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发布时间:2021-10-29 03:55:14

❶ (汉译英)翻译一小段英语短文--关于指南针的发明

Before compass invention the humanity takes one's bearings mainlydepends on the sun, heavenly body and so on the moon, or sign and soon mountain stone trees, however, these take one's bearings the methodall has its limitation: Depends on the heavenly body to take one'sbearings under the bad weather environment is unable to realize, forinstance rainy day, foggy day, cloudy day But depends on the sign totake one's bearings only can limit in the small scope
Afterwards the people discovered the magnet the south North Polecharacteristic has invented the compass Thus may accurate take one'sbearings under any environment
The compass biggest contribution promoted the navigation development,the sea transportation the new continent compass and so on wasdeveloped as well as discovered all had lasting achievements

❷ 指南针的发明人用英语怎么写、说

inventor of compass

❸ 指南针是中国发明的,为什么在指南针上用英文,这不是崇洋藐中吗


❹ 汉译英--指南针的发明

People distinguish directions depending on the opposite of the Sun and the Moon and the other starts, or gets the direction from some mark items such as mountains, stones and the trees, before it is invented a compass. However there are some limitations in which people use spheres to distinguish the direction, for example, raining, flog, or cloudy day, it is would be difficult to know the direction under the bad weather conditions depending on mark item, except in a limited range.
Then, compass is invented by its feature of magnet is attracted to south and north poles so that it can be used for distinguish directions precisely in any conditions.
The greatest contribution of compass is promotes development of sailing. Further more it has played a very important role in marine transport and explores the new continent.

❺ 求英语大神翻译:中国是举世公认的发明指南针(compass)的国家。最初的指南针叫做司南 ( Si

中国是举世公认的发明compass的国家。最初的指南针叫做 Sinan, a south-pointing ladle,出现在战国时期。一般在指南针上标有东南西北四个方位,并且还有刻度。北对应零度,刻度随顺时针方向而增加。作为中国古代的四大发明之一,指南针对人们的生活,尤其是航海业的发展,起到了重要的作用。指南针对西方世界也产生了显著的影响,这些国家由此开始了大规模的海外冒险活动。
China is widely recognized as a country with the invention of compass. The initial compass is called a, south-pointing ladle Sinan, which appeared in the Warring States period. There are four directions of the compass in the southeast and northwest superscript, and scale. The corresponding zero scale with clockwise increases. As one of the four great inventions of ancient China, compass on people's life, especially the development of shipping instry has played an important role. The compass also has significant impact on the western world, these countries began a large-scale overseas adventure.

❻ 中国在两千多年前发明了指南针用英语怎么说

The compass was invented by Chinese more than two thousnad years ago.

❼ 英语作文:指南针的发明80词右左右

美好的回忆如同光彩夺目的珍珠,无论时间流逝多久,都磨洗不了它的光泽。打开锦盒,抚摸着一颗颗珍藏的珍珠,那思绪也随之散开…… 那一天,一大早,天灰蒙蒙的,像雾似的雨,像雨似的雾,丝丝缕缕缠绕不断,斜斜的打在窗上,美,却令人担忧。 我...

❽ 指南针发明人,怎么用英语说

the inventer of the compass

❾ 急!!! 用英语介绍一种发明(类似指南针电脑之类的)80字左右 !

Most historians of technology credit the Chinese with the its discovery of black powder.
The invention of gunpowder is e to an alchemist, it has experienced the advent of the breeding process of a long time. In antiquity, an, an activity, sulfur and nitrate is a common medicine
大多数历史学家认为黑火药是中国人发明的.火药的发明应归功于炼丹家,它的问世经历了一个较长时间的孕育过程。在古 代炼丹家的炼丹活动中,硫磺和硝是常用的药品

❿ 指南针发明人是谁[英文手写]




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