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發布時間:2022-01-07 19:13:05

A. 勞動成果的英語翻譯 勞動成果用英語怎麼說

works (result) of labor.
This building is the works of labor.

B. 那是我的尺子用英語怎麼說

That's my ruler.那是我的尺子

C. "努力的成果" 用英文表達.....


你要說-- yeah I deserved


D. 那麼我們是不會取得重大建樹的用英語怎麼說

Then we will not make significant achievements

E. 學習成果用英語怎麼說

study outcome

F. 用英語怎麼說:適合做某事和努力的成果 cut out for & fruit (334)

下載音頻開春了,李華和Larry在後院種花種菜。今天我們要學兩個常用語:cut out for和fruit.
LH: Larry, 我說的沒錯吧,種地就是好,既能回歸自然,又能有所收獲。
LL: Uh I’m not sure about that. My back hurts from digging all these holes, and I think some ants have crawled into my pants.
LH: 腰疼?不要緊的,過兩天習慣就好了。而且,就算真有螞蟻爬到你的褲子里也沒有關系,螞蟻不咬人,等一會兒,它自己就爬出來了。
LL: Thanks for the encouragement, Lihua, but I just don’t think I’m cut out for gardening.
LH: Cut out? 我們這才開始育苗,離修枝還遠著呢!
LL: Actually, Lihua, when you say that you’re not cut out for something, it means that you aren’t suited for it.
LH: Larry, 別泄氣,你也不能因為腰疼那麼一小會兒,就徹底排斥室外活動啊。
LL: Well you know, I’m just not cut out for outdoor activities in the spring. There is so much pollen that my allergies get really bad.
LL: You can decide where to put them, Lihua. You know that I’m terrible at art, so I don’t think I’m cut out to be a landscape artist.
LH: 不會景觀設計沒關系,我可以教你!記不記得,當年的麻婆豆腐還是你這個老外教我做的呢!
LL: Oh right, but I don’t think I’m cut out to be a cook either. That mapo doufu was terrible!
LH: 別忘了,熟能生巧,practice makes perfect. 我剛拿到駕照的時候開車簡直就是二把刀,可如今呢,早就是行家了。
LL: To be honest, Lihua, I’m not sure you’re cut out for driving. We get really lost every time you drive the car.
LH:Larry, 那不是迷路,我那是故意帶你轉一圈,欣賞沿途的美景。說到美景,咱們還是趕緊種花吧!******MC:Larry和李華用了整個一個上午的時間,終於把花圃種好了。
LH: 好,Larry, 大功告成。
LL: Yeah sure I hope we can sell some of those tomatoes to pay for a masseuse for my back!
LL: You’re right, Lihua. I have to say, it is nice to look at this beautiful garden and enjoy the fruits of our labor.
LH: Fruits? 果實,那可要等上兩個月,才能吃到嘴裡呢!看來不是裝的,你還真對園藝一竅不通。
LL: Actually, Lihua, the fruits of your labor are the reward you receive from your hard work.
LH: 哦,the fruits of my labor就是指我的勞動成果,並不一定是吃到嘴裡的果實。是啊,忙了大半天,總算可以停下來,欣賞一下這么美麗的園子了。
LL: Exactly! Or if I studied really hard for a test, I could say that the perfect score I received would be the fruits of my labor.
LH: 我以前好象也聽別人這么用過fruit這個詞。
LL: Well, you can also say that something bears fruit, meaning that it proces good results. For instance, I just started working out last week, I will have to wait a few months for all my efforts to bear fruit.
LH: 我看也是,你剛才就挖了兩個樹坑,就累得喘噓噓的,好象跑了馬拉松似的,太缺練了!
LL: Well, Lihua, you will be able to enjoy the fruit of all my labor this summer when we go to the beach and I can show off my muscles.
LH: 好啊,就怕你一直待在屋裡,猛然脫下上衣,一身雪白的肌肉會刺得我睜不開眼睛。
今天李華學了兩個常用語。一個是cut out for, 意思是適合做某事。

G. 哪位幫忙一下 科研成果 用英語怎麼說

scientific achievements

H. (因為這是我的成果,是我付出努力後得到的成果。)用英語怎麼說

Because this is my achievement, which came from my effort.

I. 那是我 用英語怎麼說

It's me !

J. 哪位幫忙一下 科研成果 用英語怎麼說謝謝!

科研成果,英語是:research achievement 。

research 英[rɪˈsɜ:tʃ] 美[rɪˈsɜ:rtʃ]
n. 調查; 探索; 研究,追究; 探討,探測;
vi. 做研究; 探究; (從市場調研中) 得出所預測的結果;
vt. 從事…的研究,為…而做研究;
[例句]She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary

achievement 英[əˈtʃi:vmənt] 美[əˈtʃivmənt]
n. 完成,達到; 成就,成績;
[例句]Reaching this agreement so quickly was a great achievement



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