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发布时间:2022-06-28 01:59:15

⑴ 香港易威茨环球金融公司真的存在吗是不是骗人的。

是啊,真的存在的,放心吧,不是骗人的, 自己做金融投资的也是这家公司呢, 非常好呢

⑵ 英语达人们帮忙翻译一下吧~~谢谢啦各位 悬赏25分

MaKao wei's portfolio theory is not only provides theoretical basis for the diversification of investment, and also for how to effectively disperse investment provides analysis framework. But in actual use, MaKao wei watts model also has certain limitations and difficulties:
1. MaKao wei watts model need basic input including securities expectations yields, variance and two of the covariance between two securities. When the number of securities are too, basic input the required estimator is very large, and also can make MaKao wei's use is very limited. Therefore, MaKao wei watts model at present mainly used in the optimal asset allocation decisions.
2. Data error of the solution and not bring reliability. MaKao wei watts model of securities expect to return, and hope, standard deviation and the expectations of the correlation coefficient between securities as a known as the basic input data. If these data no estimate error, MaKao wei watts model can effectively ensure the portfolio. But because the expected data is unknown, need the statistics estimate, so the data will not without error. The statistical estimate because brought the data input on accuracy can make some asset classes of investment high proportion and the other some asset classes of investment ratio is too low.
3. The solution of stability. MaKao wei watts model of another application problem is input data small changes can lead to assets of the weights of the great changes. The stability of the solution of the restrictions MaKao wei watts model formulated in actual application of asset allocation policy. If the input data to based on the quarter to estimate, MaKao wei watts model with will get new assets of the solution of the weight, the new assets on the weight and the weight of the differences in the first quarter can be very large. This means that it must be on asset combination for major changes, and frequent adjustment will make people to MaKao wei watts model proce distrust.
4. The high cost of new configuration. The adjustment of assets ratio will cause unnecessary transaction costs to rise. The adjustment of assets ratio will bring many adverse effects, so the right policy could maintain the status quo is not optimal.



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