導航:首頁 > 小說推薦 > 多兒昨天在電影院嗎英文翻譯


發布時間:2024-08-15 11:10:11

Ⅰ 英文翻譯

near the night,i used to walk around the lake and visit the shopping mall.
it's supermarket in the ground where there are caller vegetables in the morning, whose price is half chipper than the food market.
in the ground floor, make-up and shoes are in sail.
in the second floor,it usually makes a 30% discounts which you could find in the unti-seasons. if you were a vip to the market ,you can earn a 50% discount on sale.
in the third floor, it sales men's suit and children's clothes.
in the forth floor, it sales bedding and offers meals. i prefer fairly a Japanese cooking restaurant where i used to go there taking a nap with my friends.
5th and 6th floor will operate a cinema which will hold a hyper-screen in south beijing. unfortunately you can not go there before its opening ceremony until 10 days later.
all the waiter or waitress will solve your problems with a smiling face instead of a dreary one.therefore i have been there for a long time.



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