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发布时间:2022-03-26 10:26:19

『壹』 关于想象力和创造力英语作文

How to cultivate our creativity?It's true that maybe cultivating creativity is difficult to most of the people.Many ways are for this while we can't realize them.cultivating creativity is indeed of great importance to the whole society.What can we do to acquire it?First,it calls for our working,which should be very hard or even unthinkable.This step of course will give us firm basement.Secondly,we'd better try our best to see,to watch,to oberve...everthing around in our lives,from which we can get useful messages.Yet the last one'll be hard,ater all,we should insist!We have to think deeply,and compare everthing with each other to find their characters.So,maybe we can't succeed,but to our devotion,we may learn a lot,and it's believed that we will finally creating perfectly.

『贰』 求一篇2分钟左右的英语演讲稿,主题为生活中的选择或想象力创造力的缺失等,其他也可以


『叁』 求一篇英语作文关于创造,

Characteristics of Creative People in My Eyes.
On my own understanding of the personality traits of creative people,I think this type of people mostly have positive attitude to life since they have enough psychological imagination,they should not be tied to traditions and conventions.What is more,they are so smart and curious that they are passionate about work and keen on exploring unknown filed.Even if they are in trouble,they would not be negative,on the contrary, they will be tolerant of different things.Jus because of this,they are not only open to new ideas,but they are persevering and never give up easily.
So that's what I think about people like that.In conclusion,I admire this kind of people very much and will learn from them.


『肆』 爱因斯坦说 “想象力比知识更重要,因为知识是有限的,而想象力概括着世界的一切,推动着进步”的英语原文


Imagination is more important than knowledge.

For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.







『伍』 [英文问题]entrepreneurship/creativity/imagination 创业精神/创造力/想象力

At the heart of entrepreneurship are imagination, creativity, novelty, and sensitivity. It takes these qualities to develop a new proct or service and bring it to market, to envision the possible impacts a new proct may make and come up with novel and creative solutions to problems that may arise. These qualities go to make up what could be called the spirit of entrepreneurship, a spirit that involves the ability to handle the experimental nature of entrepreunerial activity. These same qualities are crucial for moral decision making, and an ethical approach which emphasizes imagination, creativity, and has an experimental thrust is much better adapted to the entrepreneurial activity and much more relevant to the unique situations that entrepreneurs face. In this sense, the process approach to ethics developed in this article is a unifying framework that brings together the activity of entrepreneurship and moral decision making.

Imagine that…

Albert Einstein said ‘Imagination is more important than Knowledge’ - but what about in business?

When we use our imagination we free our mind from its ‘factory pre-settings’ to think more creatively and develop different and potentially better ways of doing business.

After years of ecation where we’re often rewarded for following the rules and memorising information rather than exploring it, we look back at young children and wonder where all that fun and creativity went. How can kids spend hours with fuzzy pipe cleaners, textas and coloured paper with sheer fascination?

Imagination is a natural ability in each of us, to which our memories, experience, interests, thoughts, knowledge and freedom contribute. So consider that imagination is always in you, sometimes it just needs encouragement.

Imagination is left and right brain

In business, imagination is used to create a company but we often divide the workplace into creative and practical thinkers. Practical thinkers concern themselves with concrete details and planning, while creative people are known as divergent thinkers, arty and emotive. Rather than dividing us up, what if every one of us possessed both these qualities but just chose a different way of looking at the world?

Take the classic pessimist/optimist battle - two outlooks on life we regularly all switch between depending on our mood and the moment. Hearing your alarm clock go off at 5am hardly compares to winning a million dollars, right? The pessimist looks at life and thinks ‘why oh, why?’ just as the practical thinker tries to figure everything out. Meanwhile, dreamers and optimists envision imaginative scenarios that haven’t happened or might happen, and open-mindedly ask ‘Why couldn’t that be possible?’.

George Bernard Shaw said, “You see things as they are and ask, ‘Why?’ I dream things as they never were and ask, ‘Why not?’”.

So imagination is typically a right-brain function that needs to be supplemented with left-brain logic. And you’ve got both.

You can improve your creative thinking just by exercising it…

Ask Questions - What would you like to do that you’ve never done before? Where would be the best place in the world to live? What would be the best job?
Ask questions that get you thinking outside the square you live in.

Just Do It A Chinese proverb states, I hear: I forget - I see: I remember - I do: I understand.

Jet Set - There’s no better way to broaden and refresh your outlook than travel. Travel takes you out of a rut and exposes you to new people, customs, ideas and ways of living. Every culture provides a unique way of looking at common situations and solving problems. If the budget bites, arm-chair travel with television programs and books on the world around us, or spend the day in an unexplored part of your city.

The Power of One - The more you apply your ability to think and use the talent around you, the better you’ll become at creating new ideas. If you rely on ‘experts’ and consultants to solve your problems, your creative abilities can dry out.

Hang out with Creatives - Think more creatively by mixing with creative people. Talk to people who possess a different energy who will stimulate your thought processes.

『陆』 想象力 创造力 用英文怎么写

imagination & creativity

『柒』 创意美术以培养孩子观察力,记忆力,表现力,想象力和创造力为宗旨 英文怎么说

Creative art to cultivate children observation, memory, expression, imagination and creativity for...

『捌』 谁能给我几篇英语作文,最好带翻译,120词左右!拜托了各位 谢谢

At leisure, many people take up different hobbies. As far as I concerned, I like shooting. On weekends, I go shooting with many of my friends to a target range in the mountain 2 km from my school, and we fire AK-47 at a portrait of Mao for about one hour. I like shooting for a variety of reasons. First, shooting makes a person patient, because you have to be steady and patient when aiming the target. On the other hand, it's an exciting sports, knowing that you can hit Mao between his eyes. Finally, practicing shooting increases your capability to defend yourself in time of danger, and you will not be panicking when facing the bad guys such as commies. Therefore, I like shooting very much.【闲暇的时候,很多人采取了不同的爱好。据我个人而言,我喜欢拍摄。在周末,我去我的很多朋友都来投篮,靶区在山上2公里,从我的学校,我们在火AK-47毛主席画像为大约一个小时。我喜欢拍摄,由于各种各样的原因。首先,投篮让一个人耐心,因为你必须是稳定的、有耐心地瞄准目标。另一方面,这是一个令人兴奋的运动,因为我们知道,你们可以打毛之间他的眼睛。最后,练习射击增加你的能力去保护你自己在危险时刻,你将不会惊慌,当我们面对坏人如共产党员。因此,我非常喜欢拍摄。】 Nowadays, colleges and universities enroll an increasing number of students year after year. After four years of study, they have to meet more and more rivals in the labor market, usually many of them going home with no work at all, disappointed. With more graates and less job vacancies, students are encouraged to start business of their own when they graate from university. They may start take up anything they are interested in, make decision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. In this way, graates will become more independent, imaginative and creative. Yet this process should be supported by our government. The government should provide special policies for these students, and when necessary, guide them onto a correct road. 【如今,学院和大学招收有越来越多的学生一年又一年。经过4年的研究中,他们必须满足越来越多的对手在劳动力市场,通常他们中的许多人回家,没有工作的人,很失望。有更多的大学毕业生,更少的工作空缺,鼓励学生们开始自己的事业,当他们从大学毕业的。他们可以开始拿起任何他们感兴趣的、决定依靠自己,并获得他们的自己的劳动的果实。通过这种方式,毕业生将变得更加独立,充满想象力和创造力。然而这过程中应该支持我们的政府。政府应该为这些学生提供特殊的政策,需要时,引导他们走上一条正确的道路。】

『玖』 如何培养创造力.英语作文

想帮助孩子最大程度地发展他们独特的天赋和才能?有没有一种思维方法可以让孩子终生受益?下面这些方法的奇特之处就在于,它们不仅能极大地开启孩子的创造力,而且是帮助孩子建立起灵活有效的个性化学习体系的实用方案。 No.1 欢迎来到“为什么”时代 孩子的小脑袋里总是藏满了问题,当他们皱着眉头,一脸急切地来问 “为什么”时,我们自然的反应就是尽力给他们答案。提供答案固然可以增加孩子的知识量,但是如果孩子总在被动地接受这些彼此孤立的知识,思维能力很难得到提高。 如果换一种对答方式:“为什么?”“你认为呢?”“你怎么想到的?”“那样又会怎么样呢?”能帮助孩子探索得更多。另外,孩子在思考这些问题时需要回想以前的经验进行推理,这能帮助他们提高独立思考的能力和学习能力。 尝试一下:找到孩子感兴趣的话题,忍住告诉孩子答案的冲动,在孩子的“为什么”之后,随即把问题反问回来:“这真是个好主意,你觉得呢?”你会发现,这种启发式的反问使孩子的小脑瓜开始运转起来,他完全被他自己提出的问题所吸引,饶有兴趣地跟你讨论,甚至在讨论结束后兴致仍然高涨。 这种鼓励思考的对答一般在孩子2~3岁时即可进行。你要做的是,根据孩子的理解水平来调整提问的深度,在愉快的对话中,指导孩子从已有的经验中得到新的主意。 No.2 张开想象的双翼 这个训练通常也会被称作“异想天开”。童年是充满幻想的时期。在我们看来,孩子的想象也许有些可笑和不切实际,但一旦他们可以“异想天开”,不按部就班地人云亦云,可贵的创造性思维模式就开始形成。 No.3 新眼光看平常事 如果说4是8的一半,通常人们会回答说:“是。”如果接着再问:“0是8的一半,对吗?”经过一段思考的时间后,大多数人才同意这一说法(8是由两个0上下相叠而成的)。这时如果再问:“3是8的一半,是吗?”人们很快就会看到将8竖着分为两半,则是两个3。 摆脱固有的思维模式是创造性思维的起点。当我们学会转换思维的角度,就会更好地看到问题情境之间的关系,才能更有效地发现创造性地问题解决之道。 让孩子用新的眼光来重新认识身边一些习以为常的事物,是培养创造性思维的基础。孩子一旦习惯于这种思维过程,当再次遇到不熟悉的问题时,他就会想到用不同的思维方式来为自己遇到的新挑战、新情景或新问题找到解决方案。 下面的活动可以帮助孩子进一步了解和尽可能发挥这种能力。 No.4 质疑:真的还是假的? 创造性思维的另一个特征是对已知不断发出疑问:真的还是假的?从而寻求新的可能性。如果孩子习惯于批判性地深入思考问题,那么他们的思路就会更开阔、灵活。 当孩子对问题给出了他们自己的看法后,再让他们说出并支持与之对立的观点,可以使他们意识到不同的思维模式。在下面的活动中,孩子将学会如何这么做。 No.5 别让“不”绊倒孩子 自信是孩子不断进步的前提。有了自信,孩子就会变得勇敢,甘愿冒险。而当你对孩子说“不”时,可能阻止了孩子很了不起的主意。这会让孩子沮丧,让他觉得自己很笨,越来越自卑。 无论在任何时候,都要鼓励、赞扬孩子,避免让“不”束缚、限制住孩子的创造力。 同时也要引导孩子对各种可能性的事说“是”,说“为什么不”,而不是“我不能”。然后集中精力对自己的想法进行验证。伟大的创造往往就是这样诞生的。 No.6 一二三,向后转 善于创造性思维的人经常尝试用与常人相反的方式进行思考,这就是逆向思维。逆向思维能够打破条条框框,在别人认为不可能地方和别人没有注意到的地方有所发现、有所建树。 有人落水,常规的思维模式是救人离水,而司马光灵机一动,用石头把缸砸破,让水从破缸中流出,从而救起了小伙伴,就是运用了逆向思维。 逆向思维可以解脱大脑中固有模式的束缚,在你需要创造出一些你无法描绘、或者无法见到的事物时,帮助你拓宽思路,充分发挥自己的创造力和想象力。 No.7 开启孩子的感知世界 孩子只有在他们自己支配和主宰的环境中创造的火苗才能被激发出来,所以,我们要尽量提供给他们看、摸、尝试、学习,及自我表现和动手操作等多种机会。这会大大开启他以前没有尝试过的想法与念头,也是提升孩子创造力的一个关键。 为了给孩子提供这样的机会,我们的责任是: 给孩子提供一个不受时间、空间和材料限制的,有挑战性、有吸引力的环境。所有活动的选择都要与孩子特定的年龄和发展阶段相适应。对孩子来说,最好的活动是操作性和开放性的,重要的是过程而不是结果。



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