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发布时间:2021-10-12 07:01:10

『壹』 “现在一切的努力都是为了未来一个更好地自己”怎么用英文翻译

翻译:Now all the efforts are for the future a better yourself


『贰』 众志成城,创造未来! 用英文怎么翻译

Concerted efforts, creating the future.

『叁』 用英语怎么说“为了五年后的约定,我们要共同努力,一起去创造属于我们的未来!”

For five years after the convention, we should make joint efforts,Together to create our future!来 希望能自有所帮助

『肆』 创造美好未来用英语怎么说

create(develop) a wonderful(splendid) future

『伍』 自己创造未来英语作文

the 21st century, China's agricultural instry at an alarming rate changes, farming enterprises are facing unprecedented pressure, the instry matured. Market is no longer growing rapidly, the competition is fierce, mergers and acquisitions intensified. At that very moment, to serve the Chinese aquaculture feed companies face a new round of reshuffle, who can in this round of changes should the situation change, will seize the initiative in this round of changes.
Born in China, we are very lucky: Because we also belong to the developing countries, as well as entrepreneurial opportunities; at the same time China into the international development, we are able to access exchanges around the world, get a variety of fresh ideas and the integration of global excellence talent to realize their dreams possible.

『陆』 为未来努力加油 翻译成英文是什么

working hard for future为未来努力加油 or fighting for future

『柒』 <忘记以前 用努力去创造未来>英文怎么说

Say goodbye to the past pls, you will create a new future .

『捌』 努力奋斗,为了我们美好的未来。英文怎么说

We make arous efforts for the brighter future! 为了美好的未来我们努力奋斗!或者说for the better tomorrow!What a magnificent future! 多么美好的未来啊!

『玖』 (只有努力,才能开拓未来)用英语怎么说

It is only the effort that can explore the future.

『拾』 梦想创造未来!这句话怎么翻译成英文

The Future is created by your Dream
Dream lead to future


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