导航:首页 > 知识产权 > 关于保护知识产权的谅解备忘录


发布时间:2020-12-14 18:04:37

㈠ 请教一段英文谅解备忘录中的翻译

1.All rights, title and interests in and to any intellectual property (including trademarks and service marks, rights, patents, designs, know-how, and confidential information and the subject of such intellectual property, inventions and innovations) (collectively referred to as “IPR”) 简单的说就是everything related to interlectual property 和知识产权相关的一切东西
2.disclosed or introced by one party to the other,(这一句是用来形容,上文的'一切东西'是)由甲方告诉乙方的
3.(这个知识产权)shall remain the property of the party disclosing or introcing the same是('一切东西'归)甲方所有(disclosing or introcing用来形容甲方,使别人更明确的确是甲方)
4 to the other party(乙方) who shall not use or disclose the same to any other person save with the prior written approval of the other party. 后边都是用来形容乙方及其责任的。
总结:句子的主语就是 知识产权
谓语:shall remain



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