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发布时间:2020-12-10 21:09:07

① 用英语表示合同超过了法定有效期,在正式邮件里“有效期”和“超过”分别用哪个单词表示比较合适

正式的说法X has/have expired 采纳吧相信我我懂这个

② 英语翻译:在协议的有效期内或协议终止后 英语

During and/or after the agreement, the Second Party shall not divulge technical materials of procts and confidential commercial information of the First Party, as well as terms of the agreement.

③ 在本合同有效期内英文怎么说

ring the valid period of the Contract
contract life

④ 用英语表示合同超过了法定有效期,在正式邮件里“有效期”和“超过”用哪个比表示合适

有效期是expiry date

⑤ 英语翻译 急!

A, keep secret an obligation

A, B both parties carry in the contract term of validity to obey both parties an agreement contents to outward protect

Obligation.If any one square reveals the result that appears behind, from reveal a square to take full responsibility.

Two, contract term of validity

This contract term of validity is a year, from December 22, 2010-December, 2010

On the 22th.A square draws up continuous label contract ex- this contract period expires, the beard then is before this contract period expires

A month written notice is another square, after both parties negotiate again decide.

Three, break contract a responsibility

1.The second party's sale quantity comes short of this contract for continuous three months after signed contract

The sixth treaty settles of amount, the first party has power at any time relief originally contract, don't see as

The first party breaks contract.
2.In this contract term of validity in addition to press this contract engagement or both parties the consultation is consistent and allow

He Yi Fang one side stop halfway or terminate this contract, break contract square should to guard to invite a square to undertake

The penalty fee of 1,000,000 dollars.

3.In this contract term of validity, if the second party breaches this contract Article 6 Section 2

Related rules, the second party in addition to promise a load 1,000,000 dollars penalty fee, return another beard press

2 times that of its default sale merchandise total amount of money pays an indemnification gold to the first party, if A

The square breaches the related engagement of this contract Article 6, the first party in addition to promise a load 1,000,000

In addition to penalty fee, the dollar returns another beard to sell the merchandise total amount of money according to its default 200% to B

The square pays indemnification gold

⑥ “合同有效期3年”用英语怎么说在线等!!

the contract expires within 3 years

⑦ 本次合同的有效期为10年 英文翻译

翻译为:The effective period of this contract is for 10 years

⑧ ‘服务有效期截止到2011年12月31日,不迟于到期前15日续签下年合同’翻译成英文怎么说谢谢!

service expires on 31/12/2011, please extend annual contract 15 days before expiry date. thank you!

⑨ 中英文对照合同有效期

有啊。。。until the earlier of the execution 就是以上共识执行开始 合同结束



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