⑴ 急求一篇英文的投訴信,必須寫到人物服務態度不好,需要他如何改錯,緊急需要,沒有中文範文,獻上50分,
Dear Sir or Madam
I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next semester. I would like to have a single room, because I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient. I am dissatisfied with my present roommate because of his inconsiderate behavior. For one thing,his friends are constantly visiting him;for another,he regularly makes calls at night. In addition , he often uses my things without asking for my permission. Under such circumstances,I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies,and I am falling behind in my assignments. I believe you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from these kinds of distractions. I would be very grateful if you could arrange a single room for me,preferably not in the same building.
Sincerely yours,
Tom Williams
⑵ 寫封英語投訴商店員工的信
To whom it may concern,
For several weeks I have experienced such rude treatment from one of your tellers that I refuse to tolerate it any longer. Each time I try to make a transaction through Ms. Fish, she acts as though I were an annoyance. In one instance, she said she has "no patience in dealing with such petty transactions."
I trust that you will speak to her about polite customer service. If she continues to have this attitude, I will move my accounts to another bank. Customers are not an annoyance; we are the ones who pay her salary.
⑶ 英語翻譯遇到投訴時,客服人員要清楚該怎樣處理請勿用
When a complaint is made, customer staff should know clearly how to deal with and respond.
⑷ 消費者投訴你的員工無禮的行為,你需要寫信道歉的英語作文
I am so sorry about my employee's rude heavier. He has got his lesson and be told to change his job into the toliet, and madam, you will never see this guy in our store when you are looking for a nice dress to buy. Along with this 1,000$ dollars gift, please forget this bad memory and move on, embressing our happy future.
Manager of Spring Dress Store
⑸ 如何妥善處理員工投訴的有效方法
一、處理流程 第一步:受理投訴 1. 認真仔細地了解投訴要點 2. 分析對方的投訴態度 3. 傾聽對方的可接受方式 4. 做好投訴記錄 負責部門已經獲悉投訴內容,著手處理,建立適宜的溝通渠道,避免因無人接招,導致投訴方擴大投訴區域。 第二步:了解投訴動機 第三步:投訴調查 1、 不要先關注誰對誰錯,應對事不對人。在事情沒有調查清楚前,不要發表評判性語句。 2. 關鍵是要找出發生問題的原因,如流程介面、溝通、考核者技能等。 3. 調查中的保密,避免在公共場合或向第三方發表投訴方與被調查者評判性或個人感悟言辭。 第四步:投訴處理 1. 告知產生問題的原因而不是告知誰對誰錯。 2. 告知處理的結果。 3. 告知改進的內容與方式。 二:參考事項 1、細心聆聽員工投訴。這是因為員工所報怨的可能並非那些真正令他們不滿的事情。這樣做有各種原因。例如,某位員工可能不希望具體指出是哪位同事令其不快。因此,她投訴時只是泛泛而談。如果你不能確定員工在談論問題時是否有所顧慮,你可以問他一些能幫你准確找出症結所在的具體問題。2.任何時候都讓員工暢所欲言。有時,僅僅是讓員工敞開心扉來談談自己的感覺就在解決問題的途中前進了一大步。當員工滿腹牢騷地來向你訴說時,你有時可能會有打斷他們的沖動。其實,他們這樣做也是可以理解的。特別是當員工格外激動時,情況尤其如此。你要耐心等待,因為他們最終會停下來。這時,你就有機會提問並找出到底發生了什麼事。相反,如果一上來就開始盤問,員工就可能會採取防禦姿態,這就更難解決問題了。3.有時候,員工一開始就大發雷霆,這時應先給他們做做工作,以便讓他們冷靜下來,然後再開始具體討論他們的不滿。要知道當談話一方火冒三丈的時候,是不會有什麼結果的。實際上,如果員工不消氣的話,你最好請他們冷靜下來之後再來找你。4.在某些交由你處理的問題中,你會發覺員工在向你投訴時有所顧慮,或者在其它一些情況下,即使是員工沒有顯得不安,你自己也覺得他向別人投訴更好些。這時,你可建議員工向其它合適的人投訴,如人事部門或你的上司。這樣做時要注意,不要讓員工覺得你在踢皮球;員工對你建議的人沒有異議。 5. 有時你會希望再考慮,或做些調查看看你是否取得了所有事實,這時千萬別草率處理投訴。但一定要讓員工知道你何時會給他答復。6.在有些情況下,你可能會希望員工向你請教怎樣解決問題。實際上,制定解決方案的時候,員工的參與程度越高,他對投訴和處理結果感到滿意的可能性就越大。7.任何時候都要搞清楚投訴一方是否也有責任,特別是當投訴涉及對其他員工的抱怨時更應如此,需要的話,不妨在試圖解決問題前聽聽雙方的意見。有時,對其他員工的投訴只不過反映了雙方性格不和而已。這時,只要採取些非常簡單的措施就能減輕問題,如改變他們各自的辦公地點以盡量減少他們之間的接觸。8.當員工向你投訴另一員工時,千萬不要憑兩人的相對工作表現就草率得出結論。表面現象並非總是真實的,好員工可能很難相處,有時偷懶的人卻可能因為性格和善而很好相處。9.有時員工會找你解決他那不在你責任范圍之外的煩惱。例如,有兩個員工可能是相互厭惡,其中一個可能出於惡意決定告另一個人的狀。你發覺後,要讓雙方知道,他們相處得怎樣是他們的事,基本與你無關。你應關心的僅僅是,他們之間的矛盾是否影響到整個部門的良好運行。你要做的太多了,你無暇裁決他們之間的惡意爭斗。
⑹ 一篇關於公司對員工不好,員工投訴要求公司道歉的英語作文
interview promote the communication between the recruiter and the applicator. It help the applicator know more about the company』s policy ,such as the salary,the welfare.At the same time the recruiter also know what the applicator want . Generally speaking,job interview do favor not only for the recruiter but also for the applicator.
⑺ 鄰幾怎麼投訴員工
第一步:受理投訴1. 認真仔細地了解投訴要點2. 分析對方的投訴態度3. 傾聽對方的可接受方式4. 做好投訴記錄5. 明確告知反饋時間。尤其是收到匿名投訴群發郵件。可以...
⑻ 投訴類英語作文100個單詞左右
a complaining letter
Dear Sir,
I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of your staff member.I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation: I had been overcharged for two overseas calls.
However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude.For one thing she interrupted me continually, for another she even said that the fault was my own.Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable.
I would like to suggest that the girl in question should be disciplined, and instructed on the proper way to deal with clients.And I hope she can make formal apology to me.
An early response will be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,