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发布时间:2021-09-11 22:09:51

A. 求大神《创客》翻译成英语,是什么谢谢

创客空间的英语翻译:Maker Space,也有的将创客空间翻成:Hacker Space。
众创空间的英语翻译:Mass Innovation Space。
城域开放众创空间的英语翻译为:City as an Open Mass Innovation Space, 简称:COMIS。

B. 创客的英文单词到底是hacker还是maker

“创客”是指不以盈利为目标,努力把各种创意转变为现实的人。这个词译自英文单词“Maker”,源于美国麻省理工学院微观装配实验室的实验课题,此课题以创新为理念,以客户为中心,以个人设计、个人制造为核心内容,参与实验课题的学生即“创客”(参考:《Fab Lab创新模式及其启示》可以了解创客的起源)。创客(Maker)以用户创新为核心理念,是创新2.0模式在设计制造领域的典型表现。Fab Lab及其触发的以创客为代表的创新2.0模式,基于从个人通讯到个人计算,再到个人制造的社会技术发展脉络,试图构建以用户为中心的,面向应用的融合从创意、设计到制造的用户创新环境。
创客空间的英语翻译:Maker Space,也有的将创客空间翻成:Hacker Space。
众创空间的英语翻译:Mass Innovation Space。
城域开放众创空间的英语翻译为:City as an Open Mass Innovation Space, 简称:COMIS。

C. “创客空间”让创意皆为可能,“创客空间”英语怎么说

创客空间的英语翻译:Maker Space,也有的将创客空间翻成:Hacker Space。
众创空间的英语翻译:Mass Innovation Space。
城域开放众创空间的英语翻译为:City as an Open Mass Innovation Space, 简称:COMIS。

D. “创客空间”英语怎么说

创客空间的英语翻译:Maker Space,也有的将创客空间翻成:Hacker Space。
“创客”是指不以盈利为目标,努力把各种创意转变为现实的人。这个词译自英文单词“Maker”,源于美国麻省理工学院微观装配实验室的实验课题,此课题以创新为理念,以客户为中心,以个人设计、个人制造为核心内容,参与实验课题的学生即“创客”(参考:《Fab Lab创新模式及其启示》可以了解创客的起源)。创客(Maker)以用户创新为核心理念,是创新2.0模式在设计制造领域的典型表现。Fab Lab及其触发的以创客为代表的创新2.0模式,基于从个人通讯到个人计算,再到个人制造的社会技术发展脉络,试图构建以用户为中心的,面向应用的融合从创意、设计到制造的用户创新环境。

众创空间的英语翻译为:Mass Innovation Space,也有的将其翻译为:Group Innovation Space。
城域开放众创空间的英语翻译为:City as an Open Mass Innovation Space, 简称:COMIS。

E. 英语作文:关于创客的,选择做创客或者不选择,任选一个角度都行,站在自己角度说明理由,120字左右



"Come and see what I have brought back today?" Dad had not entered the door, the loud voice in the door, his voice can not hide the excitement. I ran to the door and took a small box from him. "What is this, dad?" I couldn't help asking curiously. "Don't you just open it and see it?" Dad smiles mysteriously.

“快过来看我今天又带回什么好东西了?”爸爸还 没有进门,大嗓门便在门口响了起来,他的声音里难掩兴奋之情。我赶紧跑到门口,从他手里接过一个小箱子。“爸爸,这是什么呀?”我忍不住好奇地问。“你打开看看不就知道了?”爸爸神秘地一笑。

I opened the box expectantly as if I had found a new one. I know it must be another new thing, because Dad always brings some new babies home to share with us. I took out a small magic box which was not much bigger than football from the box. From the package, I knew that the box was called "Dora", which means that like Pandora's box in Greek mythology, many babies would fly out. When my father opens it, what can I do to fly it Dad laughed and said, "you will know after installation."


I assembled it carefully. It turns out that Dora is a new technology proct that my father has helped to apply for. It can carry out multi-party voice interaction and plant flowers automatically. "She" is just a little round head intelligent robot! I'm so lucky!

我认真组装起来,原来“朵拉”是一个爸爸新帮助申请的科技产品,可以进行多方的语音互动,还 会自动种花。“她”简直就是一个小小的圆头智能机器人啊!我如获至宝!

This time it's my turn to be serious. "Dad, I'm going to learn the basic knowledge well and inherit the persistence, faith and spirit of our predecessors. I hope to become a real maker one day and make our life better and better." I answered firmly.


F. 创客的英文介绍

制造者 常用释义
[英] [ˈmeɪkə]
[美] [ˈmeɪkər]
n.制造者; 制作者; 上帝; 造物主
Get your coffee fix at home with this state-of-the-art espresso-maker.

With the development of science and technology , there are some people who have creative ideas and the ability to design ,they gather and set up some organizations to make their ideas into reality without the aim of profit.In general,we call them makers. Makers are willing to create a more beautiful life for all human being as well as for themselves.Usually they pay attention to electronic, machinery, robotics, 3D printing and so on. Already booming in the U.S., the maker movement is now gaining ground in China, challenging the country's capacity for innovation. Make Magazine co-founder Dale Dougherty says a maker as someone who builds, creates or hacks physical materials, whether food, clothing or Small objects. Makers often gather at hackerspaces, or makerspaces, real-world locations where they can learn and work together. There are hundreds of hackerspaces world-wide and over a dozen now in China.

In Chinese, “creation” means pioneer and founder,it shows an

positive and upward attitude, at the same time, makers always have ability to find problem, and try to solve the problem by an action.I think the spirit of makers should be learnt by all of us students.When studying and working,we should be more creative and try to solve new problems we meet.When there is something new appearing,I think all of us should be curious about it and figure it out.

Makers are good at procing creative ideas , and they are eager to design and crazy about making it into reality.The economy is developing quickly which makes high-tech services badly required.In my opinion,everyone should have the skill to fit in the current situation like the makers and this is the requirement of society

Let’s be a maker, create more constantly, practice them continually, be willing to share inventions with others to build even better life for ourselves and all the people!

G. “创客文化”用英语怎么说

“创客文化”英语翻译为:“Maker culture”。
“创客”是指不以盈利为目标,努力把各种创意转变为现实的人。这个词译自英文单词“Maker”,源于美国麻省理工学院微观装配实验室的实验课题,此课题以创新为理念,以客户为中心,以个人设计、个人制造为核心内容,参与实验课题的学生即“创客”(参考:《Fab Lab创新模式及其启示》可以了解创客的起源)。创客(Maker)以用户创新为核心理念,是创新2.0模式在设计制造领域的典型表现。Fab Lab及其触发的以创客为代表的创新2.0模式,基于从个人通讯到个人计算,再到个人制造的社会技术发展脉络,试图构建以用户为中心的,面向应用的融合从创意、设计到制造的用户创新环境。
创客空间的英语翻译:Maker Space,也有的将创客空间翻成:Hacker Space。
众创空间的英语翻译:Mass Innovation Space。
城域开放众创空间的英语翻译为:City as an Open Mass Innovation Space, 简称:COMIS。

H. 名词解释创客Maker

“创客”一词来源于英文单词"Maker”,是指出于兴趣与爱好,努力把各种创意转变版为现实的人。创客权以用户创新为核心理念,是创新2.0模式在设计制造领域的典型表现。Fab Lab及其触发的以创客为代表的创新2.0模式,基于从个人通讯到个人计算,再到个人制造的社会技术发展脉络,试图构建以用户为中心的,面向应用的融合从创意、设计到制造的用户创新环境。

I. 大众创业,万众创新,用英语怎么说,求准确翻译

英语是:mass entrepreneurship and innovation
China Business News: Mr Premier, you stressed on many occasions the importanceof mass entrepreneurship and innovation and you regard them as a new enginefueling Chinas economic growth.

J. "创客"英文翻译是什么




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