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发布时间:2021-11-09 20:28:50

❶ 过去五年的科学发明,英文版

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❷ 有关发明的英语小短文

People often have ideas for inventions that are quickly dismissed or overlooked, only to have someone else take advantage of a similar idea and make large sums of money. If you dream about becoming a famous inventor, take your idea one step further. Spend some time to determine if it would sell on the market.

Come up with an idea for a new proct. The invention can be created from scratch, or you can modify an existing proct to work in a different way. For example, recycle materials in an innovative way, such as using plastic storage containers as light fixtures. In order to be patentable, the invention must satisfy the requirements of being novel and non-obvious, which means new and never seen before, and markedly different than the most similar invention. You cannot get a patent on an invention that uses a different color or size than a previous invention.
Determine if there is a need for this proct by finding out if similar procts exist through market research. If you invented a type of cookware, research different types of cookware. Does a similar proct perform the same type of function? Find out if there is an existing patent on your idea by searching the patent databases .

❸ 英文的发明

"专家透过印欧语系进化树分析 证明由九千年前农民发展而来


❹ 有关发明的英语作文

1、In modern life we have many inventions.Thesemachines are very useful.They can make things better and faster than people.A washing machine can help us wash clothes.We have more time to do that we want to doring this time.A printing machine prints a lot of books,newspapers and other things qiickly.Buses,bikes,cars,trains,planes and shipshelr us travel faster than before.The compter is wonderful machine.It is one of the most important inventions. Today it is used in many ways.It can store innformations and work out math problems millions of times faster than a person can.In a few years,the computer may touch the lives of everyone.Even people in faraway villages.

2、19世纪初,人们开始使用煤气灯(瓦斯灯),但是煤气靠管道供给,一但漏气或堵塞,非常容易出事,人们对于照明的改革,十分殷切。事实上,爱迪生为自己订定了一个不可能的任务:除了改良照明之外,还要爱迪生发明的电灯创造一套供电的系统。 于是他和梦罗园的伙伴们,不眠不休的做了1600多次耐热材料和600多种植物纤维的实验,才制造出第一个炭丝灯泡,可以一次燃烧45个钟头。后来他更在这基础上不断改良制造的方法,终于推出可以点燃1200小时的竹丝灯泡。 19世纪80年代中期,爱迪生的电灯事业获得了成功,这一成功比以往任何成就给他带来的声誉都大。在80年代中期以前,他很少有失误,中期以后,尽管他也取得了很大成就,但失败也是屡见不鲜的。爱迪生最不值得称赞的行为之一就是他批评交流电,说它有副作用,可能造成死亡与损伤,但他未加具体说明。所以有人说,“像他这样一个自己搞出了许多发明创造的人竟然对别人的新发明大加攻击,这是很矛盾的事。”他反对使用交流电而赞成直流电,因而在一场激烈而固执的论战中败北。在这方面,反映出了爱迪生成为名人之后渐渐滋生的顽固守旧的缺点。
In the early nineteenth century, people began to use gas (gaslight), but the gas pipeline supply by a leak or blockage, very easy to have an accident, people for illumination of reform, very ardent. In fact, Edison for himself set the mission impossible: in addition to improve lighting, but also of Thomas Edison electric light Create a set of power supply system. And he and the dream LuoYuan buddies, sleepless do 1600 repeatedly heat-resistant material and more than 600 plant fiber experiment, only proced the first carbon wire bulb, can a burning 45 hours. Later he more on this basis, the method of continuous improvement manufacture can ignite 12 hours finally came out with the ZhuSi bulbs. The 19th century the 1980s, Edison electric light career succeeded, this success than any previous achievements brought him reputation. In the 1980s, before he had little mistake, intermediate later, although he has made great achievements, but also common occurance of failure. Edison's most not commendable actions is one of his criticism alternating current, say it has side effects, likely cause of death and injury, but he did not add details. So somebody said, "as he such a mess out many inventions that people about others' new invention saurday attack, this is very contradictory things." He opposes the use of alternating current and direct current, so the approve a fierce debate and stubborn in failure. In this respect, reflects the Edison became a celebrity after the stubbornness of started to foster old-fashioned shortcomings.

3、I will invent a time machine in the as it 's been my dream in my life. Time machine allows people to travel back in time to prevent disaster to happen. It also allows people to tavel into dinstant future to find out solution for Incurable illness including cancer and aids. However, this machine may be abused by people to create chaos in our world or even completely change our history. Therfore, security features are essential for my invention. The future invention of time machine will definately bring more advantages for human being.我会因为它是我的梦想在我的生活中,发明时间机器。时间机器允许人们旅行回来的时间来防止灾难的发生。它也允许人们对tavel入dinstant未来发现无法治愈的疾病包括癌症和艾滋病的解决方案。然而,这台机器可能被滥用的人创造了我们的世界甚至完全改变我们的历史的混乱。因此,安全的特点是我发明的关键。未来的时间机器肯定会为人类带来更多的优势。

❺ 求一关于创新的例子(英文版)

During the dinner held by the king, someone said this out to the king so that the king wouldn't favor Columbus that much.Columbus heard that, he just smiled and said:" Can anybody make the egg stand on the table?" In a long time nobody could say a word. Then Columbus caved the egg and put it stand on the table."It's too easy, we can do it too!" Everyone shouted and Columbus said:"It is easy but before I nobody found it." 前面一句死活通不过审查,你自己慢慢翻译吧,中文是:哥伦布航海回来以后,有些人看他不顺眼,认为航海没什么了不起(is nothing),说:“我们也可以做到。”

❻ 发明 (英文版)

Although the real movie with sound in the 1920s, but insisted the film is the voice of, Jiuping this point, Edison the father of modern film well-deserved

More than 100 years ago, people trying to let the film "speak" and try to let voice talent on the screen after that line, but soon be eliminated. Since then commonly used method is the use of the scene shown in the band accompaniment.

Film with sound. This machine-film cameras by the gramophone and a combination of the electrical energy, the camera shading Gramophone linked with the crankshaft, the camera will be able to operate when the gramophone record voices. Shown, the camera behind the scenes, in幕前, the two wires connected to. Members of screening open switch, Gramophone on the screen simultaneously with the operation, making voice and image to achieve a perfect meet. Gramophone's voice and image on film cameras linked to the first time, the audience in appreciation of the screen also heard the voices of sync.

To create "what will the film" Edison persist for many years is a dream. From his initial ideas to final proction to the real film with sound, has undergone more than 30 years time. After the invention of Gramophone in 1877, Edison has committed to the design "as the gramophone in the ears, like the eyes in the role of machinery" and then a combination of both, recording and reproction movement of the screen simultaneously voice. He initially used Gramophone principle, want to use dial record images. Study after year without results, Edison in 1889 absorbed the French people to mine (Maray) of "continuous camera" results, the first to use Kodak's proction of the 50-foot flexible film, guiding assistant Dixon (Dickson) invented the projector. It consists of motor-driven, running at a Jianxing tooth cone driven to the tape of intermittent mobile drilling, drilling. Later developed a "film projectors," this machine using 35 mm film perforations broadband has become the instry standard.

Edison-per-view movies watched by only one person can earn money, and therefore refused to open on the screen showing videos. Dixon to comply with this requirement has proced a box shape of the viewfinder, people from the top of the peep hole Wang Li will be able to see the mobile screen. 1894, the United States around the viewer simply stuffed coins will be able to see a five minute-long films, each one. This invention caused a sensation. Since then, as a competitor, Edison proction of "Victoria is too projectors" (Vitascope), has begun to shift to the screen, a patent battle in the U.S. film instry hegemony, he was able to concentrate on film with sound.

Since then, and in 1912 Edison invented the receiver within 40 feet the size of the sensitive sound wave radio, even in high-speed camera is outside, to create synchronized cameras recording the activities of film-making with sound machine. 1923, the use of wax disc recordings on the film in the film, the 1927 U.S. film company Warner Brothers is a mechanical sound recording, shooting a sound and the success of the dialogue with sound film "Jazz Singer" opened the film with sound The big screen.

Contemporary film far more than the inventor Edison one, but because he insisted on speaking to the film's dream, and let the film out of the laboratory, has been called the father of modern film.

Edison insisted

Edison invented king in the film have invented the idea, they should feel that the film is sound. It is precisely such a insist that he finally invented the gramophone and the camera link up with sound film projectors.

❼ 发明 英文

invent ; invention ; [书] expound ; contrivance ; contrive

❽ 有关生活中的科学发明小故事,要求是英文版的


Not many people have given their names to the English language. Among those who have is Laszlo Josef Biro. He was the maker of the first “Biro”, a name still used around the world for his most successful invention(发明), the ballpoint pen.

Biro patented(申请专利) his first pen in 1938. It had a tiny ball bearing in the tip which picked up ink as it turned against the paper. During the Second World War, Biro went to Argentina(阿根廷) where he had some success selling his proct.

However, he never took a patent in the United States. Partly because of this, American companies such as Bic, Parker, and Papermate have dominated(支配、统治) the writing market ever since the ballpoint pen became popular in the 1950s.

❾ 名人故事 有没有关于国内外名人的发明小故事,要是英文的,最好下面有中文翻译.

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein was considered the greatest scientist of the 20th century and one of the greatest of all time.His discoveries and theories have greatly influenced science in many fields.
Einstein was born in 1879 in Ulm,a city in Germany.As a boy,he was slow to learn to talk,but later in his childhood he showed great curiosity about nature and ability to solve difficult mathematical problems.After he left school,he went to Switzerland,where he graated from the university with a degree in mathematics.
In 1905,Einstein began to publish a series of papers which shook the whole scientific and intellectual world,and for the theories he established in the papers he won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
Because Einstein was Jewish,when Hitler took over Germany in 1933,he had to leave the country and finally settled in the United States.There he continued his study on the structure of the universe until his death in 1955.
Among the several important discoveries Einstein made in his life,the greatest is the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity

❿ 求一个关于发明的英语短文

who invented tea?
did you know that tea ,the most popular drink in the world ,was invented by accident ? although tea wasn't brought to Western world until 1610, this beverage was discovered over therr thousand years before that, According to an ancient CHINESE legend, the emperor Shen Nong disconered tea when he was boiling drinking water over an open fire .some leaves from a nearby bush fell into the water and remained there for some time . the emperor noticed that leaves in the water proced a pieasant smell. later he decided to taste the hot mixture ,it was quite delicious. and in this way, one of the world's favorite drinks was invented.



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