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发布时间:2021-10-05 16:51:50

1. 用英文解释:本设计方案由XXX版权所有未经允许不得商用.

The right of the design program belongs to XXX, it cannot be used for commerce without permission.

2. 版权的英文介绍

Copyright is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is "the right to ", but also gives the right holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights. It is an intellectual property form (like the patent, the trademark, and the trade secret) applicable to any expressible form of an idea or information that is substantive and discrete.

3. 合法的版权英文怎么写

Legal right
legal 英[ˈli:gl] 美[ˈliɡəl]
adj. 法律的; 合法的; 法定的; 法律(上)的;
n. 法定权利; 依法必须登报专的属声明;
right 英[ˈkɒpiraɪt] 美[ˈkɑ:piraɪt]
n. 版权,著作权;
adj. 版权的; 受版权保护的;
vt. 获得…的版权;

4. 版权声明用英文怎么表述

All rights reserved这个是版权所有的回意思答

It's not allowed to use this picture in any form include reproce and modify without the origional author's permission

5. 版权归**所有,**负责设计制造 用英文怎么讲 拜托,急等

版权归……所有:All Rights Reserved for sb
负责设计制造:in charge of design and manufacture

6. 网页设计添加版权的语句怎么写

正确的格式应该是:Copyright [时间] by [author/owner] ,如:


Copyright © 2005 - 2015 Tencent.All Rights Reserved.

Copyright © 1996 - 2014 SINA Corporation, All Rights Reserved

© 通常可以代替Copyright, 但是不可以用(c)。

All Rights Reserved 在某些国家曾经是必须的,但是现在在大多数国家,都不是法律上必须有的字样。

7. 这本册子由XX设计、拍照、制作,版权属于XX。用英语怎么说...

This brochure was designed, photoed and proced by XXX
Copyright by XX.

摄影可以用photo by 或者 photoed by,前者比较常用,但为了和designed, proced保持一致,用了photoed
如果用Photography,则应该是内Photography taken by才是正确的


8. 版权声明 英文怎么写


9. 求大神给英文翻译 版权(英文名称:right)即著作权,是指文 学、艺术、科学作品的作者

Copyright, refers to the right of owning it like literary, artistic, scientific works (including property rights, personal rights). Copyright is a kind of intellectual property, which is composed of natural science, social science and literature, music, drama, painting, sculpture, photography and cinematography and other aspects of the work.



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