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发布时间:2020-12-09 00:45:39

㈠ 造纸术是中国古代四大发明之一.的翻译是:什么意思

造纸术是中国古代四大发明之一.的翻译是:Papermaking is one of the four great inventions of ancient China.

㈡ 中国古代的四大发明是什么英文版

"四大发明”英文名为“The Four Great Inventions”
“印答刷术”英文名为“Priniting Technique”

㈢ 中国的“四大发明”用英语怎么说

Four Great Inventions :


Papermaking ,Commercial Printing ,Gunpowder ,Compass








Gunpowder was first invented in China. In the Tang Dynasty, gunpowder was invented in China. In Song Dynasty, it was widely used in military affairs. At the time of yuan and Ming Dynasties, rockets were also built by using the principle of jet. Gunpowder has been abroad since thirteenth Century.

中国首先发明火药。 早在唐代, 中国就发明了火药。 到宋代已被大量运用到军事上。 元、明之际, 还利用喷气原理制造了“火箭”。 火药从13世纪起传到国外。

㈣ 中国古代的四大发明分别为造纸术,印刷术,火药和指南针。翻译成英语

The Four Great Inventions of ancient Chinese are papermaking,
printing, gunpowder and the compass.

㈤ 中国古代四大发明用英语怎么翻译

指南针:来The compass




在翻译 造纸术、印刷术时,如果是在句子中,最好在他们后面在加上technique(“技术”的意思)

也就是 paper-making technique 造纸技术 and printing technique 印刷技术

㈥ 急寻答案:中国古代四大发明的英文翻译



㈦ 四大发明的英文翻译

Four Great Inventions : Papermaking ,Commercial Printing ,Gunpowder ,Compass


㈧ 中译英 急!!! 关于四大发明的

The four famous ancient Chinese scientific and technological inventions, including the compass, papermaking, gunpowder and printing (see printing printing, moveable type). Four great inventions that have been introced into various parts of the world, against the cultural development of world science and technology have had a far-reaching implications for China's great contributions to world civilization.
Compass Compass is the use of magnets in the Earth's magnetic field polarity refers to the North-South and made a point apparatus, there are a variety of forms. As early as the Warring States period, China has spent the early lodestone made Ian the direction of the spoon.三国魏when马钧the use of magnets and differential gears can create directional mechanical devices - Guide to car. Scientist Shen Kuo in the Song Dynasty in its "Meng Xi Bi Tan" in the records proced by the needle point method. Later, they developed into a needle and directions into one set of the compass. Until late in the evening in the late Northern Song Dynasty, the compass has been used in navigation; the Southern Song Dynasty, the needle has been in use for the navigation disc. The invention of the compass for the development of marine traffic and the economic and cultural exchanges, and played a great role.
Paper-making technique has not yet been invented in the paper before the paper had been bearing the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Indians used bay leaves, the ancient Babylonians used mud-brick, with a Roman candle plate, Europeans were used in the proction of the hills of Asia materials such as Notepad in sheep's clothing. In China, the Shang used oracle bones, used the Western Zhou bronzes, bamboo slips used at the Spring and Autumn, wood slips, such as Notepad thick waterproof silk silk material; In addition, also the spinning and preparation of cotton织绸resial flocs, when the sheets for writing. Some of the above heavy material, some expensive, some sources less can not adapt to the needs of social and cultural development. Yuanxing the first year of the Eastern Han (105), Cai Lun invented paper making operation. He used bark, Ma Tau and spacious cloth, fishing nets and other plant materials, by down, trace, , process, etc. made of baking paper, called蔡侯paper, the origins of modern paper. And application of the invention of paper, records of social history and preservation of cultural exchange and dissemination of ideas, has played an important role.
Powder as a powder of the first category of human hands explosives, originated in ancient Chinese alchemy. Ancient Alchemy to use at home as early as the Han Dynasty have been Jinshi drug Glass, S, after a long-term practice of Alchemy, but not later than宪宗Tang yuan and three years (808) before the invention of gunpowder has been, and at the end of the Northern Song Dynasty in the early use of the Five Dynasties to create a fire with gunpowder weapons. By Song, Yuan, Ming generations, rockets, fire cone (聤fires), firearms and other gun fire has reached the degree of heat. The invention of gunpowder on the development of world science and technology has an important role to play, a modern black powder is the development of gunpowder by the Chinese from ancient times.
Printing in China about the 7th century in the Early period there have been printed using printing book printing. Tang咸通nine years (868) published the "Diamond Sutra", is one of the world are currently marking the first time in print. Song宗庆the calendar year, Bisheng civilians have been printed in the popularization of printing based on the invention of moveable type operation. It is made of clay lettering, each one printed word, the word made of Indian burning. Will be printed with the word for many, inlaid in the iron plate on top of, with barbecue, pressure plate into equal technology, we can print. Printed version of the printed word can be used repeatedly removed. This method has been equipped with modern moveable type printing the basic process - type, layout, printing, more than the mid-15th century German J. Gutenberg's moveable type technology to manufacturing as early as 400 years. Following the soil type, the Chinese people have invented a magnetic type, wood type, tin type, copper movable type printing method and so on. The invention of printing and dissemination of, contributed greatly to the spread of human civilization and development.


㈨ 四大发明及发明人英文版有翻译

the Four Great Inventions
compass gunpowder paper-making printing

㈩ 印刷术 火药 造纸术 指南针是我国的四大发明 翻译

Such inventions as papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the compass are outstanding contributions of the Chinese nation to the world civilization.



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