① 发明家英语介绍
日尔曼人入侵后,统治了当地的凯尔特语民族,本地语言主要於苏格兰、威尔士、康沃尔与爱尔兰存活了下来。这些入侵者的语言逐渐形成了“古英语”,与近代弗里西语极为相象。English(英格兰人、英语)、England(英格兰)和East Anglia(东盎格利亚)这三个词是分别从描绘盎格鲁族的词汇发展而来:Englisc、 Angelcynn、Englaland。
② 英语“发明家”怎么说
artificer 技工;发明家
③ “发明家”这个词的英语怎说
发明家: [ fā míng jiā ] 1. inventor 近义词或词组 inventer | inventress 例句与用法 1. 胡克,罗伯特1635-1703英国物理回学家,答发明家和数学家,他系统阐述了行星运动理论 English physicist, inventor, and mathematician who formulated the theory of planetary movement. 2. 这位发明家破产了因为没人要买他的机器。 The inventor went broke because nobody would buy his machine. 3. 她儿子一心想成为伟大的发明家。 Her son is filled with ambition to become a great inventor.
④ 发明家用英语怎么读
inventor [in'ventə]
contriver [kən'traivə]
artificer [ɑ:'tifisə]
deviser [di'vaizə]
⑤ 发明家的英文
⑥ 英语的 发明家 他的发明 和年代
亚历山大·格拉汉姆·贝尔Alexander Graham Bell
电话 telephone
托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)
电灯(Electric lamp)
马丁·版库帕权(Martin Cooper)美国著名的摩托罗拉公司的工程技术人员
手机 mobile phone
费希尔 Fisher
电动洗衣机(washing machine)
约翰·冯·诺依曼 John Von Nouma
电子计算机(electronic computer),俗称电脑,简称计算机(computer),
莱特兄弟(Wilbur Wright和Orville Wright)
蔡伦 Cai Lun
纸 paper
伽利略·伽利雷Galileo Galilei
⑦ 发明家用英语怎么说
⑧ 用英语介绍一位发明家
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Scotland. His mother, who was deaf, was a musician and a painter of portraits. His father, who taught deaf people how to speak, invented "Visible Speech". This was a code which showed how the tongue, lips, and throat were positioned to make speech sounds. Graham, or "Aleck", as his family called him, was interested in working with the deaf throughout his life.
Thomas Watson became an associate of Bell. He made parts and built models of Bell's inventions. One day while they were working Bell accidently heard the sound of a plucked reed * coming over the telegraph wire. Watson had been tuning the metal reeds in the next room. Bell drew up a plan for the telephone and they continued to experiment. The next day he transmitted the famous words, "Mr. Watson, come here. I want you!" A few months later on Feb. 14, 1876, he applied for a patent on his telephone.
He continued to invent other things. He developed a method of making phonograph * records on a wax disc. He made an iron breathing lung, and a device for locating icebergs at sea. He experimented with sheep. He was interested in kites that could lift a man, and he invented a hydrofoil * which set a world speed record of over 70 miles per hour.
⑨ 有没有关于发明家的英语短文
Newton was one of the greatest English scientists. He worked very hard and often forgot his breakfast. One morning Newton got up early and he thought about a very hard physics problem. He forgot to go to have his breakfast. Mary, his servant went to his study and was going to boil an egg for him. But Newton did not want any noise. He said “Can you leave the egg to me? I’ll boil the egg myself.”
Mary put the egg on the table by Newton’s watch and left the room. An hour passed. Mary was afraid Newton would forgot to boil the egg. So she came back to Newton’s study. What did she find? She found Newton boiling the watch and the egg was on the table. He was still thinking hard.
⑩ “爱迪生是一个世界闻名的发明家”用英语怎么说
Edison is a world famous inventor