,故而不能从我国目前流行的多步式损益表中直接取得无形资产损益情况,例如对无形资产转让损益,只能通过其转让收入、支出,分别汇集到其它业务收入、其它业务支出科目中,通过损益表的其它业务利润项目来反映。又如对于某些无形资产,如专有技术等,因为知识经济时代高新尖技术的大量采用,技术革新而导致的提前废止,在冲销其净值的同时增加营业外支出,在损益表中从营业外支出项目中加以反映。再如对应分摊的无形资产摊销额,则通过损益表中的管理费用项目反映等等。这种间接反映无形资产损益情况的做法,显然不适应知识经济时代对无形资产经营管理的要求。其改革的出路有两条,要么改革现有损益表,使之能直接反映无形资产损益的情况;要么通过设计无形资产收益计算表来进行直接披露。
3. 无形资产信息在有关附表中的披露。为了详尽反映无形资产增减变化情况,可以设计编制“无形资产增减明细表”,主要项目应按类别反映企业所拥有的无形资产;按项目反映全部无形资产增减变化的动态,即年初余额、本年增加额、本年减少额、年末余额等。
企业根据内部管理与外部需要,也可以编制“无形资产收益计算表” 、“开发研究成本明细表”等等,作为正式报表的附表,与报表同时报送。
4. 无形资产信息在会计报表附注中的披露。尽管以上正式报表与其附表已经基本上能够比较详细地反映企业无形资产的各类信息,但不同企业无形资产的业务千差万别,且数量繁多、交易频繁、变化无常,在知识经济时代更是如此;加上正式报表及其附表等只能提供简单的定量信息,不少有关无形资产定性及其它信息无法给予详尽反映,因此必须在相关的会计报表中以附注的形式加以披露。如应该在会计报表附注中列示有关R&D的详细信息,至少也应该列明当年的管理费用中含有多少数额的R&D的详细信息。
3.蔡吉祥.无形资产. 深圳:海天出版社,1999.

❻ 谁能告诉我资产评估方面的参考文献

丛书名: 高等院校本科财务管理专业教材新系
作 者: 姜楠 编著
出 版 社: 东北财经大学出版社
出版时间: 2008-2-1 字数: 520000 版次: 2 页数: 288
印刷时间: 2008/02/01 开本: 16开 印次: 8 纸张: 胶版纸
I S B N : 9787811222791 包装: 平装


作者: 吴申元 主编
出 版 社: 首都经济贸易大学出版社
出版时间: 2007-7-1 字数: 457000 版次: 1 页数: 406
印刷时间: 2007/07/01 开本: 印次: 纸张: 胶版纸
I S B N : 9787563814084 包装: 平装


作者: 乔志敏 等主编
出 版 社: 立信会计出版社
出版时间: 2007-7-2 字数: 314000 版次: 2 页数: 359
印刷时间: 2007/07/01 开本: 印次: 纸张: 胶版纸
I S B N : 9787542909541 包装: 平装


作者: 中国资产评估协会 编
出 版 社: 经济科学出版社
出版时间: 2007-3-1 字数: 200000 版次: 1 页数: 273
印刷时间: 2007/03/01 开本: 印次: 纸张: 胶版纸
I S B N : 9787505861398 包装: 平装


作 者: 吴光明 编著
出 版 社: 东北财经大学出版社
出版时间: 2006-12-1 字数: 331000 版次: 1 页数: 348
印刷时间: 2006/12/01 开本: 印次: 纸张: 胶版纸
I S B N : 9787810847780 包装: 平装

❼ 请推荐一篇有关无形资产投资的英文文献


无形资产投资(Intangible- assets Investment/ Investment of Intangible Assets)

What is the investment in intangible assets?
Intangible assets refer to investments of investors in order to have the patent rights, non-patent technology, trademarks, land-use rights as an investment. The two sides should agree to determine the amount of the value of intangible assets, but also the need to deal with the document as a basis. Intangible assets to invest, according to the amount of its investment in China's financial system, enterprises should not exceed 20% of registered capital; case the special needs of more than 20% by the relevant departments for examination and approval should be the maximum not more than 30%.

Business investment in intangible assets received, debit, "intangible assets" accounts, credit "paid-up capital" account.

Intangible asset investment is feature: non-investment entities, a long payback period, investment risk, higher return on investment.

What is the intangible asset?
Intangible assets: refers to the business did not have the kind of shape will enable the companies to obtain long-term over-income assets.

(1) and intangible characteristics:

1, there is no physical shape. Usually pass special rights.

2, to bring excess profits.

3, for a long time to play a role. Because it can have long-term.

(2), intangible assets, including:

1, patents

2, know-how

3, the franchise

4, the right to use the premises

5, trademark

6, goodwill

(C), the classification of intangible assets:

1, according to the validity of the points:

(1), a period of intangible assets: the law provides for a maximum validity period, not extended to protect the

(2), no period of intangible assets

2, according to whether or not there may refer to:

(1), there may be referring to the intangible assets: to identify the indivial, separate access. If the patent (business) and so on.

(2), does not refer to the intangible assets: alone can not identify, can not be achieved separately, together with the enterprise can only be purchased net assets. Such as goodwill.

3, according to whether or not protected by law:

(1), the right to assets: protection of the law, such as patents, rights and so on.

(2), the rights of non-assets: protected by law, such as goodwill, know-how.

Analysis of intangible investment:
Investment is the largest investment in intangible assets, long, multi-link, the risks of systems engineering. In a knowledge-based economy under the conditions of intangible assets represent over profitability would be to create a source of competitive advantage.

According to statistics, some of the OECD-the-art enterprise tangible assets and intangible assets ratio has reached 1:2 to 1:3. The United States in 1995, many enterprises intangible assets ratio of 50% to 60%. An enterprise has a number of intangible assets of how much value is high or low technical level and competitiveness of the mark. In our country, not only in the corporate intangible assets in the proportion of the total assets on the low side, but also in the composition of intangible assets, technology assets, in particular low.

Investment management of intangible assets:
Intangible asset investment decision-making methods and decision-making investment in fixed assets the same way. Also need to calculate the decision-making targets. However, it is more complex than the investment in fixed assets. Because:

1, intangible assets are invested in various forms.

2, intangible assets and the investment period has been over-time earnings is difficult to predict.

3, intangible assets increased over the proceeds of uncertainty there.

The day-to-day control of intangible assets: include the following:

1, an increase of intangible assets management

Whether purchased, the self-built, or other inputs, for all legal proceres, according to the actual cost, or by the rating agencies to assess valuation.

2, amortization of intangible assets management

(1) the effective useful life of intangible assets:

① law and the provisions of the contract are valid in accordance with the principles of the short side.

② no legal provisions of the contract, according to the provisions of the contract determine the number of years.

③ not provided for by not less than 10 years to determine the validity.

3, the calculation of the amount of amortization of intangible assets:

= Amortization in the amount of the original price / effective service life

4, the use of intangible assets management:

(1) potential to improve the utilization of intangible assets.

(2) to implement centralized management at different levels. Such as patents, technology must be managed by the technology sector, the franchise, the right to use the site to the proction and marketing departments. Sales by the trademark management, in order to clear responsibility to enhance the effectiveness of the use.

Intangible assets investment accounts and tax-related issues to deal with:
According to the intangible assets to obtain a different way, namely by the following provisions to deal with. "Enterprise Accounting System," the 44th article stipulates: "The business acquired intangible assets, measures should be based on actual costs. Made at the time of the actual cost should be determined in the following way:

(A) acquired intangible assets, according to the actual price paid for the actual cost.

(B) investors into the intangible assets, investment by the parties identified as the value of the actual cost. However, for the first time to issue shares and investors to accept the input of intangible assets, intangible assets should be in the investor's book value as the actual cost.

(C) the business of the debtor to accept non-cash assets to cover liabilities of the acquired intangible assets, or debt-for-entry e to intangible assets, according to the book value of accounts receivable claims to be paid together with the related taxes and fees, as the actual cost. Involved in premium, according to the following provisions of the transferee to determine the actual cost of intangible assets:

1. Receipt of the premium, according to the book value of the debt receivable less the premium, plus related taxes and fees should be paid, as the actual cost;

2. To pay the premium, according to the book value of the debt receivable plus the premium paid and to pay related taxes and fees, as the actual cost.

(D) to non-monetary transactions for the entry of intangible assets, according to the assets of the combined book value should pay the relevant taxes and fees, as the actual cost. Involved in premium, according to the following requirements for entry to determine the actual cost of intangible assets:

1. Receipt of the premium, according to the assets of the combined book value should be recognized in the income and pay less taxes and fees related to the balance of payment of a premium, as the actual cost;

2. To pay the premium, according to the assets of the combined book value should pay the relevant taxes and fees and premium, as the actual cost.

(E) to accept donations of intangible assets, the following provisions shall determine the actual costs:

1. Donation to provide relevant evidence, according to the evidence indicating the amount to be paid together with the related taxes and fees, as the actual cost.

2. Donor did not provide such evidence, according to the following order to determine the actual costs:

(1) the same or similar intangible assets of the existence of an active market, according to the same or similar intangible assets is estimated that the amount of market prices, together with the related taxes and fees should be paid, as the actual cost;

(2) the same or similar intangible assets no active market, according to accept the donation of intangible assets is expected to present value of future cash flows, as the actual cost. "

The 45th article stipulates that: "in accordance with legal proceres to apply for self-developed intangible assets acquired, according to the law made when the registration fee, lawyer fees, as the actual cost of intangible assets. Occur in the course of research and development of materials Cost of personnel directly involved in the development of wages and welfare, development occurred in rent, the cost of borrowing, and so on, into direct current profit and loss. Periods have been included in the cost of research and development costs, and the success of the intangible assets in accordance with the law The right to apply, no longer have been included in the original cost of the capitalization of research and development costs. "

The 47th article stipulates: "The corporate purchase or sell gold to cover the cost of land acquisition of land use rights, not yet in the development or use of the construction project, accounting for intangible assets in accordance with the present system of the period provided for a phased amortization. Room Real estate development companies to develop real estate, land-use rights should be the book value into all development costs; business as a result of the use of land for the construction of a project for their own use, land-use rights to the book value into all-in-progress costs. "

Enterprises with investment from outside of intangible assets, the same non-monetary transaction regulations.

Guoshuifa [1993] No. 149: "Investment in real estate shares, investors accept to participate in the distribution of profits, the share of investment risk, do not levy sales tax." "With regard to equity investment business income tax notice of a number of issues" (Guoshuifa [2000 ] No. 118) article 3, paragraph 1, a "business to business activities of some non-monetary assets of foreign investments, including shares of the company's shareholders for its corporate operations in non-monetary assets to buy shares of company stock allocation should be Investment in the transaction occurs, will be broken down into its fair value based on sales of non-monetary assets and economic investment in the two operations to deal with income tax, calculated in accordance with the provisions of the asset transfer income or loss. "Based on the above provisions to intangible assets outside Investment, from paying business tax, but be required to pay income tax.




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