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发布时间:2021-12-28 17:08:00

① 中国四大发明是谁发明的,在哪个地点

造纸术 蔡伦
印刷术 毕升(活字印刷术)之前的刻板印刷术的发明者不可考 应该是伟大的劳动人民
火药 炼丹家
指南针 伟大的中国劳动人民因为年代久远科学上没有四大发明的具体时间,所谓的XXX年发明了XX其实不准确的.具体时间中科院教授也怕说不了,只能说个大概时间
造纸术 据考古发现,我国大约在公元前1世纪,就已经有了纸,不过这时的纸只是纺织业漂絮沤麻的副产品,产量很低,质量也差,还不能用于书写.到东汉时期,蔡伦在前人经验的基础上,对造纸术进行了大胆的改革和创新.除了用麻作原料之外,还采用树皮等一些含纤维的东西.并采用石灰碱液蒸煮的加工技术,从而大大提高了纸的产量和质量.此后纸张开始代替竹帛,在全国推广.
印刷术 我国造纸发明以后,由于出版书籍的需要,印刷术也随之产生.公元6世纪初的隋、唐之际,出现了最早的雕版印刷术.这种印刷术一般用木材为原料,先在木板上刻反字,再给字板涂上墨,印在纸上.由于节工省时.很快盛行起来.宋代雕版印刷达到鼎盛时期,宋太祖开宝四年 (971年)于成都板印《大藏经》,共印5048卷,雕版达13万块,用了12年的时间才雕印完工.如此浩大规模的印刷,足以表明雕版印刷已达到相当高的水平.在1041--1048年间,雕刻工毕?又创造了活字印刷术.即用胶泥做成规格一致的毛坯,在一端刻上反体单字,用火烧硬,成为单个的胶泥活字.用这些活字排版,既节省费用,又大大缩短了时间,十分经济方便.活字印刷的出现是印刷史上一项重大的革命.元代王祯又将胶泥活字改为木活字,创造了转轮排字架.此后还出现了锡、铜、铅等金属材料制成的活字.
火药 火药是在炼丹过程中发明的,公元8~9世纪,炼丹家已经知道硫磺、硝石与木炭混合燃烧时,会发生剧烈的反应.这样,在唐代就发明了以这三种物质为原料的黑色火药.到宋元时期,各种药物成分有了较合理的定量配比,并且先在军事上得到使用,出现了最早的火炮、火枪、火箭、地雷、炸弹等火药武器.现在中国历史博物馆珍藏的铜火镜,制造于元年顺三年(1332年).它是目前世界上发现的最早的铜炮,由于靠火药作为推动力,其威力较大,称它为“铜将军”.
指南针 最早的指南针出现在战国时期,当时是天然磁石磨成勺形,把它放在特别光滑的地盘上,用以指南,称为司南.到宋代后期,人们又发现钢铁在磁石上磨过后,也会产生磁性.于是又出现了以此为原料的指南针.由于航海事业发展的需要,人们又开始使用了以此为原料水浮式指南针在阴雨天辨别方向

② 四大发明是谁发明的,什么时间,什么地点

纸-蔡伦 活字印刷术-毕升 火药-古代炼丹道士(无具体的人物) 指南针-不详(多为看风水之人,从司盘演化而来)

③ 计算机发明地点

1946年2月14日,由美国军方定制的世界上第一台电子计算机“电子数字积分计算机”(ENIAC Electronic Numerical And Calculator)在美国宾夕法尼亚大学问世了。 ENIAC(中文名:埃尼阿克)是美国奥伯丁武器试验场为了满足计算弹道需要而研制成的,这台计算器使用了17840支电子管,大小为80英尺×8英尺,重达28t(吨),功耗为170kW,其运算速度为每秒5000次的加法运算,造价约为487000美元。ENIAC的问世具有划时代的意义,表明电子计算机时代的到来。在以后60多年里,计算机技术以惊人的速度发展,没有任何一门技术的性能价格比能在30年内增长6个数量级。

④ 电话的发明地点是哪里

安东尼奥.梅乌奇,电话的发明源者,意大利人,1808年出生于佛罗伦萨。 1834年移居到古巴

⑤ 蒸汽机发明地点



⑥ 爱迪生发明电灯的地点


1876年春天,爱迪生又一次迁居,这次他迁到了新泽西州(New Jersey)的“门罗公园”。他在这里建造了第一所“发明工厂”,它“标志着集体研究的开端”。1877年,爱迪生改进了早期由贝尔发明的电话,并使之投入了实际使用。他还发明了他心爱的一个项目——留声机。电话和电报“是扩展人类感官功能的一次革命”;留声机是改变人们生活的三大发明之一,“从发明的想象力来看,这是他极为重大的发明成就”。到这个时候,人们都称他为“门罗公园的魔术师”。爱迪生在发明留声机的同时,经历无数次失败后终于对电灯的研究取得了突破,1879年10月22日,爱迪生点燃了第一盏真正有广泛实用价值的电灯。为了延长灯丝的寿命,他又重新试验,大约试用了6000多种纤维材料,才找到了新的发光体——日本竹丝,可持续1000多小时,达到了耐用的目的。从某一方面来说,这一发明是爱迪生一生中达到的登峰造极的成就。接着,他又创造一种供电系统,使远处的灯具能从中心发电站配电,这是一项重大的工艺成就。

⑦ 用英语说明下类物品的发明时间及发明地点和发明人

The collapsible and ily supported umbrella is cocredited as being invented ring Cao Wei in ancient China, roughly 1,700 years ago. The Chinese character for umbrella is 伞 (san) and is a pictograph resembling the modern umbrella in design. Some investigators have supposed that its invention was suggested by large leaves tied to the branching extremities of a bough; others assert that the idea was probably derived from the tent, which remains in form unaltered to the present day. However, the tradition existing in China is that it originated in standards and banners waving in the air, hence the use of the umbrella was often linked to high ranking (though not necessarily royalty in China). On one occasion at least, we hear of twenty-four umbrellas being carried before the Emperor when he went out hunting. In this case the umbrella served as a defence against rain rather than sun. The Chinese design was later brought to Japan via Korea and also introced to Persia and the West via the Silk Road. The Chinese and Japanese traditional parosol, often used near temples, to this day remains similar to the original Wei Dynasty design.

An even older source on the umbrella comes from an ancient book of Chinese ceremonies, called Zhou-Li (The Rites of Zhou), dating 2400 years ago, which directs that upon the imperial cars the dais should be placed. The figure of this dais contained in Zhou-Li, and the description of it given in the explanatory commentary of Lin-hi-ye, both identify it with an umbrella. The latter describes the dais to be composed of 28 arcs, which are equivalent to the ribs of the modern instrument, and the staff supporting the covering to consist of two parts, the upper being a rod 3/18 of a Chinese foot in circumference, and the lower a tube 6/10 in circumference, into which the upper half is capable of sliding and closing.

Several inventors and innovators contributed to the development of the bicycle. Its earliest known forebears were called velocipedes, and included many types of human-powered vehicles. One of these, the scooter-like dandy horse of the French Comte de Sivrac, dating to 1790, was long cited as the earliest bicycle. Most bicycle historians now believe that these hobbyhorses with no steering mechanism probably never existed, but were made up by Louis Baudry de Saunier, a 19th-century French bicycle historian. However, the term hobbyhorse was later applied to the first documented ancestor of the modern bicycle, first introced to the public in Paris by the German Baron Karl Drais in 1818.[citation needed].

The ancestor of the bicycle was first created by a German Baron, Karl Drais, who invented and patented his machine in 1817. So the first bicycle ride was from his residence town Mannheim to the suburb Rheinau. A number of these draisines or dandy horses still exist, including one at the Paleis het Loo museum in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands. These were pushbikes, powered by the action of the rider's feet pushing against the ground. The Draisienne had two in-line wheels connected by a wooden frame. The rider sat astride and pushed it along with his feet, while steering the front wheel.

Scottish blacksmith Kirkpatrick MacMillan refined this in 1839 by adding a mechanical crank drive to the rear wheel, thus creating the first true "bicycle" in the modern sense. His system employed a pair of treadle drives connected by rods to a rear wheel crank, rather like a steam locomotive's driveshaft. Although the design was copied by at least two other Scottish builders, it was overtaken in popularity and influence by an inferior one.

In the 1850s and 1860s, Frenchmen Ernest Michaux and Pierre Lallement took bicycle design in a different direction, placing the pedals on an enlarged front wheel. Their creation, which came to be called the "Boneshaker", featured a heavy steel frame on which they mounted wooden wheels with iron tires. Lallement emigrated to the United States, where he recorded a patent on his bicycle in 1866 in New Haven, Connecticut. The Boneshaker was further refined by Englishman James Starley in the 1870s. He mounted the seat more squarely over the pedals so that the rider could push more firmly, and further enlarged the front wheel to increase the potential for speed. With tires of solid rubber, his machine became known as the ordinary. British cyclists likened the disparity in size of the two wheels to their coinage, nicknaming it the penny-farthing. The primitive bicycles of this generation were difficult to ride, and the high seat and poor weight distribution made for dangerous falls.
The subsequent dwarf ordinary addressed some of these faults by adding gearing, recing the front wheel diameter, and setting the seat further back, with no loss of speed. Having to both pedal and steer via the front wheel remained a problem. Starley's nephew, J. K. Starley, J. H. Lawson, and Shergold solved this problem by introcing the chain and procing rear-wheel drive. These models were known as dwarf safeties, or safety bicycles, for their lower seat height and better weight distribution. Starley's 1885 Rover is usually described as the first recognizably modern bicycle. Soon, the seat tube was added, creating the double-triangle, diamond frame of the modern bike.

While the Starley design was much safer, the return to smaller wheels made for a bumpy ride. The next innovations increased comfort and ushered in the 1890s Golden Age of Bicycles. In 1888, Scotsman John Boyd Dunlop introced the pneumatic tire, which soon became universal. Soon after, the rear freewheel was developed, enabling the rider to coast without the pedals spinning out of control. This refinement led to the 1898 invention of coaster brakes. Derailleur gears and hand-operated, cable-pull brakes were also developed ring these years, but were only slowly adopted by casual riders. By the turn of the century, bicycling clubs flourished on both sides of the Atlantic, and touring and racing were soon extremely popular.
Successful early bicycle manufacturers included Englishman Frank Bowden and German builder Ignaz Schwinn. Bowden started the Raleigh company in Nottingham in the 1890s, and was soon procing some 30,000 bicycles a year. Schwinn emigrated to the United States, where he founded his similarly successful company in Chicago in 1895. Schwinn bicycles soon featured widened tires and spring-cushioned, padded seats, sacrificing a certain amount of efficiency for increased comfort. Facilitated by connections between European nations and their overseas colonies, European-style bicycles were soon available worldwide. By the mid-20th century, bicycles had become the primary means of transportation for millions of people around the globe.

In many western countries, the use of bicycles levelled off or declined as motorized transportation became affordable and car-centred policies led to an increasingly hostile environment for bicycles. In North America, bicycle sales declined markedly after 1905, to the point where, by the 1940s, they had largely been relegated to the role of children's toys. However, in other parts of the world, such as China, India, and European countries such as Germany, Denmark, and the Netherlands, the traditional utility bicycle remained a mainstay of transportation; its design changed only graally to incorporate hand-operated brakes, with internal hub gears allowing up to seven speeds. In the Netherlands, such so-called 'granny bikes' have remained popular, and are again in proction. In the early 1980s, Swedish company Itera invented a new type of bicycle, called the Itera plastic bicycle, made entirely out of plastics. The plastic bicycle was however a commercial failure.

In North America, increasing consciousness of physical fitness and environmental preservation spawned a renaissance of bicycling in the late 1960s. Bicycle sales in the US boomed, largely in the form of the racing bicycles, long used in such events as the hugely popular Tour de France. Sales were also helped by a number of technical innovations that were new to the US market, including higher performance steel alloys and gearsets with an increasing number of gears. While 10-speeds were very popular in the 1970s, 12-speed designs were introced in the 1980s, and today most bikes feature 18 or more speeds. By the 1980s, these newer designs had driven the three-speed bicycle from the roads. In the late 1980s, the mountain bike became particularly popular, and in the 1990s something of a major fad. These task-specific designs led many American recreational cyclists to demand a more comfortable and practical proct. Manufacturers responded with the hybrid bicycle, which restored many of the features long enjoyed by riders of the time-tested European utility bikes.

The first permanent photograph was made in 1826 by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce using a sliding wooden box camera made by Charles and Vincent Chevalier in Paris. Niépce built on a discovery by Johann Heinrich Schultz (1724): a silver and chalk mixture darkens under exposure to light. However, while this was the birth of photography, the camera itself can be traced back much further. Before the invention of photography, there was no way to preserve the images proced by these cameras apart from manually tracing them.

The first camera that was small and portable enough to be practical for photography was built by Johann Zahn in 1685, though it would be almost 150 years before technology caught up to the point where this was possible. Early photographic cameras were essentially similar to Zahn's model, though usually with the addition of sliding boxes for focusing. Before each exposure a sensitized plate would be inserted in front of the viewing screen to record the image. Jacques Daguerre's popular daguerreotype process utilized copper plates, while the calotype process invented by William Fox Talbot recorded images on paper.

The development of the collodion wet plate process by Frederick Scott Archer in 1850 cut exposure times dramatically, but required photographers to prepare and develop their glass plates on the spot, usually in a mobile darkroom. Despite their complexity, the wet-plate ambrotype and tintype processes were in widespread use in the latter half of the 19th century. Wet plate cameras were little different from previous designs, though there were some models (such as the sophisticated Dubroni of 1864) where the sensitizing and developing of the plates could be carried out inside the camera itself rather than in a separate darkroom. Other cameras were fitted with multiple lenses for making cartes de visite. It was ring the wet plate era that the use of bellows for focusing became widespread.

Named after Italian optician Ignazio Porro who patented this image erecting system in 1854 and later refined by makers like Carl Zeiss in the 1890's[2], binoculars of this type use a Porro prism in a double prism Z-shaped configuration to erect the image. This feature results in binoculars that are wide, with objective lenses that are well separated but offset from the eyepieces. Porro prism designs have the added benefit of folding the optical path so that the physical length of the binoculars is less than the focal length of the objective and wider spacing of the objectives gives better sensation of depth.

Binoculars using Roof prisms may have appeared as early as the 1880s in a design by Achille Victor Emile Daubresse[3][4]. Most roof prism binoculars use either the Abbe-Koenig prism (named after Ernst Karl Abbe and Albert Koenig and patented by Carl Zeiss in 1905)[5] or Schmidt-Pechan prism (invented in 1899) designs to erect the image and fold the optical path. They are narrower, more compact, and more expensive than those that use Porro prisms. They have objective lenses that are approximately in line with the eyepieces.

⑧ 答出下列的发明是在什么时侯,什么地点还有什么意义




计算机(computer)的原来意义是“计算器”,也就是说,人类会发明计算机,最初的目的是帮助处理复杂的数字运算。而这种人工计算器的概念,最早可以追溯到十七世纪的法国大思想家帕斯卡。帕斯卡的父亲担任税务局长,当时的币制不是十进制,在计算上非常麻烦。帕斯卡为了协助父亲,利用齿轮原理,发明了第一台可以执行加减运算计算器 。后来,德国数学家莱布尼兹加以改良,发明了可以做乘除运算的计算器。之后虽然在计算器的功能上多所改良与精进,但是,真正的电动计算器,却必须等到公元1944年才制造出来。


第一代的电脑有2间教室大,跟现在我们一般用的个人电脑体积差很多吧。 当时的电脑零件是真空管(现在已经找不到了) 而存档的东西是一种打孔卡片,若没有前人的设计概念,也没有计算机的发明,所以计算机是谁发明的还有点难界定。


⑨ 中国四大发明分别在哪个地方发明的




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