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A. 求2008高考英语新增单词


envisage v.想像,设想2.正视,面对
tumour /tumor n.(c)(肿)瘤,肿块
abdomen n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部份)
abound v.充满,富于
acclaim v.向…欢呼,公认n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞
accord vt.使一致,给予
accountant n.会计,会计师
addict vt.使沉溺,使上瘾n.上瘾者
adore v.崇拜,热爱�
advent n.出现,到来
adverse a.不利的,敌对的,相反的
affluent adj.富裕的
air-conditioning n.空调
airport n.机场,航空站
aisle n.走廊,过道
album n.集邮本,照相簿,唱片
amiable adj.友善的,亲切的
amid prep.在……中
anecdote n.轶事,趣闻
anguish n.苦闷;苦恼
antique a.古代的n.古董
appal vt.使惊骇,使惊恐,使吓坏
approximate a.近似的vt.近似
arrogant adj.傲慢的,自大的�
artery n.动脉,要道
aspire v.有雄心;立志
assassinate v.暗杀
asset n.资产,有用的东西
auction n.拍卖�
audio adj.音频的,声频的,声音的
audit n.
auditorium n.观众席
authentic a.真实的,可靠的,可信的
autonomy n.自治
awe n.敬畏
t n.饵
balcony n.阳台,包厢,(戏院)楼厅
ballet n.芭蕾舞,舞剧
ballot n.选票
barbecue n.烤肉,野餐
barren a.贫瘠的,不妊的
beginning n.开始,开端,起源
belly n.腹部,胃
benign adj.和蔼的;温和的
beverage n.饮料
bibliography n.参考书目
bin n.箱
bizarre a.奇异的
blackmail vt.敲诈
blouse n.宽松的上衣
blueprint n.蓝图,设计图,(周详的)计划vt.制成蓝图,计划
blur n.模糊的事物�v.使…模糊�
boost vt.n.推进,支援,吹捧
bowel n.肠a.内部
breach v.毁坏,泄密n.缺口�
briefcase n.公文包
browse n.
bruise n.青肿,伤痕,擦伤
bully v.欺负,威协�
bureaucracy n.官僚主义,官僚机构
burglar n.盗贼
cab n.出租马车,出租汽车
calcium n.钙�
calorie n.卡路里
cape n.海角
carbohydrate n.碳水化合物
cardinal adj.首要的;基本的
caress n.抚爱;抚摸
catastrophe n.异常的灾祸
cater vi.迎合,投合
celebrity n.名人
cemetery n.坟墓,公墓�
champagne n.香槟酒
chancellor n.总理;首相
chap v. (皮肤)变粗糙,皲裂�
Christ n.基督耶稣
clergy n.圣职者,牧师,僧侣,神职人员
click v.发出滴答声
closet n.小房间,壁碗橱
coalition n.结合,联合�
cocaine n.可卡因
cognitive adj.认知的,认识的,有感知的
cohesive adj.凝聚的,凝结的�
comic n.滑稽演员;adj.滑稽的,喜剧的
composite a.合成的n.合成物
concede vt.承认,退让vi.让步
consecutive a.联贯的,始终一贯的
console v.安慰,抚慰�
conspiracy n.阴谋;谋反
constrain vt.强迫,勉强,驱使
construction n.建造,建筑物
contaminate vt.弄脏,毒害,传染
contemplate vt.注视,沉思,打算
contradiction n.矛盾,反驳
controversy n.争论,辩论,争吵
cop n.警官,巡警
right n.版权著作权
correlate n.互相关联的事物
costume n.装束,服装
cosy a.温暖而舒适的,安逸的
coupon n.息票,商家的优待券
courtyard n.庭院,院子
credentials n.证明文件
curb n.抑制,勒马绳vt.抑制,束缚
cyberspace n.网控空间,赛百空间
damn vt.谴责;责备
database n.数据库
daytime n.白天,日间
dean n.(大学)院长,主持牧师,(基督教)教长
dect adj.可推论的
delegate n.代表,委员,特派员
delete vt……删除,擦掉
denounce vt……谴责,声讨,告发
dental adj.牙齿的
dentist n.牙科医生
dilute vt.冲淡,稀释a.淡的,稀释的
discourse n.讲话;演说
discreet adj.言行谨慎的,小心的�
discrepancy n.相差,差异,差别
disposition n.性情,处置,处理,布置
disrupt vt.使分裂,使瓦解
dissipate vt.驱散,浪费vi.消散
distill vt.蒸馏,提取
divert vt.使转向vi.转移
dividend n.(股份的)红利�
divine a.神的,敬神的
dwarf n.侏儒,矮小的植物
ebb v.退潮、衰退�
eccentric n.怪人a.古怪的
edible a.可食用的n.食品,食物
ego n.自我
elapse vi.(时间)过去,消逝
elderly a.过了中年的,稍老的
eligible a.有资格的
embed vt.使插入,使嵌入
eminent adj.著名的;卓越的
endow vt.资助,赋予,授予
entail vt.使必需,使承担
entity n.实体,实存物,存在
escalate v.增加;发展
escort n.护送者,护卫者,护航舰vt.护卫,护送
esteem n.尊敬,尊重vt.尊敬,尊重,认为
ethnic a.民族特有的
evade vt.逃避,躲避
excel v.胜过
excerpt vt.摘录
exile vt.流放n.被流放者
exotic a.异国的,外来的
exquisite a.精致的,细腻的,敏锐的
fabulous adj.难以置信的,寓言里的�
fairy n.仙女�
fake n.假货,膺品a.假的
fantasy n.幻想,白日梦
feat n.功绩,壮举�
federation n.联邦,联合,联盟
fisherman n.渔民,渔夫
fore adj.前部的
format n.格式v.格式化
formidable a.可怕的,难对付的
foster vt.养育,抚养,培养
foul a.肮脏的,丑恶的
fragile a.脆的,体质弱的
fraud n.骗子,欺骗,欺诈,诡计
fridge n.电冰箱
fringe n.穗,毛边,边缘
fume n.浓烟
futile a.无用的,无效的
garlic n.大蒜
gauge vt.量,测量n.量器
gender n.性
genetic a.遗传的,起源的
giggle v.哈哈地笑
glamour n.魅力,魔力�
goods n.货物,商品
gorgeous a.绚丽的,极好的
gown n.长袍,法衣,礼服,睡袍
graphic adj.图表的,生动的�
grim a.冷酷无情的,严厉的
grope vi.(暗中)摸索,探索
guideline n.指导路线,方针,指标
guitar n.吉他,六弦琴
gut n.肠子,内脏,肚子
guy n.家伙,人
habitat n.(动物的)栖息地,(植物的)产地
harassment n.骚扰
harsh a.严厉的,刺耳的
heave vt.(用力地)举起,抛
herb n.药草,香草
hierarchy n.等级制度,统治集团
hike vt.上升
hip n.臀,蔷薇果,忧郁
homogeneous a.同类的,均匀的
hop v.单脚跳,(鸟,蛙等)跳跃
hound n.猎狗v.不断骚扰�
housing n.供给住宅,住宅群
howl v.吠,咆哮,大声哭�
huddle v.挤成一堆n.一堆人(杂物)
hum v.嗡嗡叫,哼 n.嗡嗡声,吵杂声
humiliate v.使蒙羞,使丢脸
hurl vt.猛投vi.猛冲
hurricane n.飓风
hypocrisy n.虚伪
ideology n.意识形态,思想体系
idiot n.愚蠢的人,白痴�
ignorance n.无知,无学,愚昧
illusion n.幻想,错觉,假象
impart vt.给予,传递,告诉
incentive n.动机a.激励的
inlge vt.纵情于,放任
infect vt.传染,感染
inference n.推论
infrastructure n.基础结构
inhale vt.吸入
inhibit vt.禁止,抑制
installment n.设施,装置,分期付款
instrumental a.仪器的,有帮助的
intelligible a.可理解的,易理解的
interface n.分界面
interim a.中间的,暂时的,间歇的
Internet n.因特网
intimidate vt.威胁,恐吓,胁迫
intrigue n.阴谋vi.密谋,耍诡计
intrinsic a.本质的,原有的,真正的
intrude v.侵入;闯入
invariable n.不变的东西,常数a.不变的,不易的,常数的
inventory n.详细目录,存货清单
inverse adj.颠倒的
irony n.反话,讽剌,讽剌之事
irrigate vt.灌溉
irrigate vt.灌溉
isle n.小岛,岛
jeans n.牛仔裤
judicial adj.法庭的,法官的�
jug n.罐,壶
jungle n.丛林,密林
junk n.废物,废旧货�
juvenile adj.少年的,似少年的�
kin n.家族、亲戚
kit n.用具包,成套工具;随身携带物
lapse n.失足
laptop n.手提式个人电脑,膝上型微电脑[电子计算机]
lash n.鞭子vt.鞭打�
layman n.门外汉,外行
layoff n.暂时解雇期间
lease vt.出租n.租约,租契
legacy n.遗产,遗留之物�
legislation n.立法,法规
legitimate a.合法的vt.使合法
levy vt.征税,征兵n.征收
linear a.线性的
linguistic a.语言学的
literacy n.有文化,识字
lofty a.高耸的;高尚的;傲慢的
loom n.织布机vi.隐约出现�
lottery n.彩票
lure n.引诱�
magistrate n.地方官
maiden adj.首次的;初次的
majesty n.威严;陛下
malignant adj.恶毒的;恶意的
mammal n.哺乳动物
manoeuvre /maneuver n.调遣,演习,策略vi.调动,演习,用策略vt.调动,操纵
marital adj.婚姻的
masculine a.男性的;强壮的
massacre n.大屠杀
medieval a.中世纪的
meditate v.考虑
meditation n.静思
melody n.旋律,歌曲
memo n.备忘录
menace vt.威胁n.威胁
merely ad.仅仅,只不过
merge vt.使合并
metaphor n.暗喻
metropolitan a.大都市的
militant a.好战的,激进的
millionaire n.百万富翁
missionary n.传教士
mob n.暴徒,乌合之众
mole n.模块;登月舱
momentum n.动力;要素
monarch n.君主
motivate vt.激励,激发
mould /mold n.模子,模制品,松软沃土,霉vt.形成,浇铸,用泥土覆盖vi.发霉
mug n.大杯子�
mute a.沉默的;哑的
napkin n.餐巾,餐巾纸;尿布
narrative a.叙述性的n.叙述;故事
necklace n.项链
nightmare n.恶梦;可怕的事物
nineteen num.十九
norm n.标准,规范
numerical a.数字的
nurture vt.养育n.营养品
obsession n.缠住,被困扰;观念固执,死脑筋
obstruct vt.阻隔;阻挡
opt vi.挑选,选择
opt vi.挑选,选择
optimum a.最佳的,最适宜的n.最适宜(条件)
optimum a.最佳的,最适宜的n.最适宜(条件)
option n.选择
option n.选择
orientation n.方位,方向
outing n.度假;远足
outrage n.残暴,暴行�
oval a.椭圆形的n.椭圆形
overturn n.倾覆,推翻
oxide n.氧化物
ozone n.臭氧
pact n.协定,条约�
panorama n.全景
pants n.长裤
paperback n.平装本
passerby n.过路人
pathetic a.怜的
patrol n.巡逻
patron n.赞助人
pedestrian n.行人
peer vi.凝视
permeate vt.弥漫,渗透
persevere v.坚持不懈
pharmacy n.药房,药剂学
physiology n.生理学
pilgrim n.朝圣客,香客�
plea n.请求,恳求
plight n.(恶劣的)情势
plumber n.水管工
poke vt.戳,刺
polar a.极地的
ponder vi.考虑,沉思
portray vt.描绘,描写
poster n.海报
posture n.姿势
practitioner n.从业者(医生、律师)
precedent n.先例�a.在前的
preclude vt.预防,阻止
predecessor n.前辈,前任
pregnant a.怀孕的;意义深长的
premise n.前提vt.假定
premium n.奖金,保险费
prestige n.威望,声望
privacy n.隐私,秘密
prone a.易于……的
propaganda n.宣传
propel vt.推进,推动
prophet n.预言家
prose n.散文
prosecute vt.告发,起诉
prosper v.兴隆;昌盛
prosperity n.繁荣,兴旺
prototype n.典型,范例
prudent a.谨慎的
pub n.酒馆,客栈
quest vt.寻找vi.追求
questionnaire n.问卷
quota n.限额,定额
radiant a.发光的;容光焕发的
rap vt.轻拍;严厉指责�n.轻拍;斥责
rape vt.强奸n.强奸
rash a.轻率的;匆忙的
reassure vt.使安心�
recede v.退后
recipient n.接受者,接收者
reckless a.鲁莽的;不顾危险的
rectangle n.长方形
recur vi.复发,重现
recycle vt.重复利用
rendant a.冗长的
refrain vi.抑制
refugee n.难民
refund vt.退还,偿还
relish n.风味;爱好;食欲
remnant n.残留部分a.剩余的,残留的
renaissance n.文艺复兴
repertoire n.保留剧目
repression n.镇压;抑制
restore vt.恢复,归还;修补,重建
retention n.保留,保持
retort vi.反击,反驳
retrieve vt.取回,挽回;检索
retrospect n.回顾;追溯
revelation n.揭露,泄露;显示,展示
rigorous a.严厉的;彻底的
riot n.骚乱,暴乱
rip vi.扯破,划破
ritual n.仪式a.仪式的
robust a.强健的;粗野的
salvation n.拯救�
sanction n.国际制裁
sane adj.神志清楚的,明智的�
sarcastic a.讽刺的
saturate vt.使饱和;使湿透
scandal n.丑闻
scramble vt.攀登;争夺�
script n.手稿
scrutiny n.细看,仔细检查;监视
sculpture n.雕刻,雕塑
sector n.扇形;部门
seemingly ad.表面上
segregate a.分离的vt.使分离
selfish a.自私的,利己的
serial a.一系列的;分期刊载的n.连载小说
setback n.挫折,失败
shabby a.褴褛的,破旧的
sham vt.假装
shatter vt.粉碎,毁坏
shorthand n.速写
shove vi.推挤,猛推n.推,推开�
shrug vt.&vi.耸肩
shuttle n.梭;往返的车(船,飞机)vi.穿梭往返
siege n.包围,围攻�
sip vt.啜饮n.啜
skeptical a.怀疑的,多疑的
skim vi.浏览,略读vt.掠过,擦过;略读
skip vi.跳;跳绳;略过
skull n.头盖骨,脑壳�
slam vt.使劲关,砰地放下
slaughter vt.屠杀,屠宰n.屠杀
slogan n.标语,口号
slot n.缝,狭槽
sneak vt.偷偷摸摸,偷窃�
sneeze n.喷嚏v.打喷嚏
sniff vt.闻,嗅n.嗤之以鼻;嗅
soar vi.猛增;翱翔
sociable a.友好的,喜好交际的
sofa n.沙发
solidarity n.团结
solitary n.独居者a.孤独的
solo n.独唱,独奏;独唱曲
sovereign n.君主a.统治的
spacious a.广阔的,广大的
specialist n.专家
spectrum n.系列,范围;光谱
spicy a.香的,多香料的,辛辣的,下流的
spine n.脊骨
spiral a.螺旋(形)的,盘旋的
sponsor n.发起者vt.发起
spouse n.配偶,夫妻
sprout v.发芽;生长
stagger vi.蹒跚vt.使摇晃
stalk vt.隐伏跟踪�
staple n.主要产品�
statute n.法令,法规
steak n.肉排,牛排
stereotype n.陈腔滥调,老套
stiff a.硬的;拘谨的
strenuous a.费力的
strife n.冲突;斗争
stroll vi.漫步,闲逛n.散步�
stun vt.使昏迷;使发愣�n.晕眩
subsidy n.补助金,津贴
suffice vi.足够;有能力
suite n.套房
summit n.顶点;最高级会议
superstition n.迷信
surge n.激增vt.激增;汹涌,澎湃
susceptible a.易受影响的;敏感的
tangle vt.使缠结,使纠缠n.纠缠;口角
temperament n.气质,性格
texture n.质地,纹理
thigh n.大腿,股
thrift n.节约,繁荣
toll n.费用
torment vt.使痛苦n.痛苦,折磨
torture n.拷问,折磨vt.拷打
toxic a.有毒的;中毒的�
transcend vt.超越,胜过
trash n.废物,垃圾�
tribe n.部落,宗族
trigger n.扳机vt.触发,引起
tropic n.热带
underlie vt.位于…之下
vein n.静脉,血管
visa n.签证;信用卡
vocal a.有声的
vulgar a.粗俗的,庸俗的
vulnerable a.脆弱的
wardrobe n.衣橱�
weld vt.焊接n.焊接,熔接
whale n.鲸
whatsoever pron.无论什么
wink v.眨眼
witch n.巫婆,女巫vt.施巫术,迷惑
witch n.巫婆
wizard n.男巫,术士,鬼才a.男巫的,巫术的,有魔力的n.向导
youngster n.儿童,少年
zip n.拉链
zoom n.急速上升

B. 谁能告诉我《The power of love》的男声情歌(全部)

frankie goes to hollywoodbangthe power of lovei'll protect you from the hooded clawkeep the vampires from your doorfeels like firei'm so in love with youdreams are like angelsthey keep bad at bay-bad at baylove is the lightscaring darkness away-yeahi'm so in love with youpurge the soulmake love your goal*the power of lovea force from abovecleaning my soulflame on burn desirelove with tongues of firepurge the soulmake love your goali'll protect you from the hooded clawkeep the vampires from your doorwhen the chips are down i'll be aroundwith my undying, death-defyinglove for youenvy will hurt itselflet yourself be beautifulsparkling love, flowersand pearls and pretty girlslove is like an energyrushin' rushin' inside of me*(repeat)this time we go sublimelovers entwine-divine divinelove is danger, love is pleasurelove is pure-the only treasurei'm so in love with youpurge the soulmake love your goalthe power of lovea force from abovecleaning my soulthe power of lovea force from abovea sky-scraping doveflame on burn desirelove with tongues of firepurge the soulmake love your goali'll protect you from the hooded clawkeep the vampires from your door
2 - THE POWER OF LOVE - 张惠妹 显示
the whispers in the morningthe power of loveof lovers sleeping tight.are rolling like thunder nowas i look in your eyes.i hold on to your bodyand feel each move you make.your voice is warm and tendera love that i could not forsake.cause i am your ladyand you are my man.whenever you reach for mei'll do all that i can.we're heading for somethingsomewhere i've never been.sometimes i am frightened buti'm ready to learnof the power of love.the power of lovelost is how i'm feelinglying in your arms.when the world outside's too much to take.that all ends when i'm with you.even though there may be timesit seems i'm far away.never wonder where i amcause i am always by your side.the sound of your heart beating.made it clear suddenly.the feeling that i can't go onis light years away.

The whispers in the morning of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not foresake Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms When the world outsides's too much to take That all ends when I'm with you Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away Never wonder where I am Cause I am always by your side We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn of the power of love The sound of your heart beating Made it clear Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on Is light years away
the whispers in the morningof lovers sleeping tightare rolling by like thunder nowas I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyand feel each move you makeyour voice is warm and tendera love that I couldnot foresake(chorus)'cause I'm your ladyand you are my manwhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I caneven though there may be timesit seems I'm farther awaynever wonder where I am'cause I'm alwaysby your sidecause I'm your leaderand you are my manwhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I canwe're heading for somethingsomewhere I've never beensometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learnabout the power of lovethe sound of your heart beatingmade it clear instantlythe feeling that I can't go onis light years away'cause I'm your ladyand you are my manwhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I canwe're heading for somethingsomewhere I've never beensometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learnabout the power of lovesometimes I am frightened but I'm ready to learnabout the power of love

The whispers in the morningOf lovers sleeping tightAre rolling like thunder nowAs I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyAnd feel each move you makeYour voice is warm and tenderA love that I could not forsake´Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI´ll do all that I canLost is how I´m feeling lying in your armsWhen the world outside´s too much to takeThat all ends when I´m with youEven though there may be timesIt seems I´m far awayNever wonder where I am´Cause I am always by your side´Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI´ll do all that I canWe´re heading for somethingSomewhere I´ve never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I´m ready to learnOf the power of loveThe sound of your heart beatingMade it clear suddenly`The feeling that I can´t go onIs light years away´Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI´ll do all that I canWe´re heading for somethingSomewhere I´ve never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I´m ready to learnOf the power of love
The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake (first chorus) 'Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I'll do all that I can Lost is how I'm feeling lying in your arms When the world outside's too Much to take That all ends when I'm with you Even though there may be times It seems I'm far away Never wonder where I am 'Cause I am always by your side (repeat first chorus) (second chorus) We're heading for something Somewhere I've never been Sometimes I am frightened But I'm ready to learn Of the power of love The sound of your heart beating Made it clear Suddenly the feeling that I can't go on Is light years away (repeat first chorus) (repeat second chorus)
The whispers in the morningOf lovers sleeping tightAre rolling like thunder nowAs I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyAnd feel each move you makeYour voice is warm and tenderA love that I could not forsake(first chorus)'Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I canLost is how I'm feeling lying in your armsWhen the world outside's tooMuch to takeThat all ends when I'm with youEven though there may be timesIt seems I'm far awayNever wonder where I am'Cause I am always by your side'Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I can(second chorus)We're heading for somethingSomewhere I've never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I'm ready to learnOf the power of loveThe sound of your heart beatingMade it clearSuddenly the feeling that I can't go onIs light years away'Cause I am your ladyAnd you are my manWhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I canWe're heading for somethingSomewhere I've never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I'm ready to learnOf the power of love
Frankie Goes To HollywoodBangThe Power Of LoveI'll protect you from the hooded clawKeep the vampires from your doorFeels like fireI'm so in love with youDreams are like angelsThey keep bad at bay-bad at bayLove is the lightScaring darkness away-yeahI'm so in love with youPurge the soulMake love your goal*The power of loveA force from aboveCleaning my soulFlame on burn desireLove with tongues of firePurge the soulMake love your goalI'll protect you from the hooded clawKeep the vampires from your doorWhen the chips are down I'll be aroundWith my undying, death-defyingLove for youEnvy will hurt itselfLet yourself be beautifulSparkling love, flowersAnd pearls and pretty girlsLove is like an energyRushin' rushin' inside of me*(Repeat)This time we go sublimeLovers entwine-divine divineLove is danger, love is pleasureLove is pure-the only treasureI'm so in love with youPurge the soulMake love your goalThe power of loveA force from aboveCleaning my soulThe power of loveA force from aboveA sky-scraping doveFlame on burn desireLove with tongues of firePurge the soulMake love your goalI'll protect you from the hooded clawKeep the vampires from your door

Les mots pour consoler les mots pour l’amitiéIls sont encore plus beaux quand on peut les chanterC’est un filtre magiqueCe don de la musiqueC’est comme un grand cadeauQue le ciel nous a fait(Words to comfort words for friendshipThey’re even more beautiful when we can sing themIt’s a magic filterThat talent for the musicIs like a big giftThat sky made to us)On a tous un peu la voix bon dieuQuand on rend les gens heureuxOn a le coeur loin chagrinQuand on a chante bien(We all have a little good god’s voiceWhen we make people happyWe have our heart far from sorrowWhen we sing well)Cette mélodie prise dans la vieAvec un sourire ou deuxDès qu’elle nous toucheOn entend mieux la voix bon dieu(That melody taken in the lifeWith a smile or twoAs soon as it touches usWe better hear good god’s voice)Je n’aurais jamais cruQue tant de gens persSe cherchent des amis connus ou inconnusMoi de toutes les forces que l’avenir me donneJe veux leur apporter une chanson de plus(I would never have believedThat so many lost peopleAre looking for known and unknown friendsMe with all the strenght that future gives meI want to give them another song)On a tous un peu la voix bon dieuQuand on rend les gens heureuxOn a le coeur loin chagrinQuand on a chante(We all have a little good god’s voiceWhen we make people happyWe have our heart far from sorrowWhen we sing)On a tous un peu la voix bon dieuQuand on rend les gens heureuxOn a le coeur loin chagrinQuand on a chante bien(We all have a little good god’s voiceWhen we make people happyWe have our heart far from sorrowWhen we sing well)Cette mélodie prise dans la vieAvec un sourire ou deuxDès qu’elle nous toucheOn entend mieux la voix bon dieu(That melody taken in the lifeWith a smile or twoAs soon as it touches usWe better hear good god’s voice)
Huey Lewis - Non Album TracksThe Power Of LoveThe power of love is a curious thing;Make a one man weep, make another man sing;Change a hawk to a little white dove.More than a feeling, that's the power of love.Tougher than diamonds, rich like cream;Stronger and harder than a bad girl's dream.Make a bad one good, mm, make a wrong one right.Power of love that keep you home at night.You don't need money, don't take fame.Don't need no credit card to ride this train.It's strong and it's sudden and it's cruel sometimes.But it might just save your life.That's the power of love.That's the power of love.First time you feel it, it might make you sad.Next time you feel it, it might make you mad.But you'll be glad , baby when you've foundThat's the power makes the world go 'round.And it don't take money, don't take fame.Don't need no credit card to ride this train.It's strong and it's sudden. It can be cruel sometimes.But it might just save your life.They say that all in love is fair, yeah, but you don't care.But you'll know what to do when it gets hold of you.And with a little help from above, you feel the power of love.You feel the power of love.Can you feel it?Hmm.It don't take money, and it don't take fame.Don't need no credit card to ride this train.Tougher than diamonds and stronger than steel.But you won't feel nothing till you feel,You feel the power, just feel the power of love.That's the power, that's the power of love.You feel the power of love.You feel the power of love.Feel the power of love.

Frankie Goes To Hollywood Bang The Power Of Love I'll protect you from the hooded claw Keep the vampires from your door Feels like fire I'm so in love with you Dreams are like angels They keep bad at bay-bad at bay Love is the light Scaring darkness away-yeah I'm so in love with you Purge the soul Make love your goal *The power of love A force from above Cleaning my soul Flame on burn desire Love with tongues of fire Purge the soul Make love your goal I'll protect you from the hooded claw Keep the vampires from your door When the chips are down I'll be around With my undying, death-defying Love for you Envy will hurt itself Let yourself be beautiful Sparkling love, flowers And pearls and pretty girls Love is like an energy Rushin' rushin' inside of me *(Repeat) This time we go sublime Lovers entwine-divine divine Love is danger, love is pleasure Love is pure-the only treasure I'm so in love with you Purge the soul Make love your goal The power of love A force from above Cleaning my soul The power of love A force from above A sky-scraping dove Flame on burn desire Love with tongues of fire Purge the soul Make love your goal I'll protect you from the hooded claw Keep the vampires from your door
Respect to the power of love作词:Tetsuya Komuro 作曲:Tetsuya Komuro 编曲:Tetsuya Komuro紧紧地抱住我 直到我绽放颜欢 远远地将寂寞吹拂而去强过善变的命运 你如磁石般将我吸引纯粹的憧憬 孩子般无邪还有珍惜你的心情 直到现在依旧没变如果世间男女都想保持单纯人性......RESPEECT...RESPECT...RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE想要说出来 否则便再也守不住为了捍卫爱情 所以不说谎 不隐瞒曾经躲在某个角落 仰望四方的天空但只要昨天也曾RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE这样就好了几乎无法获得谅解 周遭的世间的人们都不谅解一个人就快要撑不住了 这样的时候总希望赶快见到你开始能够自我疗伤排遣寂寞想解救你的心情 直到现在依旧没变如果世间男女都想保持单纯人性......RESPEECT...RESPECT...RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE不管是今天或明天 心都无法完全满足为什麽非得这样一直往前走呢?想说出去It's the POWER OF LOVE强过一切想说出来 我的最爱 不只是喜欢...RESPEECT...RESPECT...RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE想要说出来 否则便再也守不住为了捍卫爱情 所以不说谎 不隐瞒曾经躲在某个角落 仰望四方的天空但只要昨天也曾RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE这样就好了======(罗马拼音)tsu yo ku da i te i tee ga o mi se ru ma deto o ku sa mi shi i o mo i fu ki to ba shi te !ko n na ni ka wa re ru u n me i yo ri tsu yo kuji sha ku no yo u ni a na ta ni hi ka re tajyu n su i na a ko ga re toko do mo no yo u na mu jya ki sa toko no go ro de mo ka wa ra na ia na ta o ta i se tsu ni su ru ki mo chida re de mo mo shi hi to ga hi to de a ri ta i na ra .....RESPECT...RESPECT...RESPECT the POWER OF LOVEda re ka ni tsu ta e ta itau ta e na kya ma mo re na ia i o ma mo ru ta meu so wa tsu ke na i ka ku se na ido ko ka ni ka ku re teshi ka ku i so ra na ga me te tada ke do ki no u mo RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE so re de yo ka ttaho to n do wa yu ru shi te ku re na ima wa ri ya se ke n wa yu ru shi te ku re na ihi to ri jya ta e ra re so u mo na iso n na to ki wa ha ya ku a na ta ni a i ta ii ta mi mo tsu ra sa mo i ya su ko to de ki ha ji me tako no go ro de mo ka wa ra na ia na ta o su ku i ta i ki mo chida re de mo mo shi hi to ga hi to de a ri ta i na ra .....RESPECT...RESPECT...RESPECT the POWER OF LOVEkyo u mo a shi ta mo ze n bu ko ko ro wa mi ta shi ki re na ido u shi te ko n na ni ta da ma e ni su su ma na kya na ra na i ?da re ka ni shi ra se ta i It's the POWER OF LOVE na ni yo ri moda re ka ni tsu ta e ta iMA I FUE BA RI TTO su ki da ke jya na i..RESPECT...RESPECT...RESPECT the POWER OF LOVEda re ka ni tsu ta e ta itsu ta e na kya ma mo re na ia i o ma mo ru ta meu so wa tsu ke na i ka ku se na ido ko ka ni ka ku re teshi ka ku i so ra na ga me te tada ke do ki no u mo RESPECT the POWER OF LOVE so re de yo ka tta★

The Healing Power of LoveDo you believe in the healing power of loveOr is it just a fantasyDo you believe in a power from aboveI feel it between you and meAnd I don't have to look in your eyes to knowThere something going on hereIt's out of our controlThis is happening too fast for us to fightChorus:There's a healing powerDeep in all of usIn the darkest hourWe can still rise aboveThere's a new horizon(The sun's shining)Between you and meWhen you slip your hand in mine I feel the rushOf the healing power of loveWe've got nothing but love to pull us throughLove and compassionIn this desperation world nothing else will doWe can make it happen (only we can make it happen)And you don't have to say a word, I understand(I am yours always)When you lay down your love that's foreverYou will always be my womanAnd I will be your manChorusDeep in the nightWhen we're soul to soulI feel the powerIt's greater than our ownAnd how will love unfoldAs we stumble through the darknessTo the great unknownChorus

15 邓丽君 - THE POWER OF LOVE 显示
The Power Of LoveLyrics:G.Mende&J.Rush Music:C.De Rouge Arranger:M.S.ApplegateThe whispers in the morningOf lovers sleeping tightAre rolling by like thunder nowAs I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyAnd feel each move you makeYour voice is warm and tenderA love that I could not forsakeChorus:Cause you are my ladyAnd I am your manWhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I canLost is how I'm feelingLying in your armsWhen the world outside's too much for me to takeThat all ends when I'm with youEven though there may be timesIt seems I'm far awayNever wonder where I am'Cause I am always by your sideChorusWe're heading for somethingSomewhere I've never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I'm ready to learnOf the power of loveThe sound of your heart beatingMade it clear, suddenlyThe feeling that I can't go onIs light years awayWe're heading for somethingSomewhere I've never beenSometimes I am frightenedBut I'm ready to learnOf the power of loveRepeat 2x
16 邓丽君 - THE POWER OF LOVE (现场演绎) 显示
The whispers in the moring Of lovers sleeping tightAnd rolling like thunder nowAs I look in your eyesI hold on to your bodyAnd feel each move you makeYour voice is warm and tenderCause Iam your lady and you are my manwhenever you reach for meI'll do all that I canLost is how I'm feeling lyingIn your arms When the world outside's tooMuch to take That all ends when I'm with youEven though there may be timesIt seems I'm far away Never wonder where I amCause I am alwsys by your side* * We're heading for somethingsomewhere I've never beensometimes I am frightenedbut I'm ready to learnof the power of loveThe sound of your heart beatingMade it clearSuddenly the feeling thatI can't go onIs light years away

18 华纳唱片公司 - THE POWER OF LOVE 显示
Artist:席琳狄翁 The whispers in the morning Of lovers sleeping tight Are rolling like thunder now As I look in your eyes I hold on to your body And feel each move you make Your voice is warm and tender A love that I could not forsake (first chorus) ´Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I´ll do all that I can Lost is how I´m feeling lying in your arms When the world outside´s too Much to take That all ends when I´m with you Even though there may be times It seems I´m far away Never wonder where I am ´Cause I am always by your side ´Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I´ll do all that I can (second chorus) We´re heading for something Somewhere I´ve never been Sometimes I am frightened But I´m ready to learn Of the power of love The sound of your heart beating Made it clear Suddenly the feeling that I can´t go on Is light years away ´Cause I am your lady And you are my man Whenever you reach for me I´ll do all that I can We´re heading for something Somewhere I´ve never been Sometimes I am frightened But I´m ready to learn Of the power of love

C. 有关历史的英语词汇


history ['histri] n. 历史,历史学narrative ['nærətiv] n. 记事,叙事Herodotus [hə'rɔdətəs] n. 希罗多德circa ['sə:kə] prep. (拉丁语)大约(简写c., ca., cir., circ., C.)Thucydides [θju'sidədi:z] n. 修昔底德chronological [.krɔnə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 年代学的,按年代顺序的territorial [.teri'tɔ:riəl] adj. 区域性的,地方性的thematically [θi'mætikli] adv. 按主题方式,按专题方式 Big History 大历史(学派)archaeology [.ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi] n. 考古学methodology [.meθə'dɔlədʒi] n. 方法论approach [ə'prəutʃ] n. 研究方法discipline ['disiplin] n. 学科perspective [pə'spektiv] n. 观点the humanities [hju:'mænitiz] 人文学科the social sciences 社会科学classification [.klæsifi'keiʃən] n. 分类anthropology [.ænθrə'pɔlədʒi] n. 人类学global history 全球史historiography [.histɔ:ri'ɔgrəfi] n. 历史编纂学,史学史,文献学biographical [.ə'græfikəl] adj. 传记的,传记体的thematic [θi'mætik] adj. 主题的,专题的medieval [medi'i:vəl] adj. 中世纪的philosophy of history 历史哲学meta-level ['metə 'levəl] 总体层面,元级teleological [.teli'ɔlədʒikəl] adj. 目的论的diplomatic [.diplə'mætik] adj. 外交的historical method 史学方法primary sources 原始材料epistemology [i.pisti'mɔlədʒi] n. 认识论Peloponnesian [.peləpə'ni:ʃən] adj. 伯罗奔尼撒半岛的divine [di'vain] adj. 神的,神圣的chronology [krə'nɔlədʒi] n. 编年史cyclical ['saiklikl] adj. 循环的posthumous ['pɔstjuməs] adj. 身后的,死后的dynastic [dai'næstik] adj. 王朝的Saint Augustine [seint ɔ:'gʌstin] n. 圣奥古斯丁Christian ['kristjən] adj. 基督教的,基督教徒的the Renaissance [rə'neisəns] n. 文艺复兴,文艺复兴时期religious [ri'lidʒəs] adj. 宗教的Hegel ['heigl] n. 黑格尔secular ['sekjulə] adj. 世俗的Ranke [ræŋk] n. 兰克epic ['epik] adj. 史诗的,叙事的;史诗,叙事诗nationalistic [.næʃənəl'istik] adj. 民族主义的Fernand Braudel [fer'nan brɔ'del] 费尔南•布罗代尔Le Roy Larie [lə rwa ladju'ri:] 拉鲁瓦•拉杜里Marc Bloch [mark blɔk] 马克•布洛克Lucien Febvre [lysjæn fevr] 吕西安•费弗尔multi-disciplinary [.mʌlti'disiplinəri] adj. 多学科的the Annales ['ænəlz] School 年鉴学派quantitative history 数量史学raw data 原始数据ethnic ['eθnik] adj. 族群的,族裔的racial ['reiʃəl] adj. 种族的genre ['ʒɑ:nrə] n. 类型,流派,风格history of everyday life 日常生活史Marxist ['mɑ:ksist] adj., n. 马克思主义(者)的;马克思主义者Eric Hob *** awm ['erik 'hɔb *** ɔm] 埃里克•霍布斯鲍姆Gees Lefebvre [ʒɔrʒ lə'fevr] 乔治•勒费弗尔François Furet [fran'swa fy're] 弗朗索瓦•弗雷Roland Mousnier [rɔ'lan mu:'njei] 罗兰•穆尼埃anti-Marxist adj. 反马克思主义的feminist ['feminist] adj. 女性主义的,女权主义的;女权主义者postmodernist [.pəust'mɔdərnist] n., adj. 后现代主义者;后现代主义(者)的Richard Evans ['ritʃəd 'evənz] 理查德•埃文斯Keith Windschuttle [keiθ 'winʃʌtl] 凯斯•温修德historical periodization [piəriədai'zeiʃən] 历史分期classificatory [.klæsifi'keitəri] adj. 类别的,分类上的retrospective [.retrəu'spektiv] adj. 事后回想的,回顾的the Gilded Age 镀金时代the Dark Age(s) 黑暗时代the First World War 第一次世界大战decimal ['desiməl] adj. 十进法的,以十为基础的tali *** anic [.tæliz'mænik] adj. 护符(般)的,有护符般效力的the Victorian [vik'tɔ:riən] Era 维多利亚时代the Napoleonic [nə.pəuli'ɔnik] Era 拿破仑时代the Meiji ['mei'dʒi:] Era 明治时代the Merovingian [.mærə'vindʒiən] Period 墨洛温王朝时期Romantic [rə'mæntik] period 浪漫主义时期the sexual ['seksjuəl] revolution 性革命conservative [kən'sə:vətiv] adj. 保守的Roman Catholic ['kæθəlik] culture 罗马天主教文化Franco ['frɔŋkəu] n. 弗朗哥primitive culture 原始文化Paul Tournal [pɔl turnal] 保罗·杜纳尔anté-historique['a:ŋtei 'istɔrik] n.(法语)史前的prehistoric ['pri:his'tɔrik] n. 史前的Daniel Wilson ['dænjəl 'wilsn] 丹尼尔·威尔逊prehistorian [pri:hi'stɔ:riən] n. 从事史前史研究的专家,史前史学家the Stone Age 石器时代the Bronze Age 青铜器时代the Iron Age 铁器时代excavation [.ekskə'veiʃən] n. 发掘geologic [dʒiə'lɔdʒik] adj. 地质学的geographic [dʒiə'græfik] adj. 地理学的literate ['litərit] adj. 识字的,有文化的geicist [dʒi'isist] n. 遗传学家linguist ['liŋgwist] n. 语言学家paleontology [.pæliɔn'tɔlədʒi] n. 古生物学biology ['ɔlədʒi] n. 生物学geology [dʒi'ɔlədʒi] n. 地质学archaeoastronomy [.ɑ:kiəuəs'trɔnəmi] n. 考古天文学linguistics [liŋ'gwistiks] n. 语言学molecular [mə'lekjulə] adj. 分子的geics [dʒi'iks] n. 遗传学archaeological [.a:kiə'lɔdʒikəl] adj. 考古的,考古学上的artifact ['ɑ:tifækt] n. 人工制品anonymous [ə'nɔniməs] adj. 无名无姓的,匿名的Neanderthal [ni'ændətɑ:l] n. 尼安德特人academic [.ækə'demik] adj. 学术上的,从事学术研究的New Guinea [nju: '。




乔治·奥威尔的文章《政治与英语》对此作了透彻的描写。 英语使用者在选择单词时,通常可以从日耳曼语源和拉丁语源的近义字汇中挑选:如“sight”和“vision”、“freedom”和“liberty”。

这些近义词之间都有微妙的差异,使用者能够自由选择组合表达不同的观点。 日常生活中,大部分所用到的词汇一般是日耳曼语源。

大多数拉丁语源的字汇通常用在更加正式的讲话和文章中,比如法庭发言或者编写网络全书。 由于英语词汇主要由词根构成,不同词根的组合可以很容易的形成新的单词,于是英语的词汇量非常庞大,但如果要估计具体数字,必须先要判断哪些能够算作英语单词。



《牛津英语字典》(第二版)收录了超过五十万个条目,标准比较宽松:“包括文学与日常对话中的标准词汇,无论当代、废弃或古语,也包括主要的科技词汇和大量方言、俚语。 ”(《牛津英语字典》补遗,1933年) 编辑本段英语的特点 1)英语拼写和读音的特点 英语是全世界拼写和读音最不规则的语言,在一定程度上可以说英语不属于拼音文字的范畴,多个字母或字母组合发同一个音,反过来同一个音可以由多个字母或字母组合发。

如字母A可以发多达八个音,TH组合发三个音如其中Thailand、Thyme、Thames等单词发不规则的/t/音,ough字母组合共有九种发音方式,这九种发音的代表单词是:①though (虽然) ②thought (思惟,想法,思想,思潮) ③enough, rough (足 ,粗糙的,使不平)④ thorough (彻底的,完全的,十足的)⑤ cough (咳嗽) ⑥through (穿过,通过,从 …开始至终)⑦ hiccough (打嗝)⑧ plough (耕作,皱眉) ⑨lough (湖)如有一个句子:Though the rough cough and hiccough plough me through, I ought to cross the lough。 在这个句子中同一个字母组合ough,竟然会有八种不同的发音这八个音分别是分别是①[o ]②[[Λf] ③[)f] ④[Λp] ⑤[ au] ⑥[u] ⑦[)] ⑧[ax] 不发音的字母特别多,如debt、b、ptarmigan、viscount、island、hour、indict等单词都有不发音的字母。

拼写完全混乱无规可循的单词也很多Czech、Cello、Cafe、One、mnemonic、maugham、Vaughan、chalet、debut等单词不靠音标根本不知道怎样发音。 英语的重音应该放在哪个音节上也没有固定规则,非重读音节中的元音经常弱化变音,另本来已经混乱的拼写变得更加混乱,更可怕的是如果单词或短语的重音读错或说错,那就意味着词性、词义的改变,从而产生意义上的误解。

除了拼写不规则和重音不固定外,英语单词还分为强读式和弱读式,另到本来已经拼写混乱的英语,要从它的拼写上掌握它的正确发音变得没有可能,这就是为什么中国出现大量聋哑英语的原因,如英语的弱读式例句,can: /kæn/, 弱读式I can go /a k ɡo/, and: /ænd/, 弱读式you and me /ju n mi/, he: /hi/, 弱读式will he go? /wl go/等等。 总结 由于英语的重音和英语的拼写与发音没有规则可循,再加上英语又分为强读式和弱读式,使得要从书面拼写上掌握英语正确发音变成没有可能的事,综合上述拼写混乱、重音不固定、不发音的字母特别多、分强读式和弱读式的原因,将来英语可能会失去世界通用语的霸主地位。

2)英语句子结构的特点 英语的句子结构比较简单、自然,合乎逻辑思维的自然顺序,也就是说,英语的词序word order比较自然。英语不象德语或俄语,句子结构没有那么复杂,词序没有那么多的倒装现象(inversion)。

英语的“语法”性别和“天然”性别相一致,不象俄语、拉丁语那样把所有的名词,按照“语法”性别,都分为阳性、阴性和中性。 这样,现代英语就免去了名词和形容词的复杂的格的变化,而德语和俄语仍大量地保存着这些变化。


据估计,英语词汇包括的单词超过一百万,居世界各语种的首位。 英语的构词手段也很多样,因此英语不断产生新词。





啊 ah 啊哈 aha 爱 love 安静的 silent 安静地 silently 安全 safety 安全的 safe 安装;修理 fix 按顺序 in order 按照,如同,当…,因为 as 昂贵的 expensive 嗷,哎哟 ouch 澳大利亚 Australia 澳大利亚人 Australian Aussie 澳门 Macao 八 eight 八月 August 巴黎 Paris 巴西 Brazil 爸爸 dad 白色的 white 白天 daytime 百 hundred 百货商店 department 百万 million 柏林 Berlin 班级,年级 class 办公室 office 邦戴 Bondy 帮助 help 傍晚;晚上 evening 棒球,垒球 baseball 磅;镑 pound 保持;使得… keep 报纸 newspaper 抱怨 plain 杯子 cup 悲伤的;难过的 sad 北方;北部 north 北方的;北部的 northern 鼻子 nose 比…;比较… than 比较 parison 比较级的 parative 比利时 Belgium 比例,比率 rate 比萨饼 pizza 比赛 match 比赛,竞赛 petition 比赛者;选手 player 必须 must 必须的 necessary 毕业 graate 壁炉 fireplace 避免 avoid 避暑胜地 summer resort 边 side 边;边缘 edge 边缘 rim 鞭炮 firecrackers 便帽;军帽 cap 便士 penny (pence) 便条;纸币 note 便宜的 cheap 变成;成为 bee 变换,改变 change 遍及 throughout 标点符号 puntuation 标记;符号;痕迹 sign 标签 label 表达 expression 表格;构成,组成 form 表演;成绩 performance 别的,其他的;另外的人 other 别的;其他的 else 冰 ice 冰雕 ice carving 冰激凌 ice cream 冰山 iceberg 并排 side by side 病假 sick leave 病人 patient 拨(电话) dial 波士顿 Boston 玻璃(杯) glass 脖子 neck 博物馆 museum 不 not 不,不是;没有 no 不安的 restless 不安的 uneasy 不按次序排队的人 jumper 不出名的 unknown 不好不坏的,马马虎虎的 so-so 不见的 missing 不健康的 unhealthy 不久;很快 soon 不可能的 impossible 不平常的 unusual 不同;差异 difference 不同的 different 不喜欢,厌恶 dislike 不走运的;不幸的 unlucky 布 cloth 布鲁塞尔 Brussels 部分 part 擦;磨 rub 猜 guess 猜想 suppose 裁缝 tailor 裁判,法官 judge 菜单 menu 参加 join 餐厅 dining-room 操场 playground 操作;动手术 operate 嘈杂的 noisy 嘈杂声,响声 noise 草;草地 grass 厕所 toilet 叉子 fork 茶;茶叶 tea 茶壶 teapot 察觉;领悟;了解 realize 长的 long 长筒袜 stocking 尝味;有。

味道 taste 畅销货(书) best-seller 唱唱歌 sing 唱诵 chant 抄写,誊写;复制 超过…,经过…;过去(的) past 超级市场 supermarket 朝着…;向… towards 潮湿的 moist 潮湿的 wet 车站 station 陈列,展览 display 陈述 statement 称…的重量 weigh 成就;成功 success 成立;建立 found 成年人 *** 成员 member 城堡 castle 城市 city 城镇 town 乘…,通过… by 乘独木舟 canoe 乘客 passenger 乘以 multiply 吃 eat 池塘;水坑 pool 迟的 late 尺寸 size 尺子 ruler 冲;奔跑 rush 冲浪 surf 冲浪运动 surfing 冲浪者 surfer 虫;蠕虫 worm 宠物 pet 出口 exit 出去,在外面 out 出生(bear的过去分词) born 出声地, aloud 出现;露面 appear 出租车 taxi 除…之外 except 除非…;如果…不… unless 厨房 kitchen 穿着 wear 传播 spread 传单 leaflet 传递;通过 pass 传统的 traditional 传真 fax 窗子 window 床 bed 吹,刮 blow 春天 spring 磁带 tape 此后;自…以来;由于…;既然… since 此刻,瞬间 moment 从… from 从来不;决不 never 匆忙 hurry 聪明的;机灵的 clever 粗鲁的;激烈的;粗糙的 rough 粗体 bold type 粗心的 careless 粗心地 carelessly 村庄 village 错误 mistake 错误的 wrong 答复;回复 reply 打;撞;击中 hit 打包 pack 打电话,叫喊;电话通话 call 打开;开放的 open 打破(过去式) broke 打破,折断;课间休息 break 打扫;干净的, clean 打印机 printer 打字 type 大道,大街 avenue 大的 big 大的 large 大量地;猛烈地 heavily 大陆;本土 mainland 大门 gate 大米,米饭;水稻 rice 大声的;响亮的 loud 大声地;高声地 loudly 大厅 hall 大象 elephant 大笑;笑声 laugh 大写的 capital 大学生运动会 UNIVERSIADE 大众的;流行的 popular 代词 pronoun 代替 instead 带来;拿来 bring 单程的 one-way 单一的 single 担心,使…担心 worry 担心的,烦恼的 worried 但是;除了 but 蛋糕,,饼 cake 当然 certainly 岛屿 island 倒,灌;倾泻 pour 倒空,清空 empty 倒塌 collapse 倒下 fall 到…;往…;(不定式符号,无词义) to 到…里 into 到…上 onto 到处 everywhere 到达;抵达 arrive 到达;够着 reach 道路;公路 road 得到;到达 get 得分;获胜 score 德国 Germany 德国人 German(s) 的确;确信的 sure 灯笼 lantern 登记处 check-in 等候 wait 等候室 waiting room 低的 low 敌人 enemy 底部 bottom 地板 floor 地方 place 地理(学) geography 地面 ground 地球,地球仪 globe 地图 map 地下的 underground 地震 earthquake 地址 address 第……号 No. =number 第八 eighth 第二 second 第二十 twentieth 第二十一 twenty-first 第九 ninth 第三 third 第十八 eighteenth 第十二 twelfth 第四 fourth 第五 fifth 第一,首先;最初 first 电报 telegraph 电冰箱 fridge 电池 battery 电话;打电话 phone(=telephone) 电话;打电话给… 。


I Have a Dream --------Martin Luther King,Jr。

Dare To pete, Dare To Care---------Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonInaugural Address-----------John F。 KennedyFirst Inaugural Address---------Franklin Delano RooseveltPearl Harbor Address to the Nation--------Franklin Delano RooseveltThe Space Shuttle "Challenger" Tragedy Address----------Ronald ReaganAmerican University mencement Address-----------John F。


D. kotoko专辑详细资料



Boundary Line(Silent Half)
cross up(OL姉妹)
Crossed Destiny(OnlyYou リ・クルス extra disc)
Crossed Destiny-FISH中坪 Arrange-(OnlyYou リ・クルス extra disc)
Do You Feel Loved?(オレ様ティーチャー~复讐教师のWebカウンセリング~)
Face of Fact-Remix-(BALDR FORCE -バルドフォース-)
Fusion Star(あねいも~アイとHのステップアップ~)
I deal Forest(无差别恋爱)
I pray to stop my cry(凌辱看护妇学院)
I-DOLL~song for eternity~(I-DOLL ~アイドル~)
Jumping Note(うたう♪タンブリング・ダイス)
Just as time is running out(ぎりギリLOVE)
Leaf ticket(パルフェ~ショコラsecond brew~)
Mighty Heart~ある日のケンカ、いつもの恋心~(つよきす)
Now and heaven-KOTOKO version-(淫らな罪~悦楽の终日~)
Princess Brave!(Princess Brave 雀卓の骑士)
Princess Bride!(Princess Bride)
Short Circuit(SHORT CIRCUIT)
Sledgehammer Romance(Princess Bride)
Time heals all sorrows(Care~愈すべき不治の狂気~)
Time rolls on...(Deep Fantasy)
Undying Love(ALMA~ずっとそばに…~)
Undying Love-Remix-(ALMA SOUND TRACK~ずっと聴いて♪~)
went away(夏色の砂时计)
wind of memory~记忆の风~(巫女舞~ただ一つの愿い~)
新しい恋のかたち-Prototype version-(PUSH!!)
きゅるるんKissでジャンボ♪♪(カラフルハート ~12コのきゅるるん♪~)
原罪のレクイエム(PRISM ARK)
さくらんぼキッス ~爆発だも~ん~(カラフルキッス ~12コの胸キュン!~)
涙の誓い(とらいあんぐるハート3 ~Sweet Songs Forever~)
仆らが见守る未来-Prototype version-(TECH GIAN)
Bright wings(とらいあんぐるハート's Sound Stage 5)
inside of a wilderness(とらいあんぐるハート~Sweet Song Forever~)
inside of a wilderness-Midnight Calling version-(Starry Crystal Fiasse Crystela COMPILATION ALBUM)
My Gentle Days(とらいあんぐるハート's Sound Stage X)
My Gentle Days-Rhythmic version-(Starry Crystal Fiasse Crystela COMPILATION ALBUM)
Mutant Dwarf~君と奏でる歌~(ファンクラブ公式ソング)
prime-rock T Mix-(TRUSH BOX 3)
Sweet Songs ever with you(とらいあんぐるハート~Sweet Song Forever~)
ちいさなぼくのうた-wings version-(とらいあんぐるハート's Sound Stage 2)


Synthetic Organism(発情カルテ~绯色の凌辱肉玩具~)
L.A.M-laze and meditation-(惩らしめ~狂育的指导~)
leave me hell alone(DEVOTE2~いけない放课后~)
Dirty Boots(diRTY GiFT)


prime(Dear Feeling)
空より近い梦 Second Track(Dear Feeling)
恋爱CHU!(恋爱CHU! -彼女のヒミツはオトコのコ?-)
KOTOKO to 诗月カオリ
夏草の缐路-Album Mix-(LAMENT)
See You~小さな永远~(とらいあんぐるハート3~Sweet Songs Forever~)
You're my treasure(SPOT LIGHT~欲望と羡望の狭间~)
I've Special Unit(KOTOKO/岛宫えい子/川田まみ/MELL/MOMO/诗月カオリ/SHIHO)
See You~小さな永远~-P.V Mix-(I've P.V Collection Vol.3)
Fair Heaven(Fair Heaven)
KOTOKO to 诗月カオリ



『LOVE A RIDDLE/I can't get over your best smile』

『Shooting Star』

『Second Flight』



『地に还る ~on the Earth~』

『421-a will-/秋爽』

『Face of Fact -RESOLUTION ver.-』
(2006年3月1日/GNCA-0026/Geneon/OVA「BALDR FORCE EXE RESOLUTION」オープニング主题歌)



Suppuration/β-粘土の惑星/地に还る/冬の雫-White Summer Style-
Introction/Asura/冬の雫/疾风云/Gratitude~大きな栗の木の下で~/幻影/痛いよ/ひとりごと/声が届くなら/Lament/足あと/羽(テレビ神奈川「Anime TV」ED)/カナリヤ-SORMA No.3 Re-mix-
RETRIEVE/Wing my Way/覚えてていいよ/ため息クローバー/Meconopsis/ささくれ/琥珀/Re-sublimity/硝子の靡风(テレビ神奈川「Anime TV」ED)/421-a will-/Free Angels/β-粘土の惑星/赤い玉、青い玉
ミルク/疾风云/Phula Phula/カナリヤ/鼓动/ゆうえんち/もしも…/アスピリン/サヨナラ・ジレンマ/羽/春色
『Starry Crystal』(2003年12月28日/ディスカバリー/C65/フィアッセ・クリステラ名义)
Trust You're Truth~明日を守る约束~/inside of a wilderness/My Gentle Days-Rhythmic version-/Bright wings/Sweet Songs ever with you/inside of a wilderness-Midnight Calling version-/My Gentle Days
introction/UZU-MAKI /サイダー /春/车窓の调べ/月夜の舞踏会 /海豚/秋爽/縁どりの世界/枫の道、ギターの奏でる丘で /being
/Goodbye Dear /雪华の神话-in X'mas mix


『Dear Feeling』(2000年12月29日/C59/I've)
prime(歌:KOTOKO TO AKI)/空より近い梦 Second Track(歌:KOTOKO TO AKI)/明日の向こう
涙の誓い-Album Mix-/flow~水の生まれた场所~/I can't get over your best smile/resolution of soul/Wing my Way-Album Mix-/君よ、优しい风になれ
『diRTY GiFT』(2002年12月29日/C61/Outer名义/I've)
Dirty Boots
Face of Fact/SAVE YOUR HEART-Album Mix-(歌:KOTOKO to 诗月カオリ)/遮光-Album Mix-/Feel in tears/夏草の缐路-Album Mix-(歌:KOTOKO to 诗月カオリ)/Lament
『OUT FLOW』(2003年9月5日/I've)
Heart of Hearts/Close to me…/sensitive
『SHORT CIRCUIT』(2003年11月27日/I've)
Change my Style~あなた好みの私に~/恋爱CHU!-Remix-(歌:KOTOKO to 诗月カオリ)/さくらんぼキッス~爆発だも~ん~/You're my treasure(歌:KOTOKO/AKI/RIMIKKA)/あちちな夏の物语り/Magical Sweetie/Cream+Mint/Short Circuit
『Mixed up』(2004年12月29日/C67/I've)
涙の誓い-the divine pledge of tears-
『Fair Heaven』(2005年7月30日/I've Special Unit名义)
Abyss/We Survive/Lupe/Imaginary affair/Trust You're Truth~明日を守る约束~/Collective
Shooting Star/あの日の君へ/I can't get over your best smile/snow angel/LOVE A RIDDLE


『prime prototype』(2000年12月29日/C59/KOTOKO TO AKI名义/I've)
prime(プロモーションビデオ)/prime (メイキング)
『I've P.V Collection vol.1』(2001年12月29日/C61/Outer名义/I've)
L.A.M-laze and meditation-(プロモーションビデオ)/repeat(出演:MELL/プロモーションビデオ)
『I've P.V Collection vol.2』(2002年12月29日/C63/I've)
『I've P.V Collection vol.3』(2003年9月5日/I've Special Unit名义)
See You~小さな永远~-P.V Mix-(プロモーションビデオ)/See You~小さな永远~-P.V Mix-(メイキング)/アイブウォーズ
『KOTOKO LIVE TOUR 2004 WINTER~冬の雫が连れて来た君が圣者だ★Happy White X'mas★~』
Suppuration-core-/Re-sublimity/Asura/Lament/羽/Trust You're Truth~明日を守る约束~/snow angel/Imaginary affair/地に还る/覚えてていいよ/Face of Fact/I pray to stop my cry/Shooting Star/Just as time is running out/冬の雫
きゅるるんkissでジャンボ/らずべりー/Short Circuit/メイキング映像/インタビュー映像

E. 油性皮肤用什么牌子的护肤品好





























































































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