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发布时间:2022-05-01 17:57:56

『壹』 Wiley的版权转让协议怎么签



Contributor’s signature是通讯作者的签字。
Co-contributor's signature写其他作者的签名
manuscript number是稿件成功上传后,期刊派发的稿件编号。

『贰』 英文版权转让协议中签中国作者的中国名字还是签拼音名字


『叁』 求翻译:一段英文翻译

The thesis right owner (hereinafter referred to as the authors agreed to the thesis (Numbers:) published by the XXXX, and part of the thesis will assign the right law department, the publication XXXX in its content submission by JianZe and contribute receipt agreement on the basis of related problems, we will confirm below.
1. The authors guarantee for the original works, this paper and leak problem. If the infringement or leak problem, the authors assume all responsibilities.
2 this thesis paper not part of most of the data and the papers published for the first time and content. The authors found that if the magazine, this paper will be part of the data and the content or published in ZhuiBu to repeat, the authors give editorial from damage.
3 the authors of this paper authorship no dispute. If has the question, all responsibilities of authorship disputes by the authors.
4 the authors have voluntarily to the right of the assembly, this paper some or all of (paper), translation, print and electronic right and network communication rights and obligations transfers magazine. The authors shall not permit others in any form, but the author used in the paper can be referenced in the follow-up work (or translation), this paper in part or in the assembly of the corpus of journals.
5 the papers in the final after board XXXX to send employed the magazine. If the authors received the notification, the rejection is the receipt of such notice by the authors this transfer confirmation automatically terminated. If the authors within 3 months of this paper have received magazine, the treatment may be transferred, the handling of the papers will be automatically terminated confirmation.
6 this paper in the XXXX "(in whatever form) was first published in the journal magazine published after the one-time pay to book (including theses and right royalty book), and giving YangKan.
7 this transfer confirmation from the date of signing.
Eight other issues, if the dispute, both parties shall negotiate solutions, If negotiation fails, in accordance with the "right law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws and regulations.
9 commitment to transfer this transfer confirmation of all the authors have consent of the specified and agreed, as the representative sign.
The right owner (author appointed representative) sign:
Single bit male chapter:
Sign words: month, year

『肆』 光子学报接收英文论文吗之前投一篇sci的被拒了,打算转头国内核心,但是不知道能不能接收英文论文,目

摘要 八、特别声明

『伍』 英文论文签署协议,嗯



『陆』 论文著作权转让协议



『柒』 版权转让书中的title of authorized signee是什么意思

版权转让书中的title of authorized signee是授权人(转让人)签名的意思。

『捌』 英语论文版权转让协议,画方框的地方应该填什么

Authors是指全文的author list里的所有人的名字,但是上标啥的不用写在这里。



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