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发布时间:2021-10-21 07:54:01

① 2002年发明的机器很受欢迎的英文翻译

Since achieved success in 2002,the 26-year-old young man have become one of the most popular actors in Asia .

② 为了发明新机器的英文

for inventing new machines

③ 用英文怎么说据信是他发明了这个机器

He is believed to have invented the machine.
It is believed that he invented the machine.

④ 发明机器人介绍外貌和作用的英语作文带翻译

This is the robert which is invented by our team. It is 160 kilimeters high and with 2 big eyes. It's so strong that it can lift 100 kg weight goods according to our test results. Besides, it still has two additional functions. The first one is translation between English and Chinese. The second one is cooking skill. If you put vegetables or meat into the specified accessory of the robert according to the instruction showed in the screen and choose the dish you wish in the menu, you can get well cooked dish after sereral minutes. Considering increasing young population who are not good at cooking will start their career and live independently, this Robert will hit the market with a great sucess prospect.
这是我们团队发明的机器人。它有厘米高和2个大眼睛。 它非常强壮,根据我们的实验结果,可以举起100公斤重的货物。此外,它还有两项其他的功能。第一个功能是中英文翻译。第二个功能是烹饪技能。如果你按照屏幕上显示的说明书,把蔬菜和肉放入机器人的指定附件中,并通过菜单选择想要的才要,几十分钟后,你可以得到烹饪好的食物。考虑到越来越多不善家务的年轻人即将步入社会并独立生活,这款机器人在未来有非常良好的市场销售预期。

⑤ 昨天他发明了一台机器人用英语

Robots in our life
The first robot was born in 1921 and since then the robots have played a greater and greater role in our lives.Now the robots are more usually used in our daily life.As we all know,the robots can do a lots of work in place of human beings,such as washing and cooking.Not only in daily life,but also in science research even the war,they can be used to finish the great mission.People cannot deny that the quality and functions of the robots have been improved a lot ,but the notion either cannot be denied that robots can never replace human beings.

⑥ 一位老先生发明了一个机器人的英文

An old man invented a robot

⑦ 谁发明了这台机器英语怎么翻译

who invented this machine?

⑧ 关于发明机器蛇的英语作文

时间机器I will invent a time machinein the as it 's been my dream in my life. Time machine allows people to travel back in timeto prevent disaster to happen. It also allows people to tavel into dinstant future to find out solution for Incurable illness including cancer and aids. However, this machine may be abused by people to create chaos in our world or even completely change our history. Therfore, security features are essential for my invention. The future invention of time machinewill definately bring more advantages for human being.

⑨ 他以前发明了一个机器人英文

I, Robot (2004) - Plot summary
Set in a future Earth (2035 A.D.) where robots are common assistants and workers for their human owners, this is the story of "robotophobic" Chicago Police Detective Del Spooner's investigation into the murder of Dr. Alfred Lanning, who works at U.S. Robotics, in which a robot, Sonny , appears to be implicated, even though that would mean the robot had violated the Three Laws of Robotics, which is apparently impossible. It seems impossible because.. if robots can break those laws, there's nothing to stop them from taking over the world, as humans have grown to become completely dependent upon their robots. Or maybe... they already have? Aiding Spooner in his investigation is a psychologist, Dr. Susan Calvin, who specializes in the psyches of robots.

⑩ 瓦特(发明蒸气机的那个)的英文名字是




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