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❶ 榮譽證書的英語翻譯 榮譽證書用英語怎麼說


[詞典] [法]certificate of honor




❷ 榮譽證書怎麼翻譯

certificate of honor榮譽證書


Several provinces and cities received honorary certificates reliable proct quality.

❸ 榮譽證書,用英文怎麼說 誰的對,你的呢,剛才寫反了是嗎。 如果是寫****榮譽證書,還要什麼修飾嗎

certificate of honors

❹ 求高人翻譯榮譽證書

Honorary certificate

Comrade XX:
works in 2007, the performance is outstanding, the result is prominent, is evaluated 「the outstanding staff」, issues this card especially, encourages.

Honorary certificate
Comrade XX:
your work attains in 2008 the service class program first prize, issues this card especially, encourages.

❺ 榮譽證書,用英文怎麼說

Honorary certificates

❻ 請問,榮譽證書中的這幾項怎麼翻譯


** Students

Idiopathic this card, a form of encouragement

❼ 榮譽證書翻譯

XXX is honored with"Excellent Postgraate Awards in 2009" for your excellent scores and outstanding performance in every aspect at university. This certificate is hereby awarded to you as an encouragement. Thank you very much!

用graate來表達「優秀畢業生」的回答都不太准確,這里回的畢業生是指答postgraate,而不是研究生,所以「優秀畢業生」最准確的譯法是:Excellence Postgraate Awards,這一點你可以在國外網站里搜索驗證一下是否正確。

❽ 榮譽證書的英文內容

During the year of 2009, because of the excellent performance in working, you are awarded the Star of Quarlity.
Giving you this diploma as the encouragement.

❾ 榮譽證書 英語

Honour certificate

❿ 榮譽證書英文

Honorary Certificate; Certificate of Honour





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