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发布时间:2021-10-27 19:43:13

⑴ 以《电的重要性》为题写一篇英语作文,要两篇

The Importance of English
As the deepening of globalization, English is increasingly important, especially for those who communicate with foreigners. For one thing, English is an essential tool to know the outside world. Nowadays, most information broadcast in English, especially the advanced information. For another, learning English well, we can see a totally different world. For example, we can read original novels or enjoying English movies better. Sometimes, translation may eliminatethe essence of original languages. We even would develop a different way of thinking, the English way, so different from Chinese way. In short, as acommunicating tool, English plays an important role in our lives.

⑵ 英语作文关于电视的发明史带翻译

TV is very important in our life.We can get to know all kinds of events around the world.We can know the weather,information,laws,knowledge and so on.After busy work,we can watch some funny programs to relax
TV benifits us,but sometimes it has bad influence.Some students watch TV day and night.It influences their lessons.Some programs are not good for children.
So we should choose proper programs at proper time for people in different ages.
Now TV has become necessary in our life.We can get all kinds of information through TV.The world is in front of us.The distance between countries is shortened with the help of TV.Every day we can watch some interesting programs to make us happy.
Although TV has some benifits,sometimes it has bad influence.Some students have no time to study because they watch TV in all the free time.And some programs are not proper for children.
So we should choose some good programs to watch,especially for children.

⑶ 英语作文,你认为最好的发明是电,为什么

The telephone is an instrument that converts voice and sound signals into electrical impulses for transmission by wire to a different location,where another telephone receives the electrical impulses and turns them back into recognizable sounds.In 1875,Alexander Graham Bell built the first telephone that transmitted electrically the human voice.
When Bell began experimenting with electrical signals,the telegraph had been an established means of communication for some 30 years.Although a highly successful system,the telegraph,with its dot-and-dash Morse code,was basically limited to receiving and sending one message at a time.Bell's extensive knowledge of the nature of sound and his understanding of music enabled him to conjecture the possibility of transmitting multiple messages over the same wire at the same time.Although the idea of a multiple telegraph had been in existence for some time,Bell offered his own musical or harmonic approach as a possible practical solution.His "harmonic telegraph" was based on the principle that several notes could be sent simultaneously along the same wire if the notes or signals differed in pitch.

⑷ 电能是一个伟大的发明英文

is said to be

⑸ 关于电吉他发明的英语作文

The origin of the electric guitar is affected in 1920 after love welcome "Hawaii" guitar, Hawaiian guitar is no resonance box, all the strings and pickups are fixed on the solid wood, no problems with this piano feedback of , country band to do with it numerous solo instrument, until now is still an indispensable tool for country music. Early Hawaii and hollow electric guitars are very heavy with a lot of pickups; in 1930 Les Paul all wanted to try to improve this heavy pickups humans one, but he was no matter what kind of pickups can not solve feedback The problem. After seeing the ECG violin inventor Thomas Edison invented, he thought the use of solid guitar; in 1941 he persuaded Epiphone (pronounced 'epifon) guitar company to let him use the room to work on Sunday, he will be a Epiphone's hollow guitar f hole cut in half, and then a solid piece of wood stuck in the middle, two pickups he fixed on a solid piece of wood made the famous "Log" guitar, he found the problem back then delegate It did not happen. Over the next few Les Paul wanted to sell his ideas to Gibson, but Gibson guitar company has no interest until 1950 before agreeing to the proction of Gibson Les Paul guitar designed in cooperation, and in 1952 this in the name of Les Paul solid-body electric guitar began to come out until now enring.

⑹ 电灯的发明 英文短文

爱迪生 一生只上过三个月的小学,他的学问是靠母亲的教导和自修得来的。他的成功,应该归功于母亲自小对他的谅解与耐心的教导,才使原来被人认为是低能儿的爱迪生,长大后成为举世闻名的“发明大王”。
“浪费,最大的浪费莫过于浪费时间了。” 爱迪生常对助手说。“人生太短暂了,要多想办法,用极少的时间办更多的事情。”
过了好半天,他问:“容量多少? ”他没听见回答,转头看见助手拿着软尺在测量灯泡的周长、斜度,并拿了测得的数字伏在桌上计算。他说:“时间,时间,怎么费那么多的时间呢?”爱迪生走过来,拿起那个空灯泡,向里面斟满了水,交给助手,说:“里面的水倒在量杯里,马上告诉我它的容量。”
爱迪生 说:“这是多么容易的测量方法啊,它又准确,又节省时间,你怎么想不到呢?还去算,那岂不是白白地浪费时间吗?”

⑺ 介绍电视发明英语作文80词

the Advantages and Disadvantages of TV
We have to admit that TV has
brought great changes to our life.Almost everyday,we watch all kinds of programs
on TV.We need them as well as enjoy them.TV can amuse people,give us news and
information we want,and expand our horizons.We can also relax ourselves by
watching TV after hard studies or work.Hower,there are two sides to
everything,and TV is without exception.TV also has some
disadvantages.First,spending too much time on it will affect our studies and
work.Second,there are now too many commercials(广告)on TV,which would make us care
more about money,and it's not good for teenagers' growth.Third,sitting in front
of TV too long would do harm to our health.
Therefore,we students
should watch TV in our spare time but not be addicted to

⑻ 关于电视发明的英文短文

who invent television?

Paul Nipkow a German inventor who developed an electromechanical television system in 1884.

Boris Rosing, who had developed a television system in Russia 1907, utilizing a mechanical disc for its camera and cathode-ray tube for its receiver.

T Farnsworth who as an American 15 year old boy in 1922 described the workings of an electronic TV system, and went on to transmit a TV image in 1927 using his system.

Charles F. Jenkins an American who in 1923 developed a working Nipkow disk system.

Vladimir Zworykin who on leaving Russia to work in the United States, was granted a patent in 1923 for his development of a television system that undoubtedly paved the way for all future electronic television systems.

John Logie Baird in Great Britain 1925-26 with his Nipkow disk system, transmitting a mmies head and moving images.

Kenjito Takayanagi of Tokyo Japan who in 1926 used a cathode-ray tube to display transmitted images of Japanese writing.

E. F. W. Alexanderson who in 1928 demonstrated the first home television receiver in Schenectady, New York using a 3" screen.



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