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發布時間:2023-12-31 21:34:52



1. Arrive at the cinema

"Arrive at the cinema"是描述到達電影院最常用的表達方式。這個短語直接翻譯了"到達電影院",並且在英語中非常常見和自然。例如:

- We arrived at the cinema just in time to catch the movie.

- What time will you arrive at the cinema?

2. Reach the movie theater

"Reach the movie theater"也是一個常見的表達方式。這個短語更強調到達目的地,而不僅僅是到達電影院的大門。例如:

- After a long journey, we finally reached the movie theater.

- How long does it take to reach the movie theater from here?

3. Get to the cinema

"Get to the cinema"是一個更口語化的表達方式,常用於日常對話中。這個短語的使用頻率很高,讓人感到親切自然。例如:

- I usually take the bus to get to the cinema.

- Hurry up, we need to get to the cinema before the movie starts.

4. Arrive at the movie house

"Arrive at the movie house"是一個較為正式的表達方式,更適用於正式場合或書面語。這個短語中的"movie house"指的是電影院,更強調電影院作為一個觀影場所。例如:

- We were excited when we arrived at the movie house.

- The movie house was packed with people.

5. Get to the theater

"Get to the theater"是一個通用的表達方式,可以用於描述到達電影院或戲劇院等場所。這個短語在英語中常用於描述前往各種表演場所。例如:

- After a long walk, we finally got to the theater.

- Is it easy to get to the theater from the city center?





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