導航:首頁 > 證書轉讓 > 緬因有證書嘛


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1. 緬因州的cpa和紐約州的cpa有什麼區別




◆ 學士學位及以上;

◆ 總學分要求:要求必須滿足120個總學分;

◆ 會計學分要求:15個會計學分,包含3分審計;

◆ 無商業學分要求;






工作經驗(Work Experience)

◆ 需要二年的會計工作經驗;

◆ 上司CPA簽字;


◆ 需要SSN;

◆ 無最低年齡要求;


Option 1 (120 licensure requirement): If you applied for licensure and completed your ecation prior to August 1, 2009, you must meet one of the following:

Completed a registered 120 program approved by NYSED (CPA Examination Services reviews ecation. Complete Registered Program Form), or

Completed a bachelor』s degree with a major in accounting from a school accredited in accounting by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB). (CPA Examination Services reviews ecation,) or

Completed a bachelor』s or higher degree and a minimum of 120 semester hours in the following areas:

24 semester hours in accounting to include each of the following:

Financial accounting,

Cost accounting,


Audit and attestation, and

21 semester hours in business and accounting,

6 semester hours (or 4 semester hours at the graate level) in business law,

6 semester hours in finance,

3 semester hours in statistics, and

6 semester hours in economics.

Option 2 (120 sit rule): If you did not apply for licensure prior to August 1, 2009, or if you completed your ecation after August 1, 2009 and want to sit before completing 150 semester hours, you must meet each of the following:

120 semester hours of college level ecation;

A course covering each of the following:

Financial accounting,

Cost or management accounting,


Audit and attestation.

Option 3 (150 licensure requirement): If you applied for licensure or completed your ecation after August 1, 2009 and have completed 150 semester hours, you must meet one of the following:

Completed a registered 150 program approved by NYSED (CPA Examination Services reviews ecation. Complete Registered Program Form), or

Completed a master』s degree with a major in accounting from a school accredited in accounting by AACSB (CPA Examination Services reviews ecation), or

Completed a bachelor』s or higher degree and a minimum of 150 semester (225 quarter) hours in college level ecation to include the following:

33 semester (49.5 quarter) hours in accounting to include each of the following:

Financial accounting,

Cost accounting,


Audit and attestation,

Accounting research, and

36 semester (54 quarter) hours in general business.

Note: The following two subjects: Communications and Ethics and Responsibilities, are required and may come from accounting or business.

Option 4: Fifteen years of public accounting experience acceptable to the State Board for Public Accountancy may be substituted for ecation for the admission to the examination. This experience must be earned under the direct supervision of a U.S. certified public accountant or a New York State public accountant, involve the application of U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and generally accepted auditing standards(GAAS), and contain substantial exposure to auditing and financial statement preparation. The New York State Ecation Department reviews experience (Complete Form 4 – Applicant Experience Record and Form 4B – Verification of Experience by Supervisor).

All official transcripts and/or foreign evaluations must be submitted to CPAES at the time of application.

Applicants who have submitted a licensure application, licensure fee and completed their ecation prior to August 1, 2009, but do not apply for the examination until after this date, can still sit for the examination under the 120 hour rule.

2. 緬因貓證書需要多少錢

3. 買了一隻緬因貓但是沒有父母血統證書,求鑒定


4. 我想問一下這個是緬因貓嗎


5. 緬因貓種公有看上的嗎,血統證書丟失


6. 緬因好少呀 有好的緬因賣家嘛


7. 在國外買的緬因貓必須節育後才能空運回國嗎

不需要呀 ,我之前在麥塔買的緬因就沒有絕育呀,還帶證書,服務也好

8. 想買緬因貓,1萬一隻帶證書,大家幫忙看看哪只好

大兄弟 沒圖咋看呀??我朋友在麥塔買的,品相很好 ,服務也很到位 你可以看看

9. 緬因貓壽命有多長



總體來說,貓跟狗的壽命差不多,10歲的貓就相當於人的70古來稀了! 但是現在大家對貓咪的養護越來越專業,不乏一些長壽的貓咪出現,比如新聞報道英國一隻貓咪活到33歲,相當於人類的231歲,簡直就是貓咪界里的奇跡。




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