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发布时间:2021-12-13 01:20:30

㈠ 新时代与旧时代联系与区别英语作文


㈡ 争做新时代好少年的英语作文

㈢ 新时代新青年为题的英语作文


㈣ 英语作文,关于21世纪所面对的挑战,英语作文120字左右,要求原创

The rapid development of the informative times is a challenge to all of us, especially the students who will step into the society soon. The 21 century is full of competition, elimination and reform. One who doesn’t want to study everyday will certainly be abandoned by the movement of the world. Therefore, we have to keep refreshing ourselves by learning and updating new knowledge and technology without failure.
The challenge also reflects in the relationship between each other, as people are more concentrated in making profit and the importance of moral is normally ignored. A young person must adjust his ethical principle orientation all the time to ensure he is still upright, faithful and trustworthy.

㈤ “新时代”英文翻译

New age

㈥ 我相信中国将会走上一个新时代英文

I believe there will have better development in the future,however,it indicates the different status of Chinese peasants and foreign counterpart which is because of the insufficient developemt of peasants' quality and labor.If machine is not introced or developed,the level of labor cannot keep up with the pace of times

㈦ 以“新时代我的梦”为主题写一篇500词左右的英语作文

Everyone has his own dream and I am not a exception.Do you know what my dream is?Let me tell you.
My dream is to be an good English teacher.The reson why l would like to be an English teacher is that I would like to teach students and give advice to them.To be an English teacher,I should enter a good university first.However,I'm poor at Maths at present,so I have to practice Maths more.What's more,I should also read more books to learn more knowledge.There is a long way to success,so I must have good study habits.
No pains,no gains.I think my dream will certainly come true as long as I try my best,won't it?

㈧ 翻译:作为一名新时代的青年,我们不应该仅仅局限于书本的学习,更应该发扬创造精神!

As the youths of new era, we must have creative minds instead of studying only from the books.

英文里的前后数量必须一致,所以没有说a youth。

㈨ 开启新时代用英语怎么说

launch a new era
The fortuitous discovery of penicillin on a moldy Petri dish in1928 byAlexandar Fleming launched a new era in medicine.

㈩ 跨越新时代 英文翻译

Across the new era



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