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发布时间:2021-08-26 15:03:26

㈠ 花园休假是什么意思啊

花园休假 是个法律词汇,指员工在一定时间内不再参与公司的机密信息,以确保员工离职后再就业时不会泄露前公司的商业机密,因为法律规定 公司为了保护自己合法的利益范围可以限制员工离职后的就业范围。

㈡ standfast-<shine on>歌词

Shine On

by N/A
Shine on, brighter than the sun,
Live for every moment, before the moment's gone,
We shine on you and me tonight,
Way across the universe, burning like a fire in the night?br/>
I was looking at a photograph,
Taken in a garden long before the war,
And out on the lawn,
There were old men and dogs and little children,
All of them gone forever;

There were people by the waterside,
Standing in the same place where I am today;
Nothing has changed - but you know,
That time is moving like a river,
It can only be love forever;

We shine on, brighter than the sun,
Live for every moment, before the moment's gone
We shine on, you and me tonight,
Way across the universe,
Burning like a fire in the night;

There are those who can never cross,
The space between a father and a son,
When they are young,
We must say all the words that should be spoken,
Before they are lost forever;

And I was looking at a photograph,
Taken from a window way above the world,
We've got to learn,
We must leave here a garden for our children,
When we are gone forever;

We shine on, brighter than the sun,
Live for every moment, before the moment's gone
We shine on, you and me tonight,
Way across the universe,
Burning like a fire in the night;
Leave here a garden
Leave here a new world
Shine on



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