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发布时间:2021-12-20 18:09:34

⑴ 擅长小发明、小制作用英语怎么说


⑵ 以小发明展写一则通知 英语作文

In order to enrich the students' campus life, school will be held next week gizmos exhibition, Wang Everbright students took part.

⑶ 小发明论文(请帮忙写一下)


1. 科技小发明与小制作
余厚华 文献来自: 中专物理教学 2001年 第04期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
开展科技小发明活动开展科技小发明活动 ,可以培养学生的创新意识 .而科技小发明强调一个“小”字 ,它是适应于青少年学生参加的一项科技活动 ... 把开展科技小发明、小制作、小论文活动与教学紧密结合起来 ,是创新意识教育的一条很好的途径 ... 科技小发明与小制作@余厚华$安徽省肥东师范学校!231600 ...
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2. 科技小发明14例
张继文 文献来自: 湖北中小学实验室 1999年 第02期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
1994年武昌实验中学在查阅有关资料后加以充实发明了《状态显示方便闸刀》,后来又有人发明了《新型可复熔断丝》。科技小发明14例$湖北省通城县第一中学@张继文 ...
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3. 科技型小企业创新成长模式研究
朱伟民,万迪昉,王赟 文献来自: 中国软科学 2001年 第03期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
盲目的多元化对科技型小企业来说是非常危险的。以研究开发能力为主的核心能力是企业的生命线,科技型小企业即使采用多元化经营也主要是在相关业务领域拓展那些能很快产生资金流的业务单元以支持主业发展。毫无疑问,企业成长就意味着资产的增 ...
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4. 上海市青少年科技小发明作品选登
陈冠群 文献来自: 太阳能 1992年 第01期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
上海市青少年科技小发明作品选登@陈冠群<正> 在上海市太阳能学会的领导和市有关方面的支持下,11年来,上海市太阳能学会普及教育委员会直接组织,指导了全市各区、县中小学生广泛开展太阳能、风能、生物质能等新能源的双科活动(科普 ...
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5. 科技型小企业发展的生命周期及其特点分析
赵玉林,黄志刚 文献来自: 武汉工业大学学报 2000年 第01期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
我国科技型小企业的概念及现状1.1 我国科技型小企业的概念什么是科技型小企业 ?目前尚无统一之规。我们认为 ,科技型小企业主要应该体现在技术含量和生产经营规模两个方面。就技术含量而言 ,通常可以用两个指标来表示 , ...
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6. 以小搏大——生物医药学中的纳米科技
武振羽,樊海明,曹立,付立民,李前树,邹炳锁 文献来自: 物理 2002年 第10期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
发明一些能用于检测极微小的肿瘤、糖尿病、心脏病等的微小器件 ,这些器件能传递信息到外部接受器或固定在特定的位点 ... 最近由Rice大学的研究人员[2 2 ] 发明 .纳米壳是用金涂覆的相当小的玻璃微珠 ,它们是设计用来吸收几乎所有波长的光 ...
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7. 科技小制作、小论文、小发明是探究性学习的有效途径
范苏宁 文献来自: 中学物理教学参考 2003年 第07期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
叫做物理科技小制作、小发明、小论文 .二、根据物理科技小制作、小论文、小发明所研究问题的内容和深度 ,可以分为三种类型1 ... 物理科技小制作、小论文、小发明是学生探究性学习的有效途径科技小制作、小论文、小发明是探究性学习的有效途径@范苏宁$安徽省铜陵市第二中学 ...
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8. 从“淘气包儿”到科技发明“小专家”
宁静 源自: 大众科技报/2001-11-20 CAJ下载 PDF下载

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9. 上海市青少年科技小发明作品选登 多层吸收式太阳能热水器
陈冠群 文献来自: 太阳能 1992年 第02期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
上海市青少年科技小发明作品选登 多层吸收式太阳能热水器@陈冠群<正> 太阳能热水器是将太阳能转换成热能生产热水的装置。平板型太阳能集热器,升温慢,水温一般只能达到40℃—60℃,无法在冬天使用。上海市南市少科站太阳能组原 ...
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10. 中小民营科技企业创新体系的建立
饶倩,唐雯 文献来自: 改革与战略 2005年 第05期 CAJ下载 PDF下载
民营科技企业中“科技”的内涵主 要指民营科技企业大多是由科技人员创 办,以科研成果商品化、产业化为主要 内容,以技术创新为立身之本,从事科 学研究、技术开发、技术咨询、技术服 务等知识密集型产业的企业。民营科技 企 ...
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搜科技 的学术趋势
翻译 科技小发明



⑷ 关于小发明的英语作文80字带翻译


Design of the bag, like a notebook computer is so big, it is amazing, as long as you put the books into the bag to put a book, all content will store into the bag with a computer, and be arranged by management. Thus, our bags don't need to install a lot of heavy paper books.When you need to read a textbook when, with bag surface small keyboard and touch screen, can operate, you can easily find and open you want the content of the textbook.The bag on the edge of a stationery case, you press the button, it will pop up a omnipotent pen, the omnipotent pen can write various color words, erasers, rulers, compasses ... Anyway, it has all the features you have stationery, it does not take a lot of stationery.The computer bag is also provided with a" Curriculum" software, it can record you a week all the class schele, can strike, with voice reminding you ready for class, also remind you that the next day what class. For example:" Hey, the master, the next class is math, but don't forget to take your maths book open to oh!"The schoolbag and a surprise you oh! That is the massage function. When the school, had a full day of classes, the body is very tired, when you put the bag on his back, open it with massage function. Wow, really uncomfortable, the feeling of fatigue disappeared very quickly!See here, you begin to like this bag? It also has many magical function, but now I don't tell you, because I am still in design

⑸ 关于小发明的英语作文90字带翻译

In 2030, I found no oil, then add the oil.
On the road, the car I found that the noise is very harsh, people upset, and emissions from polluting the environment. To go to work, I also found that the paper used to write very soft, easy to cut through the writing.
After returning home, I began to study three things: that solar silencer-scale solar-fuel table, solar-table soft and hard. There is only one of their watches so much, all three functions together, the above seven key; are the two top-fuel and fuel, nothing can refuel, plus car engine oil, plus watches, electronics, can increase strength ; Hole in the middle of the two is noise and noise, plus a hole, you just click the mute button on the water from a hole in the smoke to come, this was to spray water, it will sound, no car noise, Voiceless people, will not have a camera noise; the following three types of soft and hard, soft and hard choices and the launch of light, the light was such that no matter what the change will be hard or soft, become a rock as soft as bread, paper Will be hard, no matter how small you can not cut across it, but also to write, it is light. These three things in a convenient and affordable.

⑹ 【翻译写作】用英文描述生活中小发明

This invention called "chopsticks on the fan", people eat in the feel very hot, so the invention will solve the problem. This invention is a miniature of the fan will be installed in chopsticks, on the people eat, can open the switch, so, eat the cooling fan can make the noodles, it won't be very hot. This invention make people don't need to wait for noodles cool, because it can quickly make food cooling, people eating, one side can wait, don't waste more time. Because this fan is tiny, so to use it, use the button batteries, is a very convenient design.

⑺ 科技小发明展览用英语怎么说

Due to the active participation of the students, this activityhas a great harvest. First of all, for the students, this activity is for students to get exercise, secondly, brings a lot of fun to the students, finally also enable students to enhance the appetite for inventions. Students,let us work together to actively participate in and focus oninvention activities.

⑻ 急!!!!!!!生活中的小发明 翻译成英文~~~

Reader usually places the bookmarker (often a piece of rectangular paper or cloth) in the page he is reading before close the book, which will help him to find the page quickly and accurately when he continues the reading. Whereas this kind of bookmarker only help in remembering the page but not exact paragraph he finished last time and the reader therefore has to find himself. However, the precise bookmarker we have can mark the last paragraph he finished. The precise bookmarker is made of plastic with shape of rectangle. There is splint with a incision of U shape on the top of the bookmaker which can be used to fasten the itself on the page. A mobile plastic marker, having two horizontal cut lines, is in the bookmarker and the main body of the bookmark passes through by a way of knitting. Thus the marker can move freely down and up. The terminals of the two horizontal cuts can be bent and increase the friction force to fix the marker in right place. When read to a certain paragraph, put the book marker on the top of the page and move the marker to the paragraph being read and close the book. When you open the book next time, you can find the exact paragraph you want to continue.

⑼ 假设你们学校英语俱乐部举办了一次学生小发明,小制作展,你将代表俱乐部与同学们进行交流。请写一篇英语

Due to the active participation of the students, this activityhas a great harvest. First of all, for the students, this activity is for students to get exercise, secondly, brings a lot of fun to the students, finally also enable students to enhance the appetite for inventions. Students,let us work together to actively participate in and focus oninvention activities.



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