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1. 劉登義的研究成果

1. Liu, D(劉登義). 1986. Some new taxa from Anhui Province. Bulletin of Botanical Research(植物研究),6(1):181-182. (in Chinese)
2. Liu, D(劉登義). 1988. A new form of Deutsia ningpoensis Rehd. Bulletin of Botanical Research(植物研究),8(2):141-142. (in Chinese)
3. Liu, D(劉登義). 1988. A preliminary exploration on the flora of the
Liugujian mountainous region between Anhui and
Jianxi. Journal of Wuhan Botanical Research(武漢植物學報),6(4):365-370. (in Chinese)
4. Liu, D(劉登義). 1996. Pathogenic fungi and natural plant populations. II.
Pathogenic fungi and plant population biology. Acta Ecologica Sinica(生態學報),16(6):79-85. (in Chinese)
5. Liu, D(劉登義). 1997. Pathogenic fungi and natural plant populations. III. Pathogenic fungi-host coevolution and population models for vector dispersed disease. Acta Ecologica Sinica(生態學報). 17(1):105-108. (in Chinese)
6. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Effects of copper on the physiology and development of the
populations of Roegnerid kamoji. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報) ,12(3):455-459. (in Chinese)
7. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Effects of copper mine taillings on the growth、development and physiological function of wheat. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),12(1):125-128. (in Chinese)
8. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Effects of Cu/As and their combination pollution on eco-physiological index of wheat. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),12(5):773-776 .(in Chinese)
9. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2001. Micronucleus test in Vicia faba root tips cell to detect the mutability of
Cu and As pollution. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),12(5):777-779. (in Chinese)
10. Liu, D(劉登義). and Ericson, L. 2001. Effects of an interspecific competition gradient on the
interactions between Trifolium repens and its pathogenic rust fungus Uromyces trifolii-repentis. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica(植物生態學報),25(3):344-350.
11. Liu, D(劉登義). and Ericson L. 2002. Studies on inced protective resistance
in Geranium sylvaticum populations and interactions between pathogenic fungi. Biodiversity Science(生物多樣性),10(1):29-37.
12. Liu, D(劉登義). and Ericson, L. 2002. Infection of the Anther-smut Microbotryum violaceum
in population of Silene dioica: Variation in floral morphology, patterns of spore deposition and pathogen-pollinator mediated selection. Acta Botanica Sinica(植物學報),44(1):88-96.
13. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2002. Effect of Cu and As on germination and seedling growth
of crops. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),13(2):179-182. (in Chinese)
14. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2002. Effect of copper mine tailing on seed germination and
seedling growth of five legumes species. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),13(5):596-600.(in Chinese)
15. Liu, D(劉登義). et al. 2002. Effect of sewage irrigation on wheat growth and its
activate oxygen metabolism. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),13(10):1319-1322.(in Chinese)
16. Liu, D(劉登義) and You bao, W. 2003. Effects of sewage irrigation on the
growth and scavenging system of activated oxygen of crop plants. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination
And Toxicology,71(5):1011-1018.
17. Liu, D(劉登義), You bao, W. and Ericson, L. 2003. Relationship between resistance and growth
of Trifolium repens plants and their disease history. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology(應用生態學報),14(1):35-42.
18. Liu, D(劉登義), Ying, L., Ling, Ch., Guanglin, W., and Lilong, W. Study of the Tolerance
of Hippochaete ramosissimum to Cu Stress. Science in China,2005 supp.

2. 陳義旺的科研成果

作為第一完成人獲2007年度江西省自然科學二等獎(待省長辦公會通過),獲2007年度江西省高等學校科技成果二等獎,主持國家自然科學基金2項、霍英東教育基金、省自然科學基金、省重大科技招標項目以及南昌大學創新團隊計劃等項目。已發表學術論文70多篇,其中SCI收錄50餘篇,其中Adv. Funct. Mater. (SCI IF 6.8), Chem. Mater. (SCI IF 4.8), Macromolecules (SCI IF 4.0)。
代表性論文(High Impact Journals):
1)Yiwang Chen*, Qilan Deng, Jichun Xiao, Huarong Nie, Lichuan Wu, Weihua Zhou, Biwu Huang, Controlled Grafting from Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Microfiltration Membranes via Reverse Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization and Antifouling Properties, Polymer 48 (26), 7604-7613 (2007).
2)Xiaohui He, Yiwang Chen*, Yongming Liu, Shuxian Yu, Sanguo Hong, Qing Wu, Addition Polymerization of Norbornene Using Bis-(β-ketoamino) nickel(II)/B(C6F5)3 Catalytic Systems, J. Polym. Sci. Part A: Polym. Chem. 45 (20), 4733-4743 (2007).
3) Yiwang Chen*, Dongmei Liu, Qilan Deng, Xiaohui He, Xiaofeng Wang, Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization Directly From Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Surface and Antifouling Properties, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 44 (11), 3434-3443 (2006).
4)Yiwang Chen*, Wei Sun, Qilan Deng, Lie Chen, Controlled Grafting from Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Films by Surface-Initiated reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer polymerization, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 44 (9), 3071-3082 (2006).
5)Lie Chen, Yiwang Chen*, Daijun Zha, Yan Yang, Synthesis and Properties of Polyacetylenes with Directly Attached Bis(4-alkoxyphenyl)terephthalate Mesogens as Pendants, J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 44 (8), 2499-2509 (2006).
6)Yiwang Chen*, Lie Chen, Xiaofeng Wang, Xiaohui He, Nanoporous SiLK Dielectric Films Prepared from Free-radical Graft Polymerization and Thermolysis, Macromol. Chem. Phys. 206(24), 2483-2489 (2005)
7)Yiwang Chen*, E. T. Kang, K. G. Neoh, Preparation of Hollow Silica Nanospheres by Surface-initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization on Polymer Latex Templates, Adv. FunctionalMater. 15 (1), 113-117 (2005).
8)Yiwang Chen, Wencai Wang, Weihong Yu, Zeliang Yuan, E. T. Kang, K. G. Neoh, Berit Krauter, and Andreas Greiner, Nanoporous Low-k Polyimide Films via Poly(amic acid)s with Grafted Poly(ethylene glycol) Side Chains from the RAFT-mediated Process, Adv. Functional Mater. 14 (5), 471-478 (2004).
9)Yiwang Chen, Wencai Wang, Weihong Yu, E. T. Kang, K. G. Neoh, Rohitkumar H. Vora, Chong-Kim Ong, Lin-Feng Chen, Ultra-Low-k Materials Based on Nanoporous Fluorinated Polyimide with Well-defined Pores via the RAFT-moderated Graft Polymerization Process, J. Mater. Chem. 14 (9), 1406-1412 (2004).
10)Yiwang Chen, Zhihong Jia, Andreas Schaper, Magnus Kristiansen, Paul Smith, Ralf Wombacher, Joachim H. Wendorff, Andreas Greiner, Hydrolytic and enzymatic degradation of liquid-crystalline aromatic/aliphatic copolyesters, Biomacromolecules 5 (1), 11-16 (2004).
11)Yiwang Chen, Lei Ying, Weihong Yu, E. T. Kang, and K. G. Neoh, Poly(vinylidene fluoride) with Grafted Poly(ethylene glycol) Side Chains via the RAFT-mediated Process and Pore Size Control of the Copolymer Membranes, Macromolecules 36 (25), 9451-9457 (2003).
12)Yiwang Chen, Ralf Wombacher, Joachim H. Wendorff, Jeroen Visjager, Paul Smith, Andreas Greiner, Design, Synthesis and Properties of New Biodegradable Aromatic/aliphatic Liquid Crystalline Copolyesters, Biomacromolecules 4 (4), 974-980 (2003).
13)Yiwang Chen, Ralf Wombacher, Joachim H. Wendorff, Andreas Greiner, Thermotropic aromatic/lactide copolyesters with lateral methoxyethyleneoxy substituents, Chem. Mater. 15 (3), 694-698 (2003).

3. 卞東波的研究成果

Notes and Studies on Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House,2007.
The anthology Compiled in Southern Song and the Poetics of Song Dynasty,Beijing: Zhonghu Book Company,2009. 1、《插圖本中國文化史》,許結編著,撰寫者之一,廣州:花城出版社,2006年。
Co-editor,with Professor Xujie. An Illustrated History of Chinese Culture,Guangzhou:Huacheng Publishing House,2006.
The Problem of a Chinese Aesethic,Written by Haun Saussy,Translated by Bian Dongbo,Nanjing: Jiangsu People』s Publishing House,2009.
The Lives of Hermits in the Six Dynasties,Chinese Classics and Culture,2000⑶,September 2000,P.19-24.
The Mistakes of Hantang Fang Jiyi,Journal of Chinese Historical Studies,2003⑴,February 2003,P.159-163.
A Textual Study of Song Bai Jia Shi Xuan,Chinese Poetics,No.8,Beijing: People』s Literature Publishing House,September 2003,P.191-198.
A Textual Study of Memoirs of Distinguished Hermits(Gao shi zhuang) in the Six Dynasties,Classical Classics Studies,No.7,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,July 2004,P.132-151.
A Textual Study of Shi Yuan Lei Ge written by Li Shu,Chinese Poetics,No.10,Beijing: People』s Literature Publishing House,September 2005,P.1-15.
The Birthday and Lost Poems of Zhao Ruhui in Southern Song Dynasty,Literary Heritage,2005⑷,July 2005,P.71.
Lost Poems of The Completed Poetry of Song Dynasty(Quan Song Shi) in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Classical Classics Studies,No.8,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,January 2006,P.5-88.
The Life Stories of Poets in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,The Documentation,eds. by National Library of China,2006⑴,January 2006,P.83-90.
Studies on Haiwai Xinfaxian Yongle Dadian Shiqijuan,Shupin,2006⑴,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,January 2006,P.45-50.
Shi Jia Ding Luan: A Textual Study of Anthology in the Late Song Dynasty,Chinese Poetics,No.11,Beijing: People』s Literature Publishing House,October 2006,P.20-37.
Research on the Anthologies Complied by Zheng Jinglong,Literary Heritage,2006⑵,March 2006,P.35.
A Textual Study of Yuyin』s Rhapsody of Sorrow,Chinese Classics and Culture,2006⑵,May 2006,P.75-79.
On Lin Zichang: the Complier of Lunxue Shenchi,Literary Heritage,2006⑷,July 2006,P.156.
Notes on The Completed Poetry of Song Dynasty(Quan Song Shi),Classical Classics Studies,No.9,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,June 2006,P.83-97.
Du Mu: the Writer of the Poem of Qingming? Knowledge of Classical Literature and History,2006⑷,April 2006,P28-31.
The Absence of Great Hermit: Why is Tao Yuanming not Included in New Account of Tales of the World,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2006⑷,July 2006,P24-29.
Complementary Notes to Dictionary of Chinese Ancient Author (Volume Song Dynasty),Shupin,2006⑸,September 2006,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,P.69-79.
The Life Stories of Poets and Their Lost Poems Which are not Included in The Completed Poems of Song Dynasty in Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Guji Zhengli Yanjiu Xuekan,2006⑸,P.30-34.
Some Notes on Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Classics Studies,Second Volume of 2006,December 2006,P.126-132.
A Textual Study of Huang-Pu Mi』s Memoirs of Distinguished Hermits(Gaoshizhuang),Journal of Jianghai (Jianghai Xuekan),Comprehensive Edition of Humanities 2007,May 2007,P.86-92.
A Textual Study of Zhongxing Chanlin Fengyueji,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.3,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2007,P.311-329.
A Note on the Poetry Talk Huai Gu Lu,Jiangsu Journal of Literature and History Studies,2007⑵,June 2007,P.11-13.
Shi Hai Hui Zhang: An Anthology in Yongle Dadian,Journal of Chinese Verse,2007⑵,June 2007,103-105.
A Close Reading on Wangbo』s Teng Wang Ge Xu,Mishu Gongzuo,2007⑶,March 2007,P.40-42..
A Textual Study of Gujin Yuefu edited by Yaoshi,Literary Heritage,2007⑷,July 2007,P.25.
Cai Zhengsun and Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2007⑷,July 2007,P112-120.
Xie Bingde』 Zhujie Zhangquan Jianquan Erxiansheng Tangshixuan and Poetics of Tang and Song Dynasties,in Zhongguo Shixue Xueshu Yantaohui Lunwenji,eds. by Mo Lifeng,Nanjing: Phoenix Publishing House,2007,P.372-391.
The Author and Text of Shenxianzhuan,by Benjamin Penny of National Australian University,tras. by Bian Dongbo,Classical Classics Studies,No.10,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,August 2007,P.391-420.
The Replenishment of Songren Zongji Xulu,Library Journal,2008⑴,January 2008,P.66-68.
The Literary Documentation in Buddhist Sutras: based on Siming Zunzhe Jiaoxinglu complied by Zongxiao in Southern Song Dynasty,Classical Classics Studies,No.9,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,April 2008,P.196-222.
A Textual Study of Wangjinggong Shizhu by Libi in Southern Song Dynasty,Chinese Classics & Culture Essay Collection,No. 10,Peking University Press,April 2008,P.162-182.
The local gazetteer in the Medieval China and its cultural significance,The anthology of undergraate thesis of School of Liberal Arts from 1998-2007,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press,April 2008.
The changes and varieties of the god of lake of Gongting in classical Chinese literature,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2007⑷,July 2008.
Xu Lian』s Liuchao Wenjie and his commentaies,Journal of literature in Qing Dynasty,No.1,Beijing: People』s Literature Publishing House,June 2008.
The establishment of Fanghui』s Yingkuilvsui,Chinese Poetics,No.1,Beijing: People』s Literature Publishing House,November 2008.
Modern significance of oversea Chinese classics to the studies of classical Chinese literature: a case study of the literature of Song Dynasty,Wenxue Pinglun Congkan,Vol. 11,No.1,Nanjing: Nanjing University Press,August 2008.
The merits and flaws of the oversea Chinese classics Tangsong Qianjia Lianzhu Shige,Beijing: Journal of Tsinghua University,No.6,2008.
A Textual Study of 「Ding Wei Jia Zhu Dan Ti Shi」,Jiangsu Journal of Literature and History Studies,2007⑵,June 2009.
Studies on the rare poetry-talk 「Jing Kan Bu Zhu Dong Po He Tao Shi Hua」,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.5,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,August 2009.
Studies on the historical background and implication of the discussion of Tiaoxi Yuyin Conghua about Du Fu,Chinese Classics & Culture Essay Collection,No. 12,Nanjiing: Phoenix Publishing House,2010.
Textual studies on Ten』in Sō Ryūtaku』s Kinshūdan,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.6,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2010.
Corrections on the errors about the poems and its author cited in Commentaries of Wang Anshi』s poems by Li Bi,Classical Classics Studies,No.9,eds. by Institute of Classical Classics of Nanjing University,September 2010.
1、《〈宋史筌〉的文人傳、〈藝文志〉書寫——兼與〈宋史〉比較》,韓國高麗大學BK國際交流團編「Journal of Korean Culture」,2011年4月。
The writing of biographies of men of letters and bibliography of classics in Songsajon:Compared to the History of Song Dynasty edited in Yuan Dynasty,BK21 The Ecation and Research Group for Korean Language and Literature,Journal of Korean Culture,March,2011.
Transmission and Reception: Zhuzi』s Gan Xing Shi in East Asian Community,Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.7,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,June 2011.
Studies on the editions of Lengzhai Yehua published in Japan (cooperation with Zha Xuejin),Journal of Oversea Chinese Classics,No.7,eds. by Zhang Bowei,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,June 2011.
A Tang Version of Du Fu: The Tangshi Leixuan,written by Stephen Owen,translated by Bian Dongbo,Journal of International Sinology Studies,Beijing: Peking University Press,2011.
The Age of Attribution: Or the How Honglou meng Finally Acquired an Author,written by Haun Saussy,translated by Bian Dongbo,Journal of Qing Literature,No.4,Beijing: People』s Literature Publishing House,2011.
The Recluse Daikui』s Fada Wei Fei Lun and the transformation of in Eastern Jin Dynasty,Knowledge of Classical Literature,2011⑹,Nov. 2011. 2003
Review of Quantang Wudai Shige Huikao,by Zhang Bowei,Classics Studeies,2003⑴,January 2003,P.120-122.
Review of A Latterday Confucian: Reminiscences of William Hung(1893-1980),by Chne Yuxian,Shupin,2003⑹,November 2003,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,P.88-89.
Review of Qian Mu and the World of Seven Mansions,by Jerry Dennerline,Shupin,2004⑴,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,January 2004,P.91-92.
Review of A History of Chinese Poetry,by Yoshikawa Kōjiro,Chinese Book Review,2005⑶,March 2005,P.39-40.
Review of A Series of Bibliographies in Korean Era,eds by Zhang Bowei,Guji Zhengli Chuban Qingkuan Jianbao,2005⑶,June 2005,P.25-27.
Review of Songren Zongji Xulu,by Zhu Shangshu,Shupin,2005⑷,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,July 2005,P.32-39.
Review of Shimeng Wenxuelu,by Zhou Xunchu and Yu Lixiong,Shupin,2005⑸,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,September 2005,P.89-91.
Review of Keju Yu Shiyi: Songdai Wenxue Yu Shiren Shehui,by Takausu Takashi,Chinese Book Review Monthly,2005⑿,December 2005,P.52-59.
Review of Xueyuan Yu Shulin,by Huang Yonglian,Shupin,2006⑶,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2006,P91-92.
Review of Zhongguo Fojiao Shiji Gailun,by Chen Yuan,Cultural Review,2006⑹,June 2006,P13-15.
Review of Songdai Jiazu yu Wenxue(co. with Xu Xiaoying),by Zhang Jian,Journal of Liaocheng University,2009⑴,Jan. 2009.
Review of Baozhao Shiwen Yanjiu(co. with Xu Xiaoying),by Su Ruilong,Shupin,2009⑶,Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company,May 2009.

4. 成果展示員是干什麼的


5. 袁荃的研究成果

自2007年至今發表了34篇論文,其中7篇作為第一作者,發表刊物包括美國科學院院刊(PNAS),美國化學會志(JACS,化學領域的頂尖雜志),德國應用化學(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)等。
1, Zi-en Liu, Jie Wang, Yan Li, Xiaoxia Hu, Junwen Yin, Yeqing Peng, Zhihao Li, Yawen Li, Baomin Li, and Quan Yuan*, "Near-infrared Light Manipulated Chemoselective Rections Enabled by an Upconversional Supersandwich Nanostructure" ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7, 19416.
2, Jie Wang†, Yurong Wei†, Xiaoxia Hu, Yu-Yan Fang, Xinyang Li, Jian Liu, Shengfu Wang, and Quan Yuan*, "Protein Activity Regulation: Inhibition by Closed-loop Aptamer-based Structures and Restoration by Near-IR Stimulation" J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015, 137, 10576.
3, Yanbing Yang, Peixu Li, Shiting Wu Xinyang Li, Enzheng Shi, Qicang Shen, Dehai Wu, Wen-jing Xu, Anyuan Cao,* Quan Yuan*, "Hierarchically Designed Three Dimensional Macro/Mesoporous Carbon Frameworks for Advanced Electrochemical Capacitance Storage" Chem. Eur. J., 2015, 21, 6157.
4, Xiaoxia Hu, Ting Wei, Jie Wang, Xinyang Li, Binhao Zhang, Zhihao Li, Lele Li*, Quan Yuan*, "A Near-Infrared-Light Mediated Ratiometric Luminescent Sensor for Multimode Visualized Assays of Explosives" Anal. Chem., 2014, 86, 10484.
5, Yanbing Yang, Enzheng Shi, Peixu Li, Dehai Wu, Shiting Wu, Yuanyuan Shang, Wenjing Xu, Anyuan Cao*, Quan Yuan*, 「A Compressible Mesoporous SiO2 Sponge Supported by Carbon Nanotube Network」 Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 3585.
6, Jie Wang, Ting Wei, Xinyang Li,Binhao Zhang, Jiaxi Wang, Chi Huang,Quan Yuan*, 「Near-infrared Light Mediated Imaging of Latent Fingerprints based on Molecular Recognition 」 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2014, 53, 1616.
7, Quan Yuan, Yuan Wu, Jie Wang, Danqing Lu, Zilong Zhao, Tao Liu, Xiaobing,Zhang, Weihong Tan*, 「Targeted Bioimaging and Photodynamic Therapy Nanoplatform Using an Aptamer-Guided G-Quadruplex DNA Carrier and Near-Infrared Light」 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2013, 52, 13965.
8, Quan Yuan, Yunfei Zhang, Tao Chen, Danqing Lu, Zilong Zhao, Xiaobing Zhang, Zhenxing Li, Chun-Hua Yan*, and Weihong Tan* 「Photon-manipulated Drug Release from Mesoporous Nanocontainer Controlled by Azobenzene-modified Nucleic Acid」 ACS Nano. 2012, 6, 6337.
9, Quan Yuan, Yun-Fei Zhang, Yan Chen, Ruo-Wen Wang, Chao-Lin Du, Emir Yasun, and Wei-Hong Tan* 「Using Silver Nanowire Antennas to Enhance the Conversion Efficiency of Photoresponsive DNA Nanomotors」 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 2011, 108, 9331.
10, Quan Yuan, Hao-Hong Duan, Le-Le Li, Zhen-Xing Li, Wen-Tao Duan, Le-Sheng Zhang, Wei-Guo Song, and Chun-Hua Yan* 「Homogeneous Dispersed Ceria Nanocatalyst Stabilized with Ordered Mesoporous Alumina」 Adv. Mater. 2010, 22, 1475.
11, Quan Yuan, An-Xiang Yin, Chen Luo, Ling- Dong Sun, Ya-Wen Zhang, Wen-Tao Duan, Hai-Chao Liu*, and Chun-Hua Yan* 「Facile Synthesis for Ordered Mesoporous γ-Aluminas with High Thermal Stability」 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2008, 130, 3465.
12, Quan Yuan, Qiang Liu, Wei-Guo Song, Wei Feng, Ling-Dong Sun, Ya-Wen Zhang, and Chun-Hua Yan* 「Highly Ordered Mesoporous Ce1-xZrxO2 Solid Solutions with Crystalline Walls」 J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 6698.

6. 楊永清的研究方向及成果

主要從事網路控制與優化的研究和數學建模等課程教學工作,在專業雜志《IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks》,《International Journal of Neural Systems》,《Neurocompting》,《Nonlinear Analysis》,《PhysicaA》,《Applied mathematics and computation》等發表學術論文30多篇,其中SCI檢索26篇、EI檢索10篇。主持和參加國家級項目4項,主持省部級重點項目1項,其它省部級研究項目3項。獲2010江蘇省科學技術獎一等獎;

7. design的ing形式

英 [dɪ'zaɪn] 美 [dɪˈzaɪn]
vt.& vi. 設計;繪制
vt. 設計;計劃;企圖;決意(做)
n. 設計;圖案;結構;計劃
vi. 設計略圖;(為工藝品、裝潢項目等)設計;當設計師;構思
設計; 工藝特色; 外觀設計; 特殊設計

及物動詞 vt. & 不及物動詞 vi.
1.設計, 繪制
He has designed all the scenes and costumes.
及物動詞 vt.
1.計劃, 籌劃
He designs to become a musician.
I designed going abroad two years ago.
3. 製造;設計;意欲
Her mother designed her for a lawyer.
They designed that scheme for raising money.
This fund is designed to help worthy students.
名詞 n.
1.圖樣, 設計圖
This piece of cloth has a new design.
2.設計, 布局
The success of this car shows the importance of good design in helping to sell the proct.
His evil designs were frustrated.
不及物動詞 vi.
He designed for many wealthy clients.

8. 什麼是成果展示


9. 黃百渠的科研成果

Juan Du, Lin Li, Zhouluo Ou, Chenfei Kong, Yu Zhang, Zhixiong Dong, Shan Zhu, Hao Jiang, Zhimin Shao, Baiqu Huang*, Jun Lu*, 2012, FOXC1, a target of polycomb, inhibits metastasis of breast cancer cells. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 131(1):65-73 (SCI收錄)
Yu Zhang, Yanyan Gao, Guoping Zhang, Shuyan Huang, Zhixiong Dong, Chenfei Kong, Dongmei Su, Juan Du, Shan Zhu, Qian Liang, Jianchao Zhang, Jun Lu and Baiqu Huang, 2011, DNMT3a plays a role in switches between doxorubicin-inced senescence and apoptosis of colorectal cancer cells. International Journal of Cancer 128:551-561(SCI收錄)
Zhixiong Dong, Ruikang Tan, Jian Cao, Yang Yang, Chenfei Kong, Juan Du, Shan Zhu, Yu Zhang, Jun Lu, Baiqu Huang*, Shuxia Liu*, 2011, Discovery of polyoxometalate-based HDAC inhibitors with profound anticancer activity in vitro and in vivo. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 46(6):2477-2484 (SCI收錄)
Chenfei Kong, Changqing Wang, Liping Wang, Musong Ma, Chunbo Niu, Xiaoqian Sun, Juan Du, Zhixiong Dong, Shan Zhu, Jun Lu, Baiqu Huang*, 2011, NEDD9 is a positive regulator of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and promotes invasion in aggressive breast cancer. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22666 (July, 28th, 2011)(SCI收錄)
Matloob Ammar, Pan Lina, Pan Hong, Lu Jun, Huang Baiqu*, 2011, SMAD-4 cooperates with TGF-β to enhance PTEN expression upon the inhibition of RAS/ERK pathway in gastric carcinoma cells. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 38(6):543-550 (SCI收錄)
Xin Zhou, Shu-Yan Huang, Jing-Xin Feng, Yan-Yan Gao, Li Zhao, Jun Lu, Bai-Qu Huang, Yu Zhang*, 2011, SOX7 is involved in aspirin-mediated growth inhibition of human colorectal cancer cells. World Journal of Gastroenterology 17(44): 4922-4927 (SCI收錄)
Dongmei Su, Xiue Peng, Shan Zhu, Ying Huang, Zhixiong Dong, Yu Zhang, Jianchao Zhang, Qian Liang, Jun Lu*, Baiqu Huang*, 2010, Role of p38 MAPK pathway in BMP4-mediated Smad-dependent premature senescence in lung caner cells. Biochemical Journal 433(2):333-343(SCI收錄)
L. Pan, J. Du, H. Pan, Ammar F. Matloob, Z. Dong, J. Zhao, Y. Feng, . Zhong, B. Huang, J. Lu, 2010, Vitamin D stimulates apoptosis in gastric cancer cells in synergy with TSA/NaBu- and 5-Aza-inced PTEN upregulation. FEBS Journal277: 989-999 (SCI收錄)
Xiuli Wang, Yunpeng Feng, Jing Zhao, Hong Pan, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2010, The expression of p16 is regulated by the reversible histone acetylation. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 36(6):600-606 (SCI收錄)
Lina Pan, Hong Pan, Hao Jiang, Juan Du, Xiuli Wang, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2010, HDAC4 inhibits the transcriptional activation of mda-7/IL-24 inced by Sp1. Cellular and Molecular Immunology 7(3):221-226 (SCI收錄)
Hanqing Shi, Hui Huang, Xitao Zhang, Jianchao Zhang, Xiutan Luo, Xiue Peng, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2010, c-Myc attenuates the ability of doxorubicin to rece the colony formation partially through regulating Nbs1 in U2OS cells. Progress in Biochemistry and Biophysics 37(8):855-863 (SCI收錄)
Dongmei Su, Shan Zhu, Xuefang Han, Yunpeng Feng, Hui Huang, Guoling Ren, Lina Pan, Yu Zhang, Jun Lu*, Baiqu Huang*, 2009, BMP4-Smad signal pathway mediates Adriamycin-inced premature senescence in lung cancer cells. Journal of Biological Chemistry 284(18): 12153-12164 (SCI收錄)
Jiang Tan, Jun Lu, Wei Huang, Zhixiong Dong, Chenfei Kong, Lin Li, Lina Gao, Jianhua Guo*, Baiqu Huang*, 2009, Genome-wide Analysis of Histone H3 Lysine9 Modifications in Human Mesenchymal Stem Cell Osteogenic Differentiation. PLoS One 4(8):e6792 (SCI收錄)
Guoling Ren, Guocui Zhang, Zhixiong Dong, Zhiwei Liu, Lin Li, Yunpeng Feng, Dongmei Su, Yu Zhang, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2009, Recruitment of HDAC4 by transcription factor YY1 represses HOXB13 to affect cell growth in AR-negative prostate cancers. The International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology 41(5):1094-1101 (SCI收錄)
Yu Zhang, Shuyan Huang, Wei Dong, Lin Li, Yunpeng Feng, Lina Pan, Zhenkun Han, Xiuli Wang, Guoling Ren, DongmeiI Su, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2009, SOX7 is down-regulated in colorectal cancer, inces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation of colorectal cancer cells. Cancer Letters 277(1):29-37 (SCI收錄)
Tian Li, Hui Huang, Binlu Huang, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2009, Histone Acetyltransferase p300 Regulates the Expression of Human Pituitary Tumor Transforming Gene (hPTTG). Journal of Genetics and Genomics 36(6):335-342(SCIE收錄)
Feng Y, Wang X, Xu L, Pan H, Zhu S, Liang Q, Huang B, Lu J., 2009, The transcription factor ZBP-89 suppresses p16 expression through a histone modification mechanism to affect cell senescence. FEBS Journal 276(15):4197-206 (SCI, IF=3.139)
Qiuju Han, Jun Lu, Jizhou Duan, Dongmei Su, Xiaozhe Hou, Fen Li, Xiuli Wang, Baiqu Huang, 2008, Gcn5- and Elp3-inced histone H3 acetylation regulates hsp70 gene transcription in yeast. Biochemical Journal 409(3):779-788 (SCI收錄)
Xiuli Wang, Lina Pan, Yunpeng Feng, Yanle Wang, Qiuju Han, Liping Han,Songyan Han, Jianhua Guo, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2008, p300 plays a role in p16INK4a expression and cell cycle arrest. Oncogene 27:1894-1904 (SCI收錄)
Yichun Liu, Mingya Zhong, Guiye Shan, Yajun Li, Baiqu Huang and Guoliang Yang, 2008, Biocompatible ZnO/Au Nanocomposites for Ultrasensitive DNA Detection Using Resonance Raman Scattering. J. Phys. Chem. B 112:6484–6489 (SCI收錄)
Xiuli Wang, Yunpeng Feng, Liang Xu, Yuli Chen, Yu Zhang, Dongmei Su, Guoling Ren, Jun Lu, Baiqu Huang, 2008, YY1 restrained cell senescence through repressing the transcription of p16. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Mol. Cell Res. (in press) (SCI收錄)
Liping Han, Yun Zhong, Binlu Huang, Limei Han, Lina Pan, Xin Xu, Xiuli Wang, Baiqu Huang, Jun Lu, 2008, Sodium butyrate activates erythroid-specific 5-aminolevulinate synthase gene through Sp1 elements at its promoter. Blood Cells, Molecules, and Diseases (in press) (SCI收錄)
Songyan Han, Jun Lu, Yu Zhang, Cao Cheng, Lin Li, Liping Han, Baiqu Huang, 2007, HDAC inhibitors TSA and sodium butyrate enhanced the human IL-5 expression by altering histone acetylation status at its promoter region. Immunology Letters 108:143-150 (SCI收錄)
Lina Pan, Jun Lu, Xiuli Wang, Liping Han, Yu Zhang, Songyan Han, Baiqu Huang, 2007, Histone deacetylase inhibitor Trichostatin A potentiates doxorubicin-inced apoptosis by up-regulating PTEN expression. Cancer 109(8):1676-1688 (SCI收錄)
Xiuli Wang, Yunpeng Feng, Lina Pan, Yanle Wang, Xin Xu, Jun Lu, Haiqu Huang, 2007, The proximal GC-rich region of p16INK4a gene promoter plays a role in its transcriptional regulation. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 301(1-2):259-266 (SCI收錄)
Qiuju HAN, Xiaozhe HOU, Dongmei SU, Lina PAN, Jizhou DUAN, Liguo CUI, Baiqu HUANG, and Jun LU, 2007, hELP3 Subunit of the Elongator Complex Regulates the Transcription of HSP70 Gene in Human Cells. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 39(6):453-461 (SCIE收錄)
Xiaojuan Zhu, Baiqu Huang, Xing Wang, Shui Hao, Xianlu Zeng, 2007, Actin and myosin I are associated with RNAP II and function in gene transcription. Chinese Science Bulletin 52(6):766-770 (SCI收錄)
Yanmei Zhao, Jun Lu, Hui Sun, Xia Chen, Baiqu Huang, 2007, Roles of histone acetylation modification in basal and incible expression of hsp26 gene in D. melanogaster. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 306(1-2):1-8 (SCI收錄)
Lina Pan, Jun Lu, Baiqu Huang, 2007, HDAC inhibitors: A new category of anti-tumor agents.(invited review) Cellular and Molecular Immunology 4(5):337-343 (SCI收錄)
Yangguang SHAO, Jun LU, Cao CHENG, Liguo CUI,Guoping ZHANG, and Baiqu HUANG, 2007, Reversible histone acetylation is involved in transcriptional regulation of WT1 gene. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 39(12):931-938 (SCIE收錄)
Weifeng Huang, Dapeng Tan, Xiuli Wang, Songyan Han, Jiang Tan, Yanmei Zhao, Jun Lu, Baiqu Huang, 2006, Histone deacetylase 3 represses p15INK4b and p21WAF1/cip1 transcription by interacting with Sp1. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 339:165-171 (SCI收錄)
Haijing Sun, Xin Xu, XiuLi Wang, Liang Wei, Fen Li, Jun Lu, Baiqu Huang, 2006, Transcription factors Ets2 and Sp1 act synergistically with histone acetyltransferase p300 in activating human Interleukin-12 p40 promoter. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 38(3):194-200(SCIE收錄)
Yanmei Zhao, Jun Lu, Xia Chen, Hui Sun, Zhigen Yuan, Guoling Ren, Xiaoxue Li, Baiqu Huang, 2006, Effects of histone deacetylase inhibitors on transcriptional regulation of hsp70 gene in Drosophila. Cell Research 16(6):566-576(SCI收錄)
Liping Han,Jun Lu,Lina Pan,Xiuli Wang,Yangguang Shao,Songyan Han, Baiqu Huang,2006, Histone acetyltransferase p300 regulates the transcription of human erythroid-specific 5-aminolevulinate synthase gene. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 348:799-806 (SCI收錄)
Songyan Han, Jun Lu, Yu Zhang, Cao Cheng, Liping Han, Xiuli Wang, Lin Li, Chunyan Liu , Baiqu Huang, 2006, Recruitment of Histone Deacetylase 4 by Transcription Factors Represses Interleukin-5 Transcription. Biochemical Journal 400(3):439-448 (SCI收錄)
Yanmei Zhao, Jun Lu, Hui Sun, Xia Chen, Weifeng Huang, Dan Tao, Baiqu Huang, 2005, Histone acetylation regulates both transcription initiation and elongation of hsp22 gene in Drosophila. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 326:811-816 (SCI收錄)
Haijing Sun, Jun Lu, Xin Xu, Shunzi Jin, Xiuli Wang, Liang Wei, Mei Dong, Baiqu Huang, 2005, Histone acetyltransferase activity of p300 enhances the activation of IL-18 promoter. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 94(3):566-572 (SCI收錄)
Yanmei Zhao, Hui Sun, Jun Lu, Xiaoxue Li, Xia Chen, Dan Tao, Weifeng Huang, Baiqu Huang, 2005, Lifespan extension and elevated hsp gene expression in Drosophila caused by histone deacetylases inhibitors. Journal of Experimental Biology 208(4):697-705 (SCI收錄)
Yangguang Shao, Jun Lu, Guoping Zhang, Chunyan Liu, and Baiqu Huang , 2005, Histone acetyltransferase p300 promotes the activation of human WT1 promoter and intronic enhancer. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 436(1):62-68 (SCI收錄)
Fen Li, Jun Lu, Qiuju Han, Guoping Zhang, and Baiqu Huang, 2005, The Elp3 subunit of human Elongator complex is functionally similar to its counterpart in yeast. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 273(3):264-272 (SCI收錄)
Jun Lu, Haijing Sun, Xiuli Wang, Chunyan Liu, Xin Xu, Fen Li, Baiqu Huang, 2005, Interleukin-12 p40 promoter activity is regulated by the reversible acetylation mediated by HDAC1 and p300. Cytokine 3(1):46-51(SCI收錄)
Xiaoxue Li, Jun Lu, Yanmei Zhao, Baiqu Huang, 2005, Ras protein participated in histone acetylation-mediated cell cycle control in Physarum polycephalum. Chinese Science Bulletin 50(16):1721-1725(SCI收錄)
Xiaoxue Li, Jun Lu, Hui Sun, Yanmei Zhao, Xiuli Wang, Dan Tao, Baiqu Huang, 2005, Function of c-Fos-like and c-Jun-like proteins on TSA-inced G2/M arrest in Physarum polycephalum. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 37(11):767-772(SCIE收錄)
Chunyan LIU, Jun LU, Lin LI, Jiang TAN, Yangguang SHAO, Baiqu HUANG, 2004, Coactivator CBP/p300 increased the activity of C/EBP-mediated human interleukin-5 gene promoter. Chinese Science Bulletin 49(6):574-578 (SCI收錄)
Min Wei, Guihua Tai, Yanguang Gao, Na Li, Baiqu Huang, Yifa Zhou, Shui Hao, and Xianlu Zeng, 2004, Modified heparin inhibit P-selectin- mediated cell adhesion of human colon carcinoma cells to immobilized platelets under dynamic flow conditions. Journal of Biological Chemistry 279(28): 29202–29210(SCI收錄)
Haijing Sun, Jun Lu, Xin Xu, Liang Wei, Baiqu Huang, 2004, Reversible histone acetylation/deacetylation modification by p300 and HDAC3 is involved in the regulation of IL-18 promoter activity. Chinese Science Bulletin 49(11):1151-1156 (SCI收錄)
Chunyan Liu, Jun Lu, Jiang Tan, Lin Li, Baiqu Huang, 2004, Human Interleukin-5 Expression is Synergistically Regulated by Histone Acetyltransferase CBP/p300 and Transcription Factors C/EBP, NF-AT and AP-1. Cytokine 27:93-100 (SCI收錄)
Haijing Sun, Jun Lu, Liang Wei, Xiuli Wang, Xin Xu, Mei Dong, Baiqu Huang, 2004, Histone acetyltransferase activity of p300 enhances the activation of IL-12 p40 promoter. Molecular Immunology 41:1241-1246 (SCI收錄)
Xiaojuan Zhu, Xianlu Zeng , Baiqu Huang, Shui Hao , 2004, Actin is closely associated with RNA polymerase II and involved in activation of gene transcription. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 321: 623-630(SCI收錄)
Zhaoxia Song, Xianlu Zeng, Min Wang, Wenguang Liu, Baiqu Huang, Shui Hao, 2004, Unpolymerized nuclear actin is involved in the activation of CSF-1 gene transcription. Cell Biology International 28:511-516(SCI收錄)
Dan TAO, Jun LU, Hui SUN, Yan-Mei ZHAO, Zhi-Gen YUAN, Xiao-Xue LI, and Bai-Qu HUANG, 2004, Trichrostatin A Extends the Lifespan of Drosophila melanogaster by Elevating hsp22 Expression. Acta Biochemica et Biophysica Sinica 36(9):618-622 (SCIE收錄)
SHAO Yangguang, ZHANG Guoping, LU Jun & HUANG Baiqu , 2004, The structure and functions of transcriptional coactivators p300/CBP and their roles in regulation of interleukin gene expression. Chinese Science Bulletin 49(24):2555-2562 (SCI收錄)
Tao Wei, Huang Baiqu, Liu Chunxiang and Zhai Zhonghe, 2003, In situ visualization of rDNA arrangement and its relationship with subnucleolar structural regions in Allium sativum cell nucleolus. Journal of Cell Science 116 (6):1117-1124 (SCI收錄)
Chen Ting, Sun Hui, Lu Jun, Zhao Yanmei, Tao Dan, Li Xiaoxue and Huang Baiqu, 2002, Histone acetylation is involved in hsp70 gene transcription regulation in Drosophila melanogaster. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 408:171-176 (SCI收錄)
Dong Yuzhu, Liu Zhenlan, Liu Bao, Bu Xiuling, He Mengyuan, Huang Baiqu and Hao Shui, 2002, Microdissection of indivial chromosomes of Thinopyrum intermedium and isolation of molecular markers that are useful in detecting Th. intermedium chromatin introgressed into wheat. Cereal Research Communications 30: 253-260(SCI收錄)
黃百渠,馬煒梁 主編,2001,《高等師范教育面向21世紀教學內容和課程體系改革成果叢書》,生物學分卷,北京師范大學出版社
黃百渠,曾憲錄 主編,2010,《細胞生物學簡明教程》,普通高等教育「十一五」國家級規劃教材,高等教育出版社,北京

10. 趙立群的科研成果

1. Zhao Liqun, Ginting Suka Irwan, Takashi Kondo, Hitoshi Kubota
Acetone-initiated photografting of methacrylic acid on low-density polyethylene film in water solvent
European Polymer Journal,2000,36,1591
2.趙立群 李 剛 牛繼輝 王長松 翟玉春 聚苯胺/順丁橡膠復合導電膜的制備與性能 分子科學學報 2005.21(5),29
3.趙立群 牛繼輝 王長松 翟玉春 聚苯胺/順丁橡膠復合導電膜的制備與性能(Ⅱ)分子科學學報 2006. 22(3)182
4.趙立群 徐禮玲 侯維敏 於智 翟玉春 導電聚苯胺在電流變液中的應用 現代化工, 2004.12
5.趙立群 李剛 田波 谷亞新 翟玉春 聚苯胺導電復合膜研究進展 現



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