导航:首页 > 专利知识 > 已使用年限英语


发布时间:2021-10-09 18:30:34

1. 使用寿命是多少,用英语怎么说

使用寿命:life / ration
耐温程度:temperature resistance

耐磨板 wearing plate; wear-resisting plate
耐磨泵 wear pump
耐磨表层 wearing coat
耐磨材料 wear resistant material
耐磨插芯喷嘴 hard center noz
耐磨程度 rub fastness; rub proofness
耐磨刀片 wearing blade
耐磨的 wear resistant; wear-resisting; wearproof abrasion resistant; hard wearing; wear proof; long wearing
耐磨地板 wear-resisting floor wearing floor
耐磨垫圈 wear washer
耐磨电刷 non-sting brush
耐磨镀层 scuff resistant coating; wear(-)resistant coating
耐磨度 abrasion resistance; wearing strength
耐磨堆焊 hardfacing
耐磨堆焊焊条 hardfacing electrode
耐磨钢 abrasion-resistant steel; wear-resistant steel; wear resisting steel
耐磨钢轨 anvil faced rail
耐磨合金 abrasive resistant alloy; wear-resisting alloy; wearing proof alloy; wear-resistant alloy; antifriction alloy
耐磨合金钢 wear-resisting alloy steel
耐磨环 wearing ring
耐磨件 wearing piece; wear-resistant parts
耐磨金属 wear-resistant metal
耐磨力 tear resistance; abrasive resistance
耐磨零件 wear part
耐磨面 wear-resistant surface
耐磨面层 wear-resistant coat; scuff-resistant coating
耐磨能力 abrasive resistance
耐磨强度 scuff resistance
耐磨蚀轴承 corrosion resisting bearing
耐磨试验 wear testing; wearing test; abrasion test
耐磨试验机 abrasion wear test machine
耐磨寿命 wearing life
耐磨损 stand wear and tear
耐磨损材料 anti-abrasive material
耐磨损牢度 fastness to abrasion
耐磨条 wear rib; wearing strip
耐磨涂层 wear-resistant coating
耐磨涂料 wear-resistant paint
耐磨系数 wearing coefficient
耐磨橡胶 abrasive rubber
耐磨性 abradability; resistance to abrasion; resistance to wear; resistance to wear and tear; wear lessness; wear property; wear resisting property; wearing quality; wearing resistance; wear-resistant quality; wear-resistant
耐磨性能 wear-resisting property
耐磨硬度 abrasion hardness; passive hardness
耐磨铸铁 wear resistant cast iron; wear resisting casting iron
耐磨砖 abrasive brick

2. 年份用英语怎么说

1、如果年份是四位数字,就从中间分开,两位两位说,如:1896,eighteen and ninety six;1856,eighteen and fifty-six 。

2、如果三位以下可以直接读出,如776,seven handred and seventy-six ,公元为A.D.,公元前为B.C.

3、A.D. 应该写在年数之前, B.C. 应该写在年数之后, 如: from 300 B.C. to A.D. 400 由公元前三百年到公元四百年。



1、When Loewe returned to China in nineteen, ninety-nine, he set up an office to legitimize make his status and goals.


2、Even now, over two thousand years later, people still remember what a good shot he was.


3、Let’s build on that admirable example and do our part, here in Washington, so the doers, builders, and innovators in America can do their best in Twenty evelen and beyond.


4、They agreed last week to set up a permanent financial safety net beginning in twenty and thirteen to handle future crisis in the Euro Zone, which will expand to include Estonia next year.


5、However Holbrooke and other American officials are now stressing the combat mission is not likely to end until twenty and fourteen.


3. 中国房屋使用年限用英语怎么说

The service life of China's housing

4. 车辆已过使用年限,报废的翻译是:什么意思

Vehicle has been used for life, scrap

5. 使用期限 xx年-xx年 英文怎么翻译

validity: xx年xx月-xx年xx月


6. 请帮忙英文翻译 “超过使用寿命”

More than life

7. 中文句子翻译英文:设计使用年限已超过一百年


【The design-working-life has exceeded over 100 years.】



8. "固定资产已到使用年限转清理 "翻译成英文是什么呀

Fixed assets has been expired in service life and cleared up.

9. 使用寿命,如何翻译英文

使用寿命02:useful time

Relative explainations:
<service life> <operational life proof cycle> <service lifetime> <application life> <working life> <operational life span> <operating life> <length of life>

The useful life of a car.
The useful life of the equipment depend mainly on the maintainability.
It's only the gold mounting that pushes the price of this model up. For quality and length of service there's nothing to choose between this and the cheaper pen.
average life
mean lifetime
Use of a device or component at a lower current, voltage or power level than it can handle, in order to give longer life or rece occurrence of stressrelated failures.
The service life of a machine depends chiefly upon how it is being used.
Water is also used as a coolant for rolling- mill roll to maintain their contour and lengthen their service life.
catalyst life
engine life



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