導航:首頁 > 證書轉讓 > 榮譽證書英語怎麼說


發布時間:2022-01-20 01:35:32

1. 榮譽證書怎麼翻譯

certificate of honor榮譽證書


Several provinces and cities received honorary certificates reliable proct quality.

2. 榮譽證書,用英文怎麼說

Honorary certificates

3. 獎狀用英語怎麼說

外國人通常沒有獎狀這么一說。一般都是什麼什麼什麼榮譽證書啊,什麼專之類的。然後這個什麼證書的英文屬呢,就是certificate 。應該是這個,我不是特別確定有沒有拼寫錯誤,你可以直接查一下證書的英文翻譯。



4. 這個榮譽證書英語怎麼翻譯,急急急,高手幫我啊555555555

Honor Certificate

Student, XXX, was awarded the honor title of "Outstanding Student Leader" ring the academic year 2006 to 2007.

Here is the very certificate as a special sign of encouragement.

5. 榮譽證書英文

Honorary Certificate; Certificate of Honour



6. 求榮譽證書的英文翻譯

... Students,
Department of Business Administration Department of Party branch members, in the year 2015 as cadres of Party branch, serious and responsible, excellent performance, was named "outstanding Party branch cadres" idiopathic this card, as an encouragement

7. 怎麼用英語寫一個榮譽證書

XX students:
XXX was rated as Peking University students in social practice advanced indivials.

XXX University of the Communist Youth League Committee

8. 榮譽證書 英語

Honour certificate

9. 榮譽證書的英文內容

During the year of 2009, because of the excellent performance in working, you are awarded the Star of Quarlity.
Giving you this diploma as the encouragement.

10. 榮譽證書,用英文怎麼說 誰的對,你的呢,剛才寫反了是嗎。 如果是寫****榮譽證書,還要什麼修飾嗎

certificate of honors



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