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发布时间:2022-07-26 01:47:37

㈠ 如何翻译”网络侵权责任”成英语

internet infringement liability

㈡ 英语翻译,偏向政治法律术语


㈢ 急!!!求高手翻译成英文!!

国际著作权法International Copyright Law
国内著作权法National Copyright Law
时事新闻 Current Affair News
新闻媒体 News media
新闻作品News Works
公共领域Public Domain
信息传播information spreading
客观事实objective reality
pressmen 新闻工作者
修改权和保护作品完整权Alteration Right and Protection Works Integrity Right
全方位法律保护体系 all-round lawful protection system
International and national right laws can not protect some news works especially current affair news,because such information belongs to public domain and has a unique expressing format, and the goal of the laws is to rece obstruction on information spreading. Then, whether the character of unique expressing format of current affair news can become an obstruction on right protection inversely? Indeed, current affair news has unique expressing format as an expression of objective reality, but the objectivity and uniqueness of news need to be expressed through special social working of pressmen, who are in a competitive info-collection. So they ought to share the right of their discovering and description of original creation. If this right is not right, then what’s it? Of course, the blockage of the right administrators to current affair news may possibly exist, herein this, we may consider special right protection on current affair news: anyone can use current affair news without gain admittance,but they should pay for them and respect the signature right, alteration right, and protection works integrity right of the right person.
Fully protection on economic and mind rights of the pressmen for information collection, procession, and spreading, should be the trend of right laws in the future.
Under the background of the current subdivision of media market, news media pay much attention to the quality of medium information, at the same time, faster and faster spreading means may generate more infringement,such as transshipment, adaptation, simulation, counterfeit without admittance, etc, specially on the internet. However, all-round lawful protection system of the right of all news works has not constructed.

㈣ 英语翻译高手进


(1) I don’t teach beacause teaching is too easy for me.
(2) Each patient is an indivial with different needs, depending on his or her special illness or condition.
(3) The three girls sat down facing each other and began casually chatting.
(4) “Mine is a long and sad tale!” said John turning to Mary and sighing.
(5) This disease is increasingly mirrored in our culture, our philosophy, our attitude toward reality.
(6) You don’t goaw【grow,注意拼写】 the grain you eat ,and you don’t make the clothes you wear.
(7) Engineering design is a decision-making process used for the development of engineering for which there is a human need.
(8) Scientific exploration, the research for knowledge has given man the practical results of being able to shield himself from calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by other man
(9) The olympics【Olumpics, O 大写】 can instill new confidence in a region motivating investors who previously had not considered that region as a target priority to commit capital .
(10) China and the United states are the two countries farthest away from each other, but they are of natural bond. In their joint efforts against Japanese aggressors, quite a numberof nice American young men died and got their ever–lony resting place in china, and more American young men lost their lives in the war gainst china some of them died in Korea and others in Vietnam.

(1) 革命尚未成功,同志仍须努力
The Revolution has yet to be accomplished. All our comrades should never slacken our efforts.
(2) 侵权行为与违约行为不同,侵权行为所违反的是国家规定的法律责任,而违约行为违反的是缔约双方自愿订立的责任。

(3) 各国执法官员应加强合作,打击犯罪,防止洗钱,私运偷渡人员及防止伪钞破坏货币的信用。

(4) 年轻人对体坛英雄,电影明星崇拜有加,对科学家及商界人士却赞誉不足,这是最令人担忧的。

(5) 人们只要敲一下电脑键盘,观念、信息、资金就能跨越全球,这为人类创造财富,预防和征服疾病,加深不同历史文化背景下人民之间的相互了解,带来了极有利的机会。

(6) 被告认为针计算机打印出来的帐单不能作为证据使用,理由是没有相应的、能反映所提供服务的原始数据进行核对。

(7) 中国有古话:“大丈夫当有三喜” ,洞房花烛,金榜题名,名垂青史。”

(8) 在演出成学术讲座进行时,不断响起的手机声是一个民族的悲哀,说明该国的国民还有很多地方有待提高。
When a performance or a lecture is going on, instantly cellphone ringing would turn out to be such a humiliation. Meanwhile, it also sugguests that the country should pay more attention to its manner.

(9) 主人是一个名门闺秀,她在深宅大院里过着单调乏味而郁郁寡欢的生活,她最后留下一句与“人言可畏”的遗书而以自杀的方式离开了人间,自杀是对人生释放的不负责任的态度。如果当时她积极投身抗日,就会发现生活中处处充满阳光和幸福。
The hostess is of noble birth, and has spent most of her lives living in a large courtyard house. She was in despair and commits suicide, left nothing but her 'Gossip is a fearing thing'. Her way of ending life is irresponsible, if she were more active in the anti-Japanese war, it would be easier for her to find happiness in life.

(10) 天津是欧亚大陆桥的起点,在中国西部大开发中是可以大有作为的,当务之急就是把天津机场建设成为“客货兼荣,以货为主”的航空基地。
Tianjing is sitting at the beginning of the Eurasia Bridge, and it has a great role in the West Development in China. One of the priorities is to build Tianjin Airport into a aero base featuring aerobuses and cargo planes on an equal basis.

㈤ 怎样看待侵权行为


侵权行为是侵权行为法中一个最重要的概念。关于“侵权行为”,各国有不同的文字符号予以表示,英文称之为tort,拉丁语称之为delictum,德语上叫做unerlaubte handlung,法语称之为delit,日语则称之为“不法行为”。可见,不论的立法上还是学说上,还没形成统一的、为人们所共同接受的定义。

㈥ 商检,侵权用英语怎么说,还有商标侵权

Inspection, tort

㈦ 侵权行为英语怎么说

1 Infringement Act
2 Tort Cognizance
3 Legal Remedy

㈧ 汉译英:“侵权行为”用英语怎么写



infringement act

例句:Right of personality has a certain economic value, and the infringement act has become more and more frequent.


㈨ “版权所有,侵权必究”用英文怎么说


Copyright infringement.
[法] all right reserved

All rights reserved; those responsible for unauthorized reproction will be prosecuted.

This book is our right.

㈩ ty of care在法律中什么意思~

ty of care 翻译成“注意义务”比较合适,结合侵权法的理论,可以把ty of care 理解为因为行为人主观上的疏忽,而未尽到相应的注意义务,而这个注意义务的要求因为行为人为专业人士,所以要高于一般人。

在tort law(侵权法)中,而negligence的含义是疏忽、怠慢,这个字很多时用在专业人士身上,主要针对专业人士并没有根据他们的专业操守、行为,而作出适当的做法,至使他们的客户因此而蒙受损失。









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