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㈠ 股權轉讓書求大神翻譯!!英譯漢


㈡ 股權轉讓協議書範本 請高手翻譯成英文


『A』 Company』s Equity Assignment Agreement dated as of __________, 2008, by and between
G Company, the Assignor
P Company, the Assignee

A公司 是由 G公司 投資設立的一家外資企業。 A公司 在杭州市工商行政管理局登記,投資總額為XX萬美元,注冊資本為XX萬美元。現經轉讓方與受讓方友好協商,在平等互利,協商一致的基礎上,達成協議如下:
『A』 Company, a foreign-funded company, was established with investment from G Company. 『A』 Company was registered in the Administrative Bureau for Instry and Commerce of Hangzhou with a registered capital of USD xxx, the total paid up capital is USD xxx.
Whereas, the Assignor desires to sell and assign the equity interests of 『A』 Company, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from the Assignor, the legal ownership of 『A』 Company's shares. Now, therefore, after amicable negotiation, the parties hereby agree as follows:

1.1、 G公司,法定地址:_________________;法定代表人:________;職務:__________;國籍:_________。
1. Basic particulars of the Assignor and Assignee
The Assignor:
G Company』s official address:_________________________;
Legal representative:_____________
Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________
The Assignee:
P Company』s official address:_________________________;
Legal representative:_____________
Position:______________________________; Nationality:____________________________________

2.1、 G公司 將其所持 A公司 的全部股份,轉讓給 P公司,轉讓價格為__________,支付幣種為_______。
2. The price and percentage of the equity interests assigned
2.1 G Company is to assign all its shares of 『A』 Company to P Company at a cost of _____________, to be paid in the currency of _______________.

3.1、本協議由審批機構批准後生效,受讓方將第二條約定的轉讓款項自營業執照變更後 一個月內 繳付給出讓方。
3. Closing date and mode of the equity assignment
This Agreement shall become effective after the approval by the relevant endorsing authority,and the Assignee has paid the assignment fee specified in Clause 2 to the Assignor within one month after the successful change of registration of the business license.

4.2、上述股權轉讓後,受讓方承認原 A公司 的合同、章程及附件,願意履行並承擔原轉讓方在 A公司 中的一切權利、義務及責任。
4. Guarantee
4.1 The Assignor hereby guarantees that it has all requisite power, authority and legal capacity to execute and deliver this Agreement, and the equity interests is free from any lien or hypothec, and without any third party recourse. Otherwise, the Assignor shall bear all legal liabilities herein arise.
4.2 After the assignment of the equity interests, the Assignee shall recognize and accept the contracts, memoranm and articles and appendixes of the original 『A』 Company, and shall assume and execute all the rights, obligations and liabilities of the Assignor in 『A』 Company.

5. Creditor and Debtor responsibilities
5.1 After the parties have affixed their signatures on the Agreement, the Assignor shall be free from any liabilities of 『A』 Company and benefit no more from the earnings of 『A』 Company; the Assignee shall receive the unappropriated profits, inclusive of contributed surplus, retained earnings, reserve funds before the assignment and the profits after the assignment.
5.2 After the parties have affixed their signatures on the Agreement, the Assignee shall receive the profits and assume the risks and loss in proportion to the equity share of 『A』 Company ( including the debts and credits before the assignment).

6. Expenses
6.1 All the expenses incurred in relation to the execution of this Agreement shall be absorbed by the Assignee.

7.1、原出讓方委派的董事會成員自動退出 A公司,改由受讓方委派。
7. The appointment of directors
7.1 The original directors appointed by the Assignor shall resign automatically and be replaced by directors appointed by the Assignee.

8. Breach of Agreement
8.1 In the event of the Assignee does not effect payment within the stipulated time specified in Clause 3, the Assignee shall pay to the Assignor a penalty sum of 1% of the assignment amount for every overe month, if the breach exceeds three months, the Assignor reserves the right to terminate this Agreement and demands indemnification, other than the penalty sum from the Assignee.

9. Governing law and dispute resolution
9.1 This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the People』s Republic of China.
9.2 In the event of any dispute, claim, question or difference arises with respect to this Agreement or its performance or enforcement, the parties will use their reasonable efforts to attempt to settle such dispute amicably; if the parties cannot resolve the dispute, then it shall be resolved by the China International Trade Arbitration Commission based on the prevailing arbitration rules. The award of the arbitrators will be final and binding as to all parties; the losing party shall bear all the arbitration costs.

10. Rights of the unassigned party
10.1 The unassigned party voluntarily waives the priority rights on the assigned shares of the Assignor and agrees to the assignment in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

11.1、此協議經出讓、受讓各方正式簽署後報原審批機關批准後生效。本協議一式 五 份,協議各方各執一份,A公司一份,報審批、登記機關各一份。
11. Binding effect and other matters
11.1 This Agreement shall become effective after the Assignor and the Assignee have affixed their signatures on it and approved by the relevant endorsing authority. This Agreement is in quintuplicate, the Assignor, the Assignee, 『A』 Company, the endorsing authority and the registration department shall hold one each.

出讓方: 受讓方:
______________公司(蓋章簽字): ____________公司(蓋章簽字):

法定代表人: 法定代表人:
In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by their respective ly authorized officers, as of the date first written above.
The Assignor:

_____________( signature and seal of the company)

Legal Representative:________________________

The Assignee:

_____________( signature and seal of the company)

Legal Representative:______________________

註: 英文協議的簽訂日期是寫在開頭的。

㈢ 翻譯股權轉讓協議英語


Unless otherwise defined in this agreement and any reference to legislation, the following terms and expressions will have the following meanings:

1. Shareholder Rights:
Given the Transferor has subscribed to the registered capital of the Corporation and is a registered shareholder on the corporate record, "Shareholder Rights" means the benefit of all rights attached or accruing to the registered capital pursuant to the laws of P.R. China and the Articles of Association of the Corporation.

2. Registered Capital:
"Registered Capital" means the total amount of the paid-up capital contributions of all shareholders of the Corporation as registered with the company registration authority.

3. The Transaction:
The "Transaction" means the assignment and transfer of 25% equity interest in the Corporation, which is a Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture established pursuant to the laws of China, beneficially owned by the Transferor in favour of the Transferee.

4. Governing Laws and Regulations:
"Governing Laws and Regulations" means all laws and regulations adopted by the Government of People's Republic of China and all codes, practices and obligations imposed by all applicable governing authorities, in writing or other forms, prior to and including the effective date of this Agreement, including but not limited to Companies Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Sino-foreign Equity Joint Ventures, the Implementation Rules for Law of the People』s Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Equity Joint Ventures, etc.


1. Party B shall assign and transfer unto Party A the 25% equity interest in the Corporation, which is a Sino-Foreign Equity Joint Venture established pursuant to the laws of China, beneficially owned by Party B.

2. The transfer of ownership of the Purchased Equity Interest shall be effective as of the ___ date of _____, 20__.


㈣ 股權轉讓 翻譯

Stockholder's rights transfer



㈤ 一份很短的關於股權轉讓的英文翻譯幫忙核對一下是否准確,謝謝!

第二句,cooperative relations 直接改為cooperation,個人意見,還有一點, the 3.96% stocks 前面的the 可以去掉。


㈥ 有段股權轉讓協議,請高手幫助翻譯成中文,謝謝

所有的應收賬款是反映在資產負債表或資產負債表關閉或會計帳簿及記錄Schaerer作為美國的代表截止日期或將有效的義務,從銷售實際或服務的實際完成Schaerer在美國普通課程。所有應收帳款作為的截止日期是當前和收藏凈各自的外匯儲備將顯示在閉幕資產負債表(儲備充足和計算符合過去的慣例所規定的資產負債表) 。沒有競賽,索賠,國防或抵銷權,收益以外的其他正常經營過程中,任何合同項下的任何賬戶債務人的應收賬款涉及的金額或有效性的應收賬款等。 Schale 4.26包含一個完整和准確的名單,所有應收賬款截止日期的資產負債表。
4.27 Emplovees
(一) Schaerer美國是物質的人遵守法律尊重勞動,就業,公平就業的做法,僱用條款和條件,對工人的賠償,職業安全,關閉工廠和工資和小時。條款及集體談判協議,也沒有工會已經證明代表任何企業員工繼續,或已申請代表或正在試圖組織,以便噸員工代表等。
( b )每一養老金計劃(定義第3節( 2 )雇員退休收入保障法1974年修訂( 「雇員退休收入保障法」 ) )保持或由賣方的利益,企業員工繼續是打算合格的根據第401 (一)退休金計劃是合格的,沒有事實或存在的情況下將產生不利影響的合格的地位,退休金計劃的形式或操作。沒有養老金計劃保持塞勒斯規定的前提下,第四章的雇員退休收入保障法,所需資金412科法或者是multiemployer計劃所規定的賣方的利益,企業員工繼續在所有重大方面遵守的規定,雇員退休收入保障法,該法,所有法律。
(三) Schaerer美國已沒有任何書面遣散的政策和業務的雇員。

㈦ 請幫忙翻譯這份股權轉讓協議和合同

Equity Assignment Agreement

Assignor:AA Real Estate Company Limited
Assignee: Mr. BB 【這兩句可以忽略】

This Equity Assignment Agreement, dated xx xx, 200x, is made by and between AA Real Estate Company Limited (Assignor) and Mr. BB (Assignee).
Whereas, the Assignor is the legal holder of 21.79% equity interests in CC Company Limited (valued at Rmb 4.39 million). The Assignor now desires to sell and assign, and the Assignee desires to acquire and accept assignment from Assignor, a portion of the 21.79 % equity interests it holds in CC Company Limited, which is 6.78% and the purchase price amounts to One Million Three Hundred and Ninety Thousand RMB(¥1,390,000.00).
The Assignor』s obligated liability in CC Company Limited before the assignment shall be the liability of Assignee after the closing of this transaction.
(With immediate effect, the Assignor shall no longer be entitled to any shareholder benefits from CC Company, and the Assignee shall assume all the relevant credits and debts.)【這句意思不清晰。只轉讓31%,就將CC公司的全部股東權利轉讓?】

Certificate of Assignment of Equity Interests

This is to certify that on the xx day of xx, 200x, AA Real Estate Company Limited had received from Mr. BB, a cash payment amounting to One Million Three Hundred and Ninety Thousand RMB(¥1,390,000.00), being the transaction payment for the assignment of 6.78% equity interests in CC Company Limited.


㈧ 「股權轉讓協議」翻譯成英文怎麼說


㈨ 股權轉讓 翻譯成英文


Equity Transfer




㈩ "股權轉讓"用英語怎麼說

transfer of shareholding, stock/share transfer



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