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發布時間:2022-01-20 11:32:20

A. 畢業證怎麼翻譯


Serial No. 0603961281

This Is to certify that Xing Siyang, male, date of birth:30th October 1987, place of birth: Beijing, had completed his junior middle three studies in our school in July 2003. As he has obtained pass grade in the school examination, he is allowed to graate.

Seal of School: Seal of Principal:

Date: 4th July 2003.



B. 法語的結業證書怎麼翻譯

Certificat à la fin d』é抄tude

L'étudiant(如果是女生襲,記得換成étudiante), XXX a suivi le cours «informatique» à notre département, ses notes sont passables. Et elle est permise de terminer ses études.


C. 結業證書內容翻譯

InOctober 2010 in November to hold the 4 th closed the business training campsults, Through the whole course of study and exam,Performance is good, especially the certificate issued.

D. 畢業證書翻譯


E. 畢業證書翻譯

Wang fang sex female student, 19 * * * * * * * * * * * *, born on day, March 2008-2010 July in the instry and commerce management professionals, part-time study specialized curriculum teaching plan, all results, are allowed to be graated.
Headmaster: names:
Certificate Numbers:

F. 「結業證書」用英文怎麼說

"Certificate of completion"

"Certificate of completion"

G. 結業證書英文如何說

結業證書Certificate of Completion
內部審核員結業證書 Certificate of Completion for Internal Auditor

H. 急!!請問「大學本科結業證書」英文怎麼翻譯

Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Graation

I. 結業證書的內容翻譯成英文




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