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㈠ 誰有關於劍橋英語語言教師證書的詳細資料急!!

CELTYL and YL extension to CELTA

Certificate in English Language Teaching to Young Learners (CELTYL) and Young Learner (YL) extension to the Certificate in English Language Teaching to Alts (CELTA)

CELTYL shows you have the skills needed to teach English to children or teenagers in language schools. This international qualification gives you a solid basis in the fundamentals of language teaching practice and the confidence to take control of young learners in the classroom.

What is CELTYL?
CELTYL is an initial qualification for people with little or no previous teaching experience and opens up a whole world of exciting teaching opportunities. Because it is awarded by Cambridge ESOL, part of the world-famous University of Cambridge, you can rely on its quality and recognition.
Please note that in order to teach in the state sector in most countries you will need to have the qualifications required nationally for teachers working in this context.

How does CELTYL relate to TEFL/TESOL?
'TEFL' or 'TESOL' are terms often used to describe qualifications for English Language teachers. CELTA, the best known and most widely taken initial TESOL/TEFL qualification of its kind in the world, was previously known as CTEFLA and the 'RSA certificate'. CELTYL is the equivalent course for people who want to teach young learners.

Who is CELTYL for?
• People starting a career in English Language teaching
You may be considering a career in English Language teaching and view CELTYL as an entry into good teaching positions in language schools in other countries or you may be a graate wanting a qualification that provides a sound basis in the fundamentals of language teaching practice and gives you the confidence to take control of young learners in the classroom.
• People looking for a career change or career break
Increasingly, CELTYL candidates are professionals either looking for a new career opportunity or wanting a short break in their existing career. Many seek the exciting opportunities of living and working abroad. Whether you wish to teach English for the short or long term, CELTYL gives you the training you need to help you adjust to a dynamic and challenging new profession.
• People teaching English without formal qualifications
You may already be teaching English to young learners without any previous specialised training with this age group. CELTYL sharpens your teaching practice, confirms your ability, and may well lead to internal promotion or a better teaching job.

What does CELTYL involve?
You can take CELTYL full time (typically four to five weeks), or part time (from a few months to over a year). Courses focus on teaching learners in various age groups — five to 10, eight to 13, or 11 to 16 years of age. Your course provides you with:
• hands-on teaching practice
• observation of experienced teachers in the classroom.

There are six main units of learning:
• Language awareness
• The learner, the teacher and the teaching/learning context
• Planning for effective teaching of young learners of English
• Classroom management and teaching skills for teaching English to young learners
• Resources and materials for teaching English to young learners
• Professional development for teachers of English to young learners.

As part of your course you should expect 106 contact hours with your course tutors including input, tutorial support, supervised lesson planning, teaching practice, feedback and peer observation. In addition, you will spend 8 hours directly observing lessons with young learners taught by experienced ELT professionals. The course also expects a minimum of 80 hours of reading, research, assignments and lesson preparation.

You will be assessed throughout the course, with no final examination. An external assessor, appointed by Cambridge ESOL, moderates each course. There are three components of assessment:
1. Teaching practice
You will teach for a total of 6 hours, working with at least two groups of young learners of different ages and abilities. Assessment is based on your overall performance at the end of the 6 hours.
2. Written assignments
You will complete four written assignments on: an aspect of the language system of English; classroom teaching and the identification of action points; young learners and learning contexts; and an analysis of teaching/learning materials.
3. Professional development
This component assesses your overall performance on the course.
To be awarded the certificate, you must pass all three components. There are three grades — Pass, Pass 'B' and Pass 'A'.

Who recognises CELTYL?
CELTYL is accepted throughout the world by organisations which employ English Language teachers. Cambridge ESOL also works with international ELT organisations to ensure the acceptance of CELTYL globally.

What is the YL extension to CELTA?
If you have little or no previous experience of teaching young learners but have previously been awarded the CELTA, you can take the Young Learner (YL) extension to CELTA. This extension course enables you to develop the skills and knowledge from your CELTA course and transfer them to the young learner teaching environment. Successful candidates are issued with an endorsement certificate confirming the additional award of the Young Learner extension.
The units of learning are identical to those for CELTYL but courses are shorter (typically two to 2.5 weeks full time) and assessment requirements are slightly different:
• 50 contact hours with course tutors
• 4 hours teaching practice
• 6 hours directed observation of lessons
• 2 written assignments on: classroom teaching and the identification of action points; and aspects of the teaching and learning of English at young learner level through a focus on young learners and learning contexts.

Am I eligible to apply?
Ideally you should:
• have a standard of ecation equivalent to that required for entry into higher ecation
• be aged 20 or over
• have a standard of English which will enable you to teach at a range of levels.
Centres may still accept you if you do not have formal qualifications at this level but can demonstrate that you would be likely to complete the course successfully. Some centres may, at their discretion, accept applicants aged between 18 and 20.

How do I apply?
CELTYL and YL extension courses are designed by indivial centres, based on specifications proced by Cambridge ESOL. They run at centres with young learner provision.

Resources available
CELTYL syllabus, PDF (PDF 129Kb)
CELTYL syllabus.pdf

相關鏈接·TKT樣題 「課程計劃制定及教學資源利用」證書
·TKT樣題 「課堂教學組織與學習過程管理」證書
·TKT樣題 「語言及語言教學背景知識」證書
·TKT 英語教學能力資格證書
·An Overview of TKT
·Tips for TKT

㈡ TKT考試和劍橋的教師資格證CELT-P和CELT-S有什麼關系

TKT是劍橋大學英語考評部為母語系非英語國家的英語教師研發的教學能力認證考試。專TKT共5個模塊屬: Mole 1(語言教學的背景知識)、Mole 2(語言教學規劃)、Mole 3(課堂管理)、YL(少兒模塊)和CLIL(學科教學),每個模塊對應獨立證書,考生可以任選一個或者多個模塊報考。CELT-P和CELT-S是劍橋英語教師資格證書,是課程和資格認證,是通過在線學習和考核拿到的資格證明。CELT-P和CELT-S會要求考生持有TKT YL(少兒模塊)的證書和TKT Mole1的證書,只有拿到TKT的證書並且通過考核,考生方可拿到證書。(更多詳細信息歡迎關注青島劍橋國際考試中心)

㈢ 關於「劍橋英語教師資格證書」








㈣ 英孚說它是中國唯一100%TEFL和劍橋教師資格雙重認證的教師團隊的培訓學校。是真的嗎



㈤ 劍橋少兒英語教師資格證好嗎


㈥ 劍橋的教師資格證CELT-P和CELT-S跟國內的教師資格證有什麼不同


㈦ 劍橋英語教師資格證是什麼樣子的

「劍橋英語教師資格證」的叫法是沒有的。它只有:教官和考官 兩種。

㈧ 劍橋教師資格證


㈨ 怎麼獲得劍橋少兒英語教師資格證書




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