导航:首页 > 创造发明 > 想象力和创造力英语


发布时间:2021-10-21 00:32:44

㈠ 关于想象力和创造力英语作文

How to cultivate our creativity?It's true that maybe cultivating creativity is difficult to most of the people.Many ways are for this while we can't realize them.cultivating creativity is indeed of great importance to the whole society.What can we do to acquire it?First,it calls for our working,which should be very hard or even unthinkable.This step of course will give us firm basement.Secondly,we'd better try our best to see,to watch,to oberve...everthing around in our lives,from which we can get useful messages.Yet the last one'll be hard,ater all,we should insist!We have to think deeply,and compare everthing with each other to find their characters.So,maybe we can't succeed,but to our devotion,we may learn a lot,and it's believed that we will finally creating perfectly.

㈡ 英语翻译 中文:它能让我们更富有创造力和想象力. 英文怎么说

It can make us be more creative and imaginative .

㈢ 英语翻译题+选择题:我们只有充满创造力和想象力

only if we are full of creativity andideality

  1. B

  2. C

  3. C

  4. C

  5. D

  6. B

  7. C

  8. B

  9. B

  10. C

㈣ 最大限度地发挥自身的想象力和创造力 不 用英语怎么说

Show your imagination and creativity to the maximum!

㈤ 因为对于发明家来说想象力和创造力是必要的。用英语怎么说

it,s neccerary for inventor to have imagine and crative

㈥ 想象力 创造力 用英文怎么写

imagination & creativity

㈦ 我们齐心协力发挥想象力和创造力.英语怎么说

we will work together with all our imagination and creativity.

㈧ 想象力和创造力同时使用是啥句型




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