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发布时间:2022-04-12 07:36:01

1. 华大科技的英文简介

BGI TechSolutions Co.,Ltd. (BGI-Tech), a subsidiary of BGI, is a world leader in cutting-edge life sciences and premier scientific partner to the global research community. With a firm commitment to providing the highest quality services through our worldwide service network, BGI-Tech’s mission is to facilitate ground-breaking research, foster intelligent, proctive collaboration and accelerate scientific progress.
BGI-Tech was founded in 2012 and is headquartered in Shenzhen, China. We have lab facilities in Hong Kong; Wuhan (China); and Sacramento, California (United States). We also have branch offices in Europe, the Americas, Pacific-Asia, and in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou, China. Our service network covers more than 100 countries and regions. Currently, BGI-Tech collaborates with over 10,000 organizations and 30,000 partners, providing highly reliable services for thousands of research projects, including several large-scale international genome projects. To date, BGI-Tech has contributed to over 600 publications, with more than 100 articles appearing in top-tier journals such asNatureandScience.
With diverse service experience, unique scientific expertise and extensive “Big Data”, BGI-Tech is committed to developing integrated trans-omics platforms to transform life science research. We strive to accelerate the advancement of the life science instry and to assist in the fight against various health, agricultural, energy, and environmental issues to create a better life and a brighter future for everyone around the world.



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