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发布时间:2021-12-24 15:40:44

1. 英语投诉信范文

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to comlain about a Microcomputer I purchased from your company.

I purchased a computer from your company on 05/07/2010 and it was delivered by your company to my house on 08/07/2010. When we opened the box, we noticed there was two dents at the back of the computer and there are some scratches on the screen.

I would like you to arrange for another brand-new computer to be delivered to me as soon as possible. Otherwise, I would like to have my full refund.

Yours faithfully,


2. 英语投诉信怎么写

I am . (自我介绍) I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about_______.
The reason for my dissatisfaction is ______________(总体介绍). In the first place,_________________________(抱怨的第一个方面). In addition, ____________________________(抱怨的第二个方面). Under these circumstances, I find it ___(感觉) to ____________________________(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).
I appreciate it very much if you could_______________________(提出建议和请求), preferably __________(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限).
Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely

3. 如何写英文投诉信

I bought a pair of shoes on line in yesterday afternoon. And so quick to receive it today, however, after I opened the box to found tackless on my new shoes. I am not happy to see this case happen and hope you can help me slove this problem soon. Do I refund or change it new one? complaining by Li Yuan.

4. "投诉信"的英文

A complaint letter

5. 需要英语范文关于投诉信的和邮件还有书信。内容不限制。

英文书信不论是商业信、社交信或朋友间的通信,依据习惯,大体都有六部分组成。即: 信头(heading) 信内地址(inside address) 称呼(salutation) 正文(body) 结尾语(complimentary close) 签名(signature) 1.信头(heading) 英语书信的信头包括发信人的地址和发信的具体日期两部分。信头放在信纸的右上角,一般分行写出。要先写发信人地址,再写发信的日期。写发信地址时依据从小到大的原则,即:先写门牌号码、街道名或路名,再写区(县)及所在市名称,然后是省或州、郡名称,最后再写上国家的名称。日期的顺序是先写月份再写哪一日然后是年份。需写邮政编码,邮政编码写在城市名称后边,用逗号隔开。 信头不能越过信纸中间而写到信纸的左上面。另外需要注意的是,通常在写地址时,第一行写门牌号和街名,第二行写地区名,第三行是日期。一般信头每行末不用标点符号,但每行中间应用的标点不可少,城区名和邮政编码之间,日月和年份之间要用逗号隔开。 信头一般不要写得太高,信头的上面要留些空白。 信头的书写格式有两种:并列式和斜列式。所谓并列式是指信头各行开头上下排列整齐。而所谓斜列式是下一行开头较上一行的开头向右移一至两个字母的位置。如: 并列式: 6P Park Ave. New York; NY 11215, U.S.A. December 1, 1999 斜列式: 6P Park AVe. New york, NY 11215, U.S.A December 1, 1993 2.信内地址(inside address) 信内地址包括收信人的姓名称呼和地址两部分。社交的私人信件信内地址是省略的。信内地址的位置位于信头的左下方,它的开始行低于信头的结尾行,位于信纸中央的左边。 信内地址先写收信人的头衔和姓名,再写地址,地址排列次序同信头一样。信内地址的书写格式也有两种:并列式和斜列式。一般来讲,信头和信内地址所用的格式总是保持一致的。标点符号的使用也与信头一样。 关于信内地址对收信人的头衔和姓名的称呼一般有以下几种情况: 无职称的男子用Mr.(加姓) 已婚的女子用Mrs.(加女子丈夫的姓) 未婚的女子用Miss 婚姻状况不明的女子用MS. 博士或医生用Dr.(Doctor) 有教授职称的用Prof.(Professor) 总经理、校长、会长、总统用Pres.(President) 3.称呼(salutation) 称呼是对收信人的尊称语,自成一行,与信内地址上下排齐。在美国用“My Dear”比用“D ear”还要客气,而英国的用法恰巧相反。对于一个陌生的人通信一般用“Dear Sir”或“D ear Madam”。另外需要注意的是称呼后面用逗号。 4.正文(body) 正文是书信的核心部分。正文的写作必须注意以下几点: (1)正文从低于称呼一至二行处写起,每段第一行向内缩进约五个字母,转行顶格。正文 也采用并列式的写法,即每行都顶格,但段与段之间中间要空出两三行表示分段。 (2)对于非正式的书信,除客气外,没有什么一定的规则。但究竟怎样的措辞,也应事先 想好。 (3)对于非常正式的书信,要知道开头句是很重要的。另外,信的内容中的每个段落 ,只能有一个中心思想,这样看信的人可以清楚、明白你所要表达的内容。为了表达的清楚,还要尽可能地用短句,少用长句、难句。段落也宜短不宜长,尤其开头和结尾两段更应简短。 (4)潦草的字同不整洁的衣服一样不雅观,书写一定要整齐规范。拼写也不能出现错误。 对拿不准的词一定要求助于字典。 (5)凡正式的书信,我们应将该信的全部内容写在一张信纸上。若一张不够,可用同样质 地大小的信纸继续书写,但若仅多出一两行则设法排得紧些放在一张上,或平均分为两页也好。信要写得美观大方。 (6)正式的书信,词语要庄重,决不可用俗语和省笔字。 5.结尾语(complimentary close) 结尾语就是结尾的客套语。一般写于正文下空一两行后,从信纸中央处起笔写,第一个字母大写,末尾用逗号。结尾语措辞的变化依据情况而定,通常有以下几种: (1)写给单位、团体或不相识的人的信用: Yours (very) truly,(Very) Truly yours Yours (very) faithfully,(Very) Faithfully yours, (2) 写给尊长上级的信可用: Yours (very )respectfully, Yours (very )obediently, Yours gratefully, Yours appreciatively, 也可以将Yours 放在后面。 (3)写给熟人或朋友的信可用: Yours,Yours ever,Yours fraternally, Yours cordially,Yours devotedly, 也可以将Yours 放在后面。 (4)给亲戚或密友的信可用: Yours,Yours ever,Yours affectionately, Yours devoted friend, Lovingly yours, Yours loving son (father,mother,nephew……), 以上各种情况 yours 无论放在前面或是放在后面都行,但不可缩写或省去。 6.签名(signature) 签名是在结尾客套语的下面,稍偏于右,这样末一个字可以接近空白而和上面的正文一样齐。签名当用蓝钢笔或圆珠笔,不能用打字机打。签名上面可以用打字机打出所在公司单位名称,下面也可打出职位。写信人为女性,则可在署名前用括号注明Mrs.或Miss。 签名的格式不能常变换。如一封签G·Smith,另一封签George Smith,第三封用G·B·Smit h。男子签字前不可用Mr.、Prof.或Dr.字样。 (二)英文书信信封的写法(superscription) 英文书信信封的写法同中文也不一样。具体来讲,英文书信应这样安排信封内容。 1.寄信人姓名地址写在信封的左上角。 收信人的姓名地址写在信封中间靠下或靠右地方。姓名要单独成行。姓名地址的写法同信头(heading)和信内地址(inside address)一样。所用格式(并列式或斜列式)也同信内的安排一致。注意写上邮政编码。 2.信封左下角可以写些说明语。如写上General Delivery(平信)、Registered(挂号 信)、Express(快件)、Air mail(航空)、Personal(亲启)、Please Forward(请较交)、Prin ted Matter(印刷品)、Book Post(图书邮件)、Manuscripts(稿件)、Photos Enclosed(内有照片)、Top Secret(绝密件)等。 3.若信封通过邮局寄给第三者转交给收信人,则需在收信人的姓名下面写明转交人的姓名,并在前面加上c/o(care of)。如: Mr.Thomas Green C/O Mr.William Scott 101 St.Lawrence Ave. Montreal 18,Canada。 4.Jr.(Junior)、Sr.(Senior)可以和Mr. (Mister)一起用,以示父子的分别。中国人父子不同名,则没必要用了。另外Sr.一般是省去不用的。

6. 英文写投诉信

Dear Mister:

As one of your customer, I have recently experienced some problems with the quality of the cell phone SQ200 sold in your store.

Not only have I noticed that the camera function can not be achieved but also in the text service I found it fails to send or receive messages.

As the result of this, I would like to request for returning or at least exchanging this cell phone.

I trust you will give this matter your immediately attention and ly handle it.

I am looking forward to your response.


Wang Hua

7. 写一篇投诉信(用英语写)


Dear Sir,

I am happy that the refrigerator we ordered last week has arrived on time. But it is a great pity that we find there is something wrong with the refrigeration facilities.

After we used it for several days. we found that food stored in the refrigerating compartment turned bad quickly.

When we finally decided to take the temperature in it, we were surprised to find it was around 15℃, far from the standard temperture range from 0℃ to 9℃.

This problem has affected our normal life. Would you please let me know whether or not you can send a repairman as soon as possible?

I hope that my problem will get your kind consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Li Ming







8. 英语投诉信

Dear Sir/Madam,

i am writing to express my dissatisfaction with XXX (厂家)procts and request alternate starting XXX (退还货的日期)

the main problem i found is that extremely low quality class exists in your procts against your advertisement descriptions on television and internet.moreover, the colors were fade away after first washing in the washing machine.

i would be very grateful if you consider this request at your earliest convenience. thank you for your help in this matter. i look forward to hearing from you soon.

your sincerely,

9. 英语作文 投诉信

Dear Madam/Sir/Whichever the Gender,

I am writing this letter to complain the contamination of the local water area. It was in the last month, a mindboggingly stupid oil tanker shipwrecked around the local sea area and caused a disastrously stupid oil leak which killed all the lovely fish farmed by my family. With all the fish dead, there would certainly be no income this year and there would consequencely be no money for the immense tuition of this starting school year. I am only a senior high school student that certainly don't have any idea about what to do if I don't have enough money for the ecation which is so unreasionably highly-charged. All in all, it would be very kind of the go.vern.ment to consider about the compensation e to the loss of the leakage issue.
Your respectively,
Li Hua.

10. 用英语写投诉信

Dear ______,
①I am ______(自我介绍). ②I feel bad to trouble you but I am afraid that I have to make a complaint about.
③ reason for my dissatisfaction is ______(总体介绍). ④In the first place, ______(抱怨的第一个方面). ⑤In addition, ______(抱怨的第二个方面). ⑥Under these circumstances, I find it ______(感觉)to______(抱怨的方面给你带来的后果).
⑦I appreciate it very much if you could ______(提出建议和请求), preferably ______(进一步的要求), and I would like to have this matter settled by ______(设定解决事情最后期限). ⑧Thank you for your consideration and I will be looking forward to your reply.
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming


Dear Mr. Chang:
On September 10, our order for 280 womens cotton sweaters was ly received, but we regret to say that 40 cotton sweaters in white color were seriously soiled.
We had the case investigated immediately, and the result shows the damage was e to improper packing, for which the suppliers are definitely responsible.
Needless to say, we have suffered a great loss from this, as we cannot sell the sweaters in this condition to our customers. We ask you to conct investigation at your end and reply to us.
Sincerely yours,



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