㈠ 三千多美金的萧邦手表在国内值多少钱
㈡ 曝光(长沙梳颜(萧邦)美容美发分公司)存欺诈和忽悠顾客行为
㈢ 上海萧邦误差怎么调
㈣ 富阳肖邦二期江峰汽修前几天我去保养,提车的时候只有半箱油,被老板抽出来了,至少损失200元,如何维权
㈤ kate chopin the kiss
It was still quite light out of doors, but inside with the curtains drawn and the smouldering fire sending out a dim, uncertain glow, the room was full of deep shadows.它还是很轻的门了,但里面的窗帘和阴燃引起火灾发出暗淡的,不确定的光芒,房间里充满了深深的阴影。
Brantain sat in one of these shadows; it had overtaken him and he did not mind. Brantain坐在这些阴影之一,它已超越了他,他并不介意。 The obscurity lent him courage to keep his eves fastened as ardently as he liked upon the girl who sat in the firelight.在朦胧借给他有勇气继续为他系前夕,他在热烈的女孩谁喜欢坐在火光中。
She was very handsome, with a certain fine, rich coloring that belongs to the healthy brune type.她很漂亮,具有一定的罚款,丰富的色彩,属于健康布伦类型。 She was quite composed, as she idly stroked the satiny coat of the cat that lay curled in her lap, and she occasionally sent a slow glance into the shadow where her companion sat.她很组成,因为她不理抚摸的猫,躺在她的腿上卷曲satiny外套,她偶尔派人到影子,她的同伴坐在一个缓慢的一瞥。 They were talking low, of indifferent things which plainly were not the things that occupied their thoughts.他们在谈论低,其中显然没有的东西,占领他们的思想漠不关心的事情。 She knew that he loved her--a frank, blustering fellow without guile enough to conceal his feelings, and no desire to do so.她知道他爱她 - 没有足够的guile坦率,耀武扬威的家伙来掩饰他的感情,不想这样做。 For two weeks past he had sought her society eagerly and persistently.过去两周以来,他急切地寻找她的社会和坚持。 She was confidently waiting for him to declare himself and she meant to accept him.她自信地等待他宣布自己和她接受他的意思。 The rather insignificant and unattractive Brantain was enormously rich; and she liked and required the entourage which wealth could give her.相当显着,并且没有吸引力Brantain是极为丰富的,她也喜欢并要求随行人员的财富可以给她。
During one of the pauses between their talk of the last tea and the next reception the door opened and a young man entered whom Brantain knew quite well.在他们之间谈论过去和未来接待茶的门开了,一个停顿一青年男子进入其中Brantain知道得非常好。 The girl turned her face toward him.这个女孩她的脸转向他。 A stride or two brought him to her side, and bending over her chair--before she could suspect his intention, for she did not realize that he had not seen her visitor--he pressed an ardent, lingering kiss upon her lips.了一大步,两个带他到她的身边,俯身在她的椅子,她便怀疑他的意图 - 因为她没有意识到,他没有看到她的访问者 - 他压在她的嘴唇一热心,挥之不去的吻。
Brantain slowly arose; so did the girl arise, but quickly, and the newcomer stood between them, a little amusement and some defiance struggling with the confusion in his face. Brantain慢慢地产生,所以没有出现的女孩,但很快,和新人站在他们之间,一点点娱乐和一些蔑视与他的脸混乱中挣扎。
"I believe," stammered Brantain, "I see that I have stayed too long. I--I had no idea--that is, I must wish you good-by." “我相信”,结结巴巴地说Brantain,“我看到我逗留的时间太长。我 - 我不知道 - 这就是,我祝你身体必须由。” He was clutching his hat with both hands, and probably did not perceive that she was extending her hand to him, her presence of mind had not completely deserted her; but she could not have trusted herself to speak.他用双手抓住他的帽子,也许并不觉得她是延长她的手给他,她的心还没有完全荒废的存在她,但她无法信任自己发言。
"Hang me if I saw him sitting there, Nattie! I know it's deuced awkward for you. But I hope you'll forgive me this once--this very first break. Why, what's the matter?" “恒我,如果我看见他坐在那里,Nattie!我知道它的厉害的你很尴尬。但我希望你能原谅我这一次 - 这个第一次突破。为什么,怎么回事?”
"Don't touch me; don't come near me," she returned angrily. “不要碰我,不要走近我,”她气愤地返回。 "What do you mean by entering the house without ringing?" “你是什么意思是不响?输入的房子”
"I came in with your brother, as I often do," he answered coldly, in self-justification. “我带着你的兄弟,在我经常做,”他冷冷地回答,在自我辩护。 "We came in the side way. He went upstairs and I came in here hoping to find you. The explanation is simple enough and ought to satisfy you that the misadventure was unavoidable. But do say that you forgive me, Nathalie," he entreated, softening. “我们来到旁边的方式。他上楼来到这里,我希望能找到你。这种解释是很简单的,应该满足你的意外事故是不可避免的。不过,你说你原谅我,纳塔莉,”他恳求,软化。
"Forgive you! You don't know what you are talking about. Let me pass. It depends upon--a good deal whether I ever forgive you." “原谅你,你不知道你在说什么。让我通过。取决于它 - 一个非常好的协议,我是否会原谅你。”
At that next reception which she and Brantain had been talking about she approached the young man with a delicious frankness of manner when she saw him there.当时她和未来接待了约Brantain走近她的坦率态度美味的年轻人当她看见他在那里说话。
"Will you let me speak to you a moment or two, Mr. Brantain?" “你让我说给你的时刻,两位先生Brantain?” she asked with an engaging but perturbed smile.她从事了询问,但不安的笑容。 He seemed extremely unhappy; but when she took his arm and walked away with him, seeking a retired corner, a ray of hope mingled with the almost comical misery of his expression.他似乎非常不满,但是当她把他的胳膊,与他走开,寻找一位退休的角落,看到了一丝曙光夹杂着他的表现几乎是可笑的苦难。 She was apparently very outspoken.她显然是很坦率。
"Perhaps I should not have sought this interview, Mr. Brantain; but--but, oh, I have been very uncomfortable, almost miserable since that little encounter the other afternoon. When I thought how you might have misinterpreted it, and believed things" --hope was plainly gaining the ascendancy over misery in Brantain's round, guileless face--"Of course, I know it is nothing to you, but for my own sake I do want you to understand that Mr. Harvy is an intimate friend of long standing. Why, we have always been like cousins--like brother and sister, I may say. He is my brother's most intimate associate and often fancies that he is entitled to the same privileges as the family. Oh, I know it is absurd, uncalled for, to tell you this; undignified even," she was almost weeping, "but it makes so much difference to me what you think of--of me." “也许我不应该要求这个访谈中,先生Brantain,但是 - 但是,哦,我一直很不舒服,因为这几乎很少遇到悲惨的其他下午。当我想你可能误解了它,并相信事情“ - 显然是希望获得当然,对在Brantain的这一轮苦难优势,天真的脸 - ”,我知道这是什么给你,但我自己的缘故,我希望你明白,哈维先生是一个亲密的朋友长期的。为什么,我们一直像亲戚 - 弟弟和妹妹一样,我可以说。他是我弟弟的最亲密的联系,经常幻想,他有权作为家庭中的同样的特权。噢,我知道这是荒谬的,多余的,告诉你这个,甚至有损尊严的,“她几乎哭”,但它使我如此多的差别是什么你觉得 - 我。“ Her voice had grown very low and agitated.她的声音已经变得非常低,激动。 The misery had all disappeared from Brantain's face.所有的痛苦消失了从Brantain的脸。
"Then you do really care what I think, Miss Nathalie? May I call you Miss Nathalie?" “那么,你真的关心我的想法,小姐纳塔莉?我可以叫你小姐纳塔莉?” They turned into a long, dim corridor that was lined on either side with tall, graceful plants.他们变成了一个长期,昏暗的走廊,无论是在与身材高大,优美的植物,两旁。 They walked slowly to the very end of it.他们走得很慢到很底。 When they turned to retrace their steps Brantain's face was radiant and hers was triumphant.当他们转身原路Brantain的脸上容光焕发,她取得了胜利。
Harvy was among the guests at the wedding; and he sought her out in a rare moment when she stood alone.哈维是在婚礼中的宾客,以及他要求她在一次罕见的一刻时,她独自站在。
"Your husband," he said, smiling, "has sent me over to kiss you. " “你的丈夫,”他笑着说:“派我到吻你。”
A quick blush suffused her face and round polished throat.快速脸红弥漫她的脸和圆形抛光喉咙。 "I suppose it's natural for a man to feel and act generously on an occasion of this kind. He tells me he doesn't want his marriage to interrupt wholly that pleasant intimacy which has existed between you and me. I don't know what you've been telling him," with an insolent smile, "but he has sent me here to kiss you." “我想这是自然的一个人的感觉和行为上的这种场合慷慨。他告诉我,他不想打断他的婚姻完全是愉快的亲密关系已经存在着你和我。我不知道什么你已经告诉他,“傲慢与微笑”,但他派我来吻你。“
She felt like a chess player who, by the clever handling of his pieces, sees the game taking the course intended.她像一个棋手谁,由他的作品巧妙的处理,看到了游戏过程中采取的感觉原意。 Her eyes were bright and tender with a smile as they glanced up into his; and her lips looked hungry for the kiss which they invited.她的眼睛微笑着光明和投标,因为他们看了看他,她的嘴唇寻找他们的吻饿了邀请。
"But, you know," he went on quietly, "I didn't tell him so, it would have seemed ungrateful, but I can tell you. I've stopped kissing women; it's dangerous." “但是,你知道,”他悄悄地去,“我没有告诉他的话,它会显得忘恩负义,但我可以告诉你。我已经不再亲吻女性,它的危险。”
Well, she had Brantain and his million left.嗯,她和他的万Brantain离开。 A person can't have everything in this world; and it was a little unreasonable of her to expect it.一个人不能拥有一切在这个世界,它是一个小她不合理的期望。
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㈦ 萧邦美容美发员工2500底薪真的吗
㈧ 陈嘉庚与肖邦有什么相思之处
㈨ 关于[十一月的萧邦]