導航:首頁 > 無形資產 > ppa攤銷


發布時間:2022-02-11 10:12:28

A. 財務管理中ppa是什麼意思


這是一個會計財務管理范疇的詞語。收購價格分攤(Purchase Price Allocation,PPA) 收購價格分攤是指會計准則規定的非同一控制下企業合並成本在取得的可辨認資產、負債和或有負債之間的分配。




B. 求中英文會計分錄對照,謝謝

Accounting entity 會計主體
Accounting equation 會計平衡式
Accounting framework 會計框架
Accounting period concept 會計期間概念
Accounts 賬戶
Accounts payable 應付賬款
Accounts receivable 應收賬款
Accrual basis for accounting 權責發生制
Accrual concept 應計概念
Accumulated depreciation 累計折舊
Acid test ratio 速動比率
Activity ratios 效率比率
Activity-based costs systems 作業成本制度
Allowance for bad debts 壞賬准備
Allowance for doubtful accounts 不良壞賬准備
Amortization of bond discount 債券折價攤銷
Amortization of bond premium 債券溢價攤銷
Amortized (被)攤銷
Asset turnovers 資產周轉率
Assets 資產
Average-cost method 平均成本法

Bad debts 壞賬
Balance sheet 資產負債表
Bonds 債券
Bookkeeping 會計循環
Burden 製造費用

Capital stock 股本
Capital surplus 股本溢價
Capitalizing retained earnings 存留收益資本比
Cash 現金
Cash and temporary investments 現金及短期投資
Cash basis for accounting 收付實現制
Cash discount 現金折扣
Cash equivalents 准現金
Chunky costs 步增成本
Conditional liability 或有負債
Conservatism Concept 穩健概念
Consistency Concept 一致性概念
Contra asset 抵消資產
Contribution margin 邊際貢獻
Control account 總賬賬戶
Corporation 公司
Cots accounting 成本會計
Cost concept 成本概念
Cost drivers 成本動因
Cost method 成本法
Cost objects 成本對象
Cost of goods sold 銷貨成本
Cost of sales 銷售成本
Cost pools 成本匯集對象
Credit 貸方(貸記)
Current liabilities 流動負債
Current portion of long-term debt 長期負債中的流動部分
Current ratio 流動比率

Days´ receivables 應收賬款周轉天數
Debit 借方(借記)
Debt ratio 負債比率
Declining balance depreciation 余額遞減折舊法
Deferred credits 遞延貸項
Deferred taxes 遞延稅
Depletion 折耗
Depreciable cost 應計折舊成本
Depreciation 折舊
Direct costs 直接成本
Discount 折扣
Dividend payout 股利分發(率)
Dividend yield ratio 股利對股票市價的比率
Double entry 復式記賬
Du pont model 杜邦模型

Earnings per share 每股收益
Effective interest rate 實際利率
Entity concept 會計主體概念
EPS 每股收益
Equities 權益
Equity method 權益法
Esperanto 通用語言
Expense center 費用中心

FIFO (First-in first-out) 先進先出法
Financial performance 財務業績中心
Fixed assets 固定資產
Foreign currency translation 外幣折算

GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles)公認會計准則
General ledger 總分類賬
Going concern 持續經營
Goodwill 商譽
Gross margin 毛利

Income statement 收益表
Indirect costs 間接成本
Insolvent 無償債能力
Inventory 存貨
Average-cost method 平均成本法
First-in ,first-out (FIFO) 先進先出法
Last-in ,first-out (LIFO) 後進先出法
Inventory cost flows 存貨成本流轉
Inventory turnover 存貨周轉率
Investment centers 投資中心

Journal 日記賬

Last-in ,first-out (LIFO) 後進先出法
Ledger 分類賬
Lessee 承租人
Less or 出租人
Leverage 杠桿
Leveraged buyout 杠桿買斷(杠桿收購)
Liabilities 負債
Liability 負債(責任)
Current and noncurrent 流動與非流動(法)
Long-term debt 長期負債
Long-term debts 長期負債

Marketable securities 易變現證券
Matching concept 配比概念
Materiality concept 重要性概念
Mergers 吸收合並
Minority interest in subsidiaries 少數股東權益
Money measurement concept 貨幣計量概念

Net earnings 凈利潤
Net income 凈收益
Noncurrent liability 非流動負債
Nonvariable costs 不變成本
Normal operating cycle 正常的營業周期
Notes receivable 應收票據

Operating expenses 營業費用
Operating income 營業收入
Overhead cost 製造費用(間接費用)

Paid-in-capital in excess of par 超面額繳入資本
Partnership 合夥
PE (Price earnings ratio) 市贏率
Percentages-of-completion method 完工百分比法
Postretirement benefits 養老金(退休金)
Premium 溢價
Prepaid expenses 預付費用
Prevailing market interest rate 通行市場利率
Proct guarantees 產品擔保
Profit center 利潤中心
Profit margin 邊際利潤
Profitability ratios 獲利性比率
Proprietorship 業主權益
Proven 驗證

Quick assets 速動資產

Realization concept 實現概念
Realized 已實現(的)
Recognition concepts 確認概念
Reconciliations 對賬
Resial income 剩餘收益
Responsibility centers 責任中心
Retained earnings 存留收益
Return on assets (ROA) 資產報酬率
Return on equity (ROE) 權益報酬率
Return on invested capital (ROIC) 長期資本報酬率
Return on investment (ROI) 投資報酬率
Revenue recognition 收入確認
Revenue recognition rule 收入確認規則
Revenues 收入

Salvage value 殘值
Semi variable costs 半變動成本
Solvency ratios 償債能力比率
Special journal 特種日記賬
Specific identification system 個別認定法
Stated value 設定價值
Statement of cash flows 現金流量表
Statement of changes in financial position 財務狀況變動表
Statement of earnings 盈餘表
Statement of financial position 財務狀況表
Statement of income 收益表
Step-function costs 階梯式成本
Stock distribution 股票發行
Stock dividends 股票股利
Stock splits 股票分割
Stockholder ´s equity 所有者權益
Straight-line depreciation 直線折舊法
Subsidiary ledger 明細分類賬
Sum-of-years ´ digits method 年數總和法

T account T字形賬戶
Takeovers 接管
Times interest earned 利息保障倍數
Treasury stock 庫藏股票
Trial balance 試算表

Unearned revenue 未實現收入

Variable costs 變動成本
Variances 差異

Working capital turnover 營運資本周轉率

Yield 收益率



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