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发布时间:2021-10-02 16:26:42

❶ 第一辆自行车发明者英语作文。60字

Lu about was born in this surname 507 BC to lose, name class. Because he is LuGuoRen, so people milnwood lu. Some books for or to lose a writing autumn plate. He is engaged woodworking work. When people to make trees to become already flat and smooth board, still do not have what good method. Lu in practice watched, imitate biological form, invented a lot of woodworking tools, such as saws, a plane, etc. How is the invention saws lu? According to legend once he into deep cut trees, carelessly, hand was a kind of grass leaf blade, he ripped off lightly touched, originally leaves both sides have 8-cm-long teeth, and his hand was these small teeth ripped, he also saw in a tree on there is a important weeds locust, two big BanYa also lined by many small teeth, so can quickly grinded blade. Lu from these two things got a inspiration. He thought, if such dentate tools, isn't also can quickly sawed through trees! Hence, he after many tests, finally invented the sharp saws, greatly improving the working efficiency

❷ 写一篇关于自行车的发明,要求写出是被谁发明的,被用来做什么,什么时候被发明的。英语作文,记住要用被

The bicycle is the most successful human inventions of a human machine, is composed of many simple machines.
bicycles is invented in 1790 by Schiff .Bicycle can be used as environmental protection of transport ,and can be used to instead of walking, travel; It can be used to ride bikes to exercise by people.

❸ 发明水上自行车作文

开始了,我们两人使劲踏着板,但因节奏不一样,很难前进,而且还得另外一只手转着方向盘。后来,我想了一个办法,就口令。“一二一,一二一 ```` ”我们踏得快了起来,越踏越有精神,不久就划到了对岸。划回来时,我向哥哥提了个高难度的建议:就是不叫口令,按着刚才的感觉来踏。返回了,我能感觉到我们个自在为自己加油,都在心里叫口令。似乎回来的时间比较快,不一会儿就回到了起点。我们刚想岸上,但阿姨告诉我们是算时间的,共六十分钟,你们只玩了二十分钟,再玩一会儿吧!不只怎么的,有一段劲从我们身上射出来了,接下来的四十分钟,我们竟然来来回回踏了三次,我真没有想到自己和哥哥能这么快学会一样新本领。

❹ 英语自行车的发明作文

【The Invention of the Bicycle】

A French father-and-son team of carriage-makers, Pierre and Ernest Michaux, invented an improved bicycle in the 1860's. Many early bicycles (called velocipedes, meaning "fast foot," or, more descriptively, "bone shakers") had huge front wheels —— it was thought that the bigger the wheel, the faster you could go. Early tires were wooden —— metal tires were an improvement, and solid rubber tires were added later. A chain with sprockets was added to the bicycle in the 1880's; this was called the "safety bicycle." Air-filled tires were also added in the 1880's. The derailleur gear system was added in the 1970's.

Nowadays,it's important for us to live the low-carbon life. So riding bicycle is the best choice for us to go around. It's not only benefit for our health and also cheaper than cars and the oil is not necessary for bicycles. The better thing is, it was so friendly to environment that it won't proce any polution. So let's go for a ride!



❺ 发明神奇的自行车我的梦想作文


❻ 英语作文 自行车的发明

A French father-and-son team of carriage-makers, Pierre and Ernest Michaux, invented an improved bicycle in the 1860's. Many early bicycles (called velocipedes, meaning "fast foot," or, more descriptively, "bone shakers") had huge front wheels —— it was thought that the bigger the wheel, the faster you could go. Early tires were wooden —— metal tires were an improvement, and solid rubber tires were added later. A chain with sprockets was added to the bicycle in the 1880's; this was called the "safety bicycle." Air-filled tires were also added in the 1880's. The derailleur gear system was added in the 1970's.

Nowadays,it's important for us to live the low-carbon life. So riding bicycle is the best choice for us to go around. It's not only benefit for our health and also cheaper than cars and the oil is not necessary for bicycles. The better thing is, it was so friendly to environment that it won't proce any polution. So let's go for a ride!

❼ 自行车这个发明真棒450字 作文



❽ 我的多功能自行车作文三百字

未来会有多功能自行车吗?假如有又会是怎么样的呢?我觉得应该是...... 未来,只要有了多功能自行车,大家都不会开会放臭屁的汽车了。多功能自行车有许多按钮∶红色——接听电话 绿色——倾听美妙歌曲 黄色——讲故事 紫色——听收音机 白色——喝饮料〔苹果味,可乐,雪碧,橙汁。自选〕 黑色——负责早,中,晚的饭菜 大家有可能想不到,假如你想听歌,那别人也在听,那不是有噪音风暴了吗?没关系,天蓝色按钮只要一按,那歌只有你自己能听到的。那你假如想吃东西,那车咋开呢?也没关系,可爱桃红色按钮帮你解决问题,只要按了它,自行车就全自动帮你开,吃完了只要再按一下,你就可以自己开了。但是你假如没有事情也要自行车帮你开的话,它就会半个小时也都没有功能效果,这样你就不会缺乏运动啦! 你是不是觉得这种自行车很好呢?虽然现在还没有,但我相信很快就会发明出来的!



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