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发布时间:2022-06-23 21:24:42

㈠ “医疗纠纷”的英语作文

the improvement of living standards,people pay more and more attention
to their body health.With the pollution of food,water and water,people are
weaker and weaker in their health and they will get many diseases.Then they will
go to hospital with the hope of recovering.But hospitals can't do everything and
not all patients can be cured well.Maybe some patients died in hospital,some
patients can't be cured well of diseases or may be charged too much and so
on.Thus,the arguments between patients and doctors will always happen.As we all
know,in the countryside,when a patient died in the hospital,the family members
would gather in or around the hospital to ask much more compensation.However,the
hospital didn't want to pay that much and as a result,a dispute would come
about.During the process of curing diseases,the patients want to pay less while
the hospital may charge more,which always irritate both.So the government should
set up a special organization to deal with the disputes between patients and
hospitals.Only by doing so can we find a reasonable solution to the

㈡ 如何处理医患关系英语作文


㈢ 法律英语专业翻译 毕业论文摘要翻译

Analysis of Legislature Proposals on Concurrence of Claims of Medical Disputes
Medical disputes refer to the disputes and discrepancies occurred in the medical procere between hospitals and patients. Concurrence of claims mean the parties concerned may choose only one of such claims when entitled to many claims. As for the medical relations in recent years, with the improvement of the patients' awareness to protect their own rights, there are increasingly discrepancies between the health of patients themselves and medical science, one of the issues is the settlement of the concurrence of claims in the medical disputes---which may protect the patients' rights more efficiently, claim of breach or claim of tort. In the medical disputes, when there is medical agreement between the parties concerned, medical damage may constitute breachment of the medical agreement asit satisfies the essential factors of breachment; meanwhile, it may as well constitute action of tort as its damage to the patients' rights of life, health, boday and reputation. This thesis analyses the liability of beachment and tort from the perspective of civil liability of concurrence of claims and medical disputes, and concludes the loopholes of our legislation. At the same time ,this thesis puts forward my own views toward the settlement of concurrence of claims by reference to the advanced international legislation regarding concurrence of claims in medical disputes.
Key words: concurrence of claims , liability of breachment, liability of tort, legislation


㈣ 求英文翻译

Facing the increasingly medical disputes or malignant argy-bargy events,make doctor-patient relationship problems become increasing attention and social concern of serious social problem.If we cannot be taken seriously and realistic manner, scientific and effective methods to prevent and dissolve conflicts will aggravate,will become more prominent.Conflict, will seriously affect our health career development and the normal order of the people's health, rece the quality of service, damage the vital interests of the masses, but also affects the historical process of the construction of a harmonious society.
Hospital for more than two months internship, through with the medical staff, the patient and family of contact and communication, understand their behavior and mental characteristics, and for the people, the environment, service, system analysis, to explore some of the doctor-patient relationship in the present tense.According to the field observation and visit exchanges, various analysis of doctor-patient relations deteriorating social, economy, system and humanistic factors, and combination of data, deconstruction, the doctor-patient relationship conflicts that the reasons doctor-patient relationship is macro social, institutional reasons, there are also in the medical technology of doctor-patient communication, mutual trust, and responsible attitude, and influence each other, medical quality and the doctor-patient relationship in the conclusion, and finally puts forward deteriorating from government investment, administration of medical institutions, medical personnel and professional qualities and related laws and regulations, etc.


㈤ 知情同意书医患纠纷英文怎么说Informed


Doctor-patient dispute with informed consent


㈥ 帮忙翻译一段文字,大概200字,100积分,好的话还有追加。在线等急。



但是理解并不意味着我们应该容忍这样的事情发生。从国家的利益,我们的祖国,以更快的发展,和谐的环境是一个必须在敌对的气氛,所有的外事活动将白费力气,这也是耶稣会士的一些最好的情况下,我们绝不允许!就个人而言,在当今世界上,融合,你我INTERNATIONL不必要的误解和歧视,被激怒了作为一个中国人的铮铮豪情?这使事情每天都在发生,我们绝不允许! “我们刚买通过大家的努力,中国改变世界的,中国是客观和公正的评价!

> SunZiYun:认识,我们有一腔热血,动作的奥秘,我们必须先了解国外教育,媒体如何客观地看待中国的歪曲报道,这是我们需要一个更好的对语言的掌握,他们成为学好英语的工作,我们不能鲁莽没有具体的泄露自己的情绪,只会使矛盾激化,我们会阅读他们的书,我们会阅读他们的报告,知道他们是什么,他们篡改事件八卦。





㈦ 关于医疗纠纷的作文

命安全.为了处理好医疗纠纷,要加强防范措施的实施并采取正确处理医疗纠纷的方法,从根本 上铲除发生医疗纠纷的内部因素. 1.医疗纠纷的定义
医疗纠纷是指发生在医疗卫生、 预防保健、 医学美容等具有合法资质的医疗企事业法人或机构中,
时存在过失,造成实际损害后果,应当承担违约责任或侵权责任,但双方(或多方)当事人对所 争议事实认识不同、相互争执、各执己见的情形.
.狭义的医疗纠纷往往指医疗民事纠纷,即医疗 合同纠纷和医疗侵权纠纷.医疗合同纠纷是指合同当事人对医疗合同的订立、履行、变更、终止
及合同权利义务的争议.医疗侵权纠纷是指医疗服务的提供者与接受者之间对医疗行为及其后果 是否侵权及侵权责任的争议.
含义.还有人认为病人或家 属对诊疗工作不满,认为病人出现伤残或死亡系由于医务人员诊疗失误引起,要求追究责任与赔
纷.另外还有人认为:医疗纠纷是指(发生在医患之间的)因患者对医务人员或医疗机构的医疗 服务不满意,与医方发生的争执.
实际上医疗纠纷不仅仅是“医患双方对医疗后果及其原因在认识上发生分歧”, 而且还有其他因素.
处置未能先征求自己的意见.患者缺乏医学知识.例如一些医生在为病人检查身体时(尤其是在 为女病人检查身体时)
生未这样做,从而引起病人的不满,并由此引起争执.因此,说医疗纠纷“医患双方对医疗后果及 其原因在认识上发生分歧”是不全面的.
要求明确医疗事故鉴定结果,要求“定为事故”,而并不要求追究当事人的民事责任.因此,说医 疗纠纷仅仅是“当事人要求追究责任或赔偿损失”是不确切的.
2.医疗纠纷分类 (1)医疗事故纠纷 指医患双方就具体医疗事件是否构成事故、应否赔偿、怎样赔偿产生的纠纷. (2)其他医疗纠纷
包括经过医疗事故鉴定不属于医疗事故的医疗纠纷、不申请医疗事故鉴定的医疗纠 纷、医学会不予鉴定的医疗纠纷. 3.引起医疗纠纷的原因
医疗纠纷是发生在医患之间的, 针对医疗活动的争执. 医疗纠纷是建立在民事法律关系基础上的,
的争执,如因医方违反对患者病情保密的义务,给患者造成了伤害而引起的纠纷,也不属于医疗 纠纷,而是一种普通民事侵权纠纷.
基本的医学知识,对正确的 医疗处理、疾病的自然转归和难以避免的并发症以及医疗中的意外事故不理解而引起的,也可以
是由于患者的毫无道理的责难而引起的.另一方面,尽管医方出现医疗过失,如果患者对此予以 谅解,不加追究的,则不会发生医疗纠纷.
4.医疗纠纷的解决和防范 医疗纠纷的误区 误区之一:医疗纠纷等同于医疗事故
原因的认定有分歧,当事人提出追究责任或经济赔偿,必须经过行政或法律的调解、裁决 才可了结的事件. 误区之二:病人进医院等于进“保险箱”
时,也增加了受损害的风险.最高明的医生也不能包治百病,病人进医院不等于进了“保险 箱”. 误区之三:经济补偿等于经济赔偿
在众多的医疗纠纷中,有的已构成医疗事故,按照国务院《医疗事故处理办法》 和各地制定的实施细则的规定,对鉴定为医疗事故的给予一次性经济补偿.
法律法规并没有规定医疗纠纷一定要“经过行政的或法律的 裁决”. 医疗纠纷重在防范.严格抓好医疗管理,提高医疗质量
坚持实行医疗质量管理目标责任管理.每 年医院与各科室签订医疗质量管理责任书,每月进行检查考核,凡发生一起医疗纠纷,按其责任
大小,分直接责任人、间接责任人和管理责任人,进行内部经济追偿. 严格抓好规章制度的落实,建立医疗纠纷的长效防范机制
即用“三严”来规范医疗质量的管理,一 是严格制定制度.针对医疗质量管理的每一个环节,特别是容易出现医疗安全隐患的重点环节,
取病人的意见,了解病人需求、改进工作,维护患者的权力.尊重患者的知情同意权.建立与病 人和家属知情权的制度,即入院时做好宣传教育;
同意书,同时教育医务人员戒除“以医为尊”的思想观念,坚持“以病人为中心”,认真履行告之义 务,为改善医患关系,减少医患纠纷提供了有力的保证.
改善服务环境,整建室内外环境,让病人就医方便,开展病人健康教育、康复训练 创建“丰富多
彩的娱乐文体健康”的活动.各科室根据自身特点,提供便民措施,满足病人的不同需求,以防为 主,有效地减少了医疗纠纷的发生.

㈧ 外国如何应对医患矛盾


㈨ 英语大神帮忙翻译下这篇文章,下午要交的作业。。。

11 relationship between doctors and patients: is specific to cure the relationship between medical staff and patients in the medical process, is the key of medicalinterpersonal relationship.
It is particularly important to establish a good relationship between doctors and patients in the hospital management in
The 12 case mix classification grouping: refers to all aspects of the characteristics of some interrelated yet different from the patient; these features include the patient, disease prognosis, the difficulty of treatment, treatment ofnecessity and medical resource consumption intensity in 5 aspects.
Case mix is a payment method Australia currently pay medical expenses.
13 expectations: refers to the probability estimation, a person can be achieved on a target that is: a person on the target estimate can be achieved, then theprobability of [1] is maximum (P=1); on the contrary, the estimated completely impossible, then the probability is minimum (p=0).
The patient's high expectations is one of the causes of medical dispute.
14: crisis management is increasingly paid great attention to the management thought and the survival strategy of public relations activities, especially in theglobalization today, the enterprise or the organization of a small accident or incident will be extended to the country, and even greater range of, have serious consequences.
Crisis management is the effective way to solve disputes between doctors and patients in hospital adverse impact to the hospital.
15 the allocation of funds: refers to the process of business revenue and profitsplit and assignment.
The allocation of funds is an important content of financial management.
16 advantages: refers to the strengths, good place. The utility model has the advantages of conclusion after comparing with the similar things, the emphasis ismore outstanding, better.
We want to see the good in everyone.
Disadvantages: 17 is often referred to as known error. Weaknesses; defects.
We must treat each of their own shortcomings seriously.
18 motivation: with all kinds of effective ways to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the staff, so that employees work hard to complete the task of the organization to achieve the objectives of the organization.
Effective incentive will ignite the enthusiasm of the staff, prompting them to workmore strongly motivated to let them proce the transcendence of ego and the desires of others, and will potentially huge driving force released, dedicate theirenthusiasm for the enterprise vision.
The 19 constraint mechanism: refers to the behavior of organization members to facilitate organizational norms, and orderly operation, general fully play its rolewith the normative requirements, standard rules and means by the statutory proceres formulated and promulgated the implementation of the. The constraints include laws and regulations, the national instry standard, organize internal rules and regulations, and various forms of supervision.
According to the mechanism of formation of constraints and constraintmechanism can be divided into exogenous and endogenous two.
20 trends: the tendency of the development of things.
The development trend of hospital is to further strengthen the service consciousness.
21 risks: is between proction purpose and work achievement of uncertainty.Refers to the possibility of danger.
Enterprise management must master the risk management.
22 public welfare projects: refers to the non-profit and social benefits with thenature of the project.
To improve hospital reputation should do some public welfare project.
23 classification management: refers to things into categories according to different classification for different or similar management methods formanagement.
Hospital drug management must be classified management.
24 efficiency (efficiency) refers to the ratio of the useful power of driving power,while also expressing a variety of meanings.
Efficiency is the key to improve the operating performance.
25 index; refers to measure target unit or method.
Work the completion of targets is the key to enhance the performance of the.

㈩ 各位英语高手帮帮忙!!~~翻译一下下面这段英文 急!急!急!!!

Purpose: to the people of Wenzhou medical dispute mediation mechanism investigation on the present situation and the run of success since, understand the superiority of the people's mediation mechanism, defects of and the degree of people's understanding of people's mediation mechanism. Method: questionnaire survey and analysis of the present study, Wenzhou Medical Committee-related work and policy regulating system questionnaire. Results: Wenzhou introced in medical dispute and claim third-party mechanism, establishment of medical disputes in the people's mediation committees, involvement in medical dispute effectively resolved the dispute on medical treatment. But running there since propaganda is not enough, system is not perfect, and so on. Conclusion: the people's mediation mechanism is a quick and reasonable, the right way to solve medical disputes. Doctors and patients for better protecting the legitimate rights of the parties should adopt targeted measures to improve the medical dispute mediation mechanism.



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