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发布时间:2021-06-13 13:27:39


3 proceres of patent application: substantive examination, publication and grant

Ⅱ 十多项技术专利及软件著作权的英文

More than 10 patents and software right

Ⅲ 专利英语怎么说


patent right :专利权

Intellectual Property :知识产权

Ⅳ “专利”的英文是什么


专利(patent),从字面上是指专有的权利和利益。"专利"一词来源于拉丁语 patentes,意为公开的信件或公共文献,是中世纪的君主用来颁布某种特权的证明,后来指英国国王亲自签署的独占权利证书












Ⅳ 取得了3个实用新型专利授权(首位),用英语怎么翻译

acquired three utility model patents(ranking first place)

Ⅵ 求现成的比较正式的外观设计专利证书的英文版

Appearance Design Patent Certificate
The name of appearance design :
The patent No. :
The date of applying for the patent:
The legal holder of the patent:
The date of authorized proclamation:
The appearance design has been primarily verified by the Intellectual Property Department according to the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China. The Intellectual Property Department has decided to grant the patent right and the certificate as well as help to register the patent. The patent right has take into effect since the date of authorized proclamation.
The valid period of this patent right is ten years since the date of application. The legal holder of the patent has to pay annual fees in accordance with the Patent Law and detailed regulations. The annual fee of this patent shoud be paid before December 5th each year. If the legal holder of this patent couldn't pay annual fees according to regulations, the patent right would become invalid as long as the annual fee expired.
The legal status of registering the patent right is taken down on the patent certificate. The related items are written down on the register, such as transfering, pledging, expiring and regaining patent rights as well as changing name, nationnality, address and so on.
Director General : the Intellectual Property Department

Ⅶ 专利证书上的"专利号"官方英文缩写是什么

在专利证书上显示 publication: ( number)。。。并且号码前面有WO字样。那就是专利号了。

Ⅷ 《关于审理专利纠纷案件适用法律问题的若干规定》 英语翻译

On the trial of patent disputes several provisions applicable legal

On the trial of infringing the patent dispute cases application of law in the explanation of some issues

纵横复法律制网 贵铸律师



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