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发布时间:2021-11-23 03:34:03

『壹』 什么是具有自主知识产权的产品#


『贰』 求“TD-SCDMA是由我国提出的拥有自主知识产权的第三代移动通信标准”英文翻译 急用!!谢谢

Td-scdma is put forward by our country have the independent intellectual property rights, the third generation mobile communication standard, the research has been hit by the attention of the countries, has become a focus of research at home and abroad. This paper introces the unique situation in our country of the third generation (3 G) mobile communication of the history and the current situation of the for TD is briefly introced, and the key to 3 G technology and the wireless local area network technology integration of the prediction and domestic communication evolution and communication classes designed work focus was predicted.

『叁』 绕开国外的专利英文怎么说拥有自主知识产权,能够绕开

The ownership of independent intellectual property rights can enable us to circumvent/ avert alien patent infringement prosecutions.
绕开、避免: circument 或 avert
patent infringement prosecutions 侵犯专利的指控

『肆』 拥有自主知识产权的产品的翻译是:什么意思

拥有自主知识产权的产品的翻译是:procts with proprietary intellectual property

『伍』 自主知识产权的英文翻译

self-owned intellectual property rights

『陆』 英语翻译自主研发,自主知识产权怎么说

independent research and development
intellectual property,



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